Closing Statement

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

Today, you heard from Chance Oxford who testified of Mr. Halsey’s discontentment with
the boy’s knowledge of his illicit activities at Jason’s Fleece. They knew too much. Oxford also
saw Mr. Halsey with the very same duffel bag recovered by the authorities to contain heroin with
fingerprints matching Mr. Halsey’s and the murder weapons used to kill both Ernesto Cata and
George Bowlegs.

Rabbi Isadora testified of Mr. Halsey’s “morbid fascination” with the Salamobia kachina,
which if you remember LGOTJ is the same costume known to have been worn by the killer of
Ernesto Cata. As the story of the Salamobia goes, the kachina is only seen right before one dies.
Knowing this, Halsey commented in one of his discussions with Rabbi Isadora that it would be a
great way to scare Zuni children. Would it be reasonable to say that if you had been desperate to
make sure two young boys wouldn’t talk about your illegal operation that you would require a
way to scare them into submission? How does the circumstance of Ernesto Cata’s death match
up so well with the story of the Salamobia? If you remember the Salamobia decapitates those
that anger the entity. Why would you joke about using someone's sacred religion to scare kids?

Next, you heard from FBI Agent Chris O'Malley. He clearly stated three facts. 1. Mr.
Halsey was unaccounted for from 3:45 PM until late the next morning, Saturday, December 5th.
The timeframe in which Lieutenant Leaphorn was shot with a hypodermic dart. 2. He saw Mr.
Halsey in the crowd at Shalako- the event where George Bowlegs was killed. and 3. Weapons
matching those fitting the ones used to kill Ernesto Cata and George Bowlegs were found on Mr.
Halsey's property. This is a big problem for our defendant. For one thing, the hypodermic dart
was a trap set for George Bowlegs. Coincidence? I don't think so. Besides, would Mr. Halsey
miss an opportunity to kill the one that got away? If he was willing to set up a trap for George
Bowlegs, I don’t think that when faced with a perfect opportunity to kill Bowlegs, he would pass
this up.

From the defense, you heard from Agent Pat Baker, a well-educated, dedicated agent
working for the federal Drug Enforcement Administration. She believes it is Aaron Halsey who
killed both Ernesto Cata and George Bowlegs. Agent Baker clearly identified a timeline in which
Halsey could have made it from Gallup to Ko-shoo-wah-lah-wah the location where Lieutenant
Leap horn was shot with a hypodermic dart. Agent Baker found the murder weapons with a
legally obtained warrant in Halsey's shed inside the duffel bag Chance Oxford saw Halsey carry
around. Are we to believe that a distinguished officer of the law tampered with evidence, or are
we to face the fact that someone with a known grudge against the boys was found with the
evidence to back up the fact that he eliminated the threat?

Tristan Issacs would have you believe that Professor Chester Reynolds, distinguished in
his field, tampered with his own dig and then proceeded to kill two young boys. First of all, I
would like to ask where is the flint lance tip? How are you, the jury expected to overturn the
evidence the prosecution has put forth when there is no way to back up their claims. How can we
be expected to trust the story put forth when there is no real evidence put forth for you to use.
LAGOTJ, it is up to you to look at the facts, not the alternate theories that the defense would
have you hold onto as fact.

Finally, you heard from Lt. Joe Leaphorn. Lt. Leaphorn's testimony was something to be
desired from an officer of the law. Not only did Lt. Leaphorn remove George Bowlegs' body
from the place where he was shot, putting any evidence that could’ve been presented in front of
the court today in jeopardy, but it is also a violation of the law. Additionally, Lt. Leaphorn
crushed the flint lance tip recovered from George Bowlegs’ offering found by the Lt. and Mr.
Oxford, another vital piece of evidence that cannot be used in this courtroom today. These
careless acts should be proof to you, the jury, that Lt. Leaphorn is unreliable and his actions have
threatened the justice Ernesto Cata and George Bowlegs deserve.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, the burden of proof needed to convict on a criminal
charge is beyond a reasonable doubt. Let me remind you of the two possible charges. First-
degree murder charges require it is proved the boys were killed without lawful jurisdiction, with
malice aforethought, and having been premeditated. Second-degree murder requires only that it
was unlawful and harm was intended.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, we are here today to find the criminal who mercilessly
killed two young boys. What we cannot do, is choose to ignore the signs pointing to Aaron
Halsey. What we can not do is choose to believe that a crooked DEA Agent, complicit criminal
sixteen-year-old runaway, and an unethical, greedy Rabbi would lie and commit a crime in favor
of a murderous, vengeful, renowned professor.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, beyond a reasonable doubt, is conditional on that
“reasonable.” True justice is based upon fact and not fiction, it is based on what happened and
not what-ifs, it is based on motive and not conspiracy.

Remember, LAGOTJ, three can keep a secret if two of them are dead.

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