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Examination Expected Outcomes for Cervical Facet restriction C2 (R Rot Restriction)

Step 1. Gait – restricted movement in neck/shoulder region, perhaps tensing traps and cervical
muscles in way of guarding.

Step 2. AROM – Flexion normal, Ext slightly restricted, R Rot restricted and pain, L R normal, L Lat flex
slight restriction, R lat flex normal.

Step 3. PROM – Same results as AROM

Step 4. Static Palp – on static palp slight swelling is found around C2 region as well as palpable heat.
Tender on palpation of C2 SP. Surrounding musculature tight in trapezius/scalenes.

Step 5. Special Tests

- Cervical Compression +ve localised pain at joint

- Cervical distraction +ve decreased pain
- O’donaghues -ve
- Spurlings test +ve localised pain
- Jacksons compression test +ve
- Dejerines and valsalve -ve
- Shoulder dep -ve

Step 6. SMR

Upper Limb Sensory – Slight sensory deficit on regional dermatomes for C2

Upper limb motor – weakness on motor for C2 +ve

Upper Limb Reflexes – all appear normal at 2+


Examination Expected Outcomes for Cervical Muscle sprain

Step 1. Gait – restricted movement in neck/shoulder region, perhaps tensing traps and cervical
muscles in way of guarding.

Step 2. AROM – restriction on all movements, pain increased on rotation especially noted and lat
flexion to one side.

Step 3. PROM – Same results as AROM

Step 4. Static Palp – on static palp slight swelling found over musculature and tenderness on palp. No
noticed restriction at facet joint

Step 5. Special Tests

- Cervical Compression -ve

- Cervical distraction -ve
- O’donaghues +ve
- Spurlings test -ve
- Jacksons compression test +ve possible
- Dejerines and valsalve -ve
- Shoulder dep +ve

Step 6. SMR

Upper Limb Sensory – no deficit

Upper limb motor – no deficit

Upper Limb Reflexes – no deficit


Examination Expected Outcomes for migraine

Step 1. Gait – restricted movement in neck, patient may generally look unwell and show sensitivity to
light. May feel nauseous.

Step 2. AROM – No obvious restriction

Step 3. PROM – No obvious restriction

Step 4. Static Palp – on static palp just generalised pain with more severe in temple region, patient
discomfort obvious

Step 5. Special Tests

- Cervical Compression possible false +ve

- Cervical distraction possible false +ve
- O’donaghues possible false +ve
- Spurlings test possible false +ve
- Jacksons compression test possible false +ve
- Dejerines and valsalve +ve
- Shoulder dep possible false +ve
- Test for sensitivity to light +ve
- MRI +ve for migraines

Step 6. SMR

Upper Limb Sensory – no deficit

Upper limb motor – no deficit

Upper Limb Reflexes – no deficit

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