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NAMES: _________________________________________________DATE: ____________,2020

I. Complete the questions with the correct auxiliary verb in the simple present and answer
them according to the reading.

Karla and John work at a drugstore. John is a drug seller. They start to work every
day at 8:00 am. He drives to work 1He finishes work every day at 6:00 pm. She is
living very close to the drugstore. She walks to work every day. 2her friends Tom
and Sara are also working at the drugstore. But, 3they do not live close to 4there.
They start working at 9:00 am.  At the drugstore, John is the regent.5 He helps all
the workers and tells6 them what to do.  He likes 7his job.  He is also very good at
his job. All the workers like John, and 8they say good morning to 9him when
they come to work. John likes to talk and makes 10them feel happy. Karla, John,
Tom and Sara really like their job.

1. Where _______ Karla and John work?

2. What time _______ Karla finish work?

3. _____ Tom and Sara live close to the drugstore?

4. What time______ Tom and Sara star working?

5. _________ John walk to work?

II. The underlined words in the paragraph refer to:

1. he:

4. there:  

6. them:  

7. his:

9. him:
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb: go, work, eat, buy, write

1. Dani to work every day.

2. She is __________________ in a drugstore
3. We ___________________pizza yesterday.
4. They __________________ a drugstore some day!
5.  Lili _________________ the medicines report tomorrow.

IV: Organize the sentences:

1. Saturday she to the went university last

2. hobby television is favorite watching my

3. will students report the do their pharmacy?

4. to he six work at o’clock his went yesterday.

5. are you do Friday what to going next?

V. Choose the best option to complete the sentences in the future.

1. Mary _________ work in a drugstore someday.

a. will
b. is going to
c. going to

2. Charles _________ to Bogota tomorrow

a. is going to travel
b. did travel
c. will travel

3. What _____ he _________ do this weekend?

a. are                         going to
b. is                            going to
c. be                           going to

4. __________ Carlos and Mary study pharmacy at the University of Tolima?

a. is
b. are
c. will
5. Mary _____________ study this Saturday.
a. will going to
b. will
c. is going to

VI. Choose the best option to complete the sentences.

1. ________ book over here is very good!

a. those b. this c. that

2. The book is ________ the desk

a. on b. a c. an

3. She ____________ at the University of Tolima.

a. does study b. studies c. study

4. Peter and Jhon are with ___________ friends at home.

a. your b. his c. their

5. whose is this?
a. It is Kely’s pharmacy book b. It is Kely c. of Kely´s

6. The car over there is _________

a. my b. me c. mine

7. Is his birthday______ February?

a. in b. on c. at

8. Do you want ______ coffee?

a. many b. some c. a few

9. ___________ many people in the drugstore.

a. There is b. There are c. are there

10. ____________ water do you drink a day?

a. How much b. How many c. Much

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