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1. Procedure text is a text that explain to us how to make something and how to do
something (Teks prosedur adalah teks yang menjelaskan kepada kita bagaimana
membuat sesuatu atau mengerjakan sesuatu)
2. Generic Structure (bagian-bagian dari teks prosedur)
a. Title /goal : Judul teks
b. Tool and material : Bahan dan alat yang digunakan
c. Step : Langkah-langkah pengerjaan/pembuatan
3. Struktur Kalimat yang digunakan dalam teks prosedur adalah kalimat perintah
(Imperative Sentence) dengan pola kalimat :

Verb + Object
Verb Object Indonesian
Clean The bottle Bersihkan botol
Wash The mango Cuci mangga
Turn on The juicer Nyalakan blender
Dry The glass Keringkan gelas
Add Milk Tambahkan susu

4. Jenis Bilangan yang digunakan dalam teks prosedur adalah bilangan bertingkat/Cardinal
 The first : Ke-1
 The second : Ke-2
 The third : Ke-3
 The fourth : Ke-4
 The fifth : Ke-5
 The sixth : Ke-6
5. Contoh Teks Prosedur
Title : how to make a cup of coffee
Materials : coffee, sugar, hot water, cream, milk
Tools : cup, spoon
Steps :

1. Prepare a cup
2. Put coffee into the cup
3. Put sugar into the cup
4. Pour the hot water
5. Stir it
6. Add cream or milk if you like
7. The coffee is ready to serve

Exercise 1
Write the steps below into Indonesian!
1. Insert the card : _________________________
2. Choose the number : _________________________
3. Write the message : _________________________
4. Send the message : _________________________
5. Dry the glass using cloth : _________________________
6. Boil the water : _________________________
7. Add milk : _________________________
8. Stir it : _________________________
9. Peel the mango : _________________________
10. Cut the mango : ______________ng___________
Exercise 1
Write the steps below into Indonesian!
11. Insert the card : _________________________
12. Choose the number : _________________________
13. Write the message : _________________________
14. Send the message : _________________________
15. Write your address : _________________________
16. Dry the glass using cloth : _________________________
17. Boil the water : _________________________
18. Add milk : _________________________
19. Stir it : _________________________
20. Peel the mango : _________________________
21. Cut the mango : _________________________
22. Wash the mango : _________________________
23. Turn on the juicer : _________________________
24. Wait about fifteen minutes : _________________________
25. The mango juice is ready to serve : _________________________
26. Put water, ice and sugar into juicer : _________________________
27. Wash the bottle : _________________________
28. Cut the bottle : _________________________
29. Wrap the bottle : _________________________
30. Dry it : _________________________
31. Pour the hot water : _________________________
32. Turn on the stove : _________________________
33. Wet the glass : _________________________
34. Clean the glass using water : _________________________
35. Mix all the materials : _________________________

Title : how to make a cup of coffee
Materials : coffee, sugar, hot water, cream, milk
Tools : cup, spoon
Steps :

8. Prepare a cup
9. Put coffee into the cup
10. Put sugar into the cup
11. Pour the hot water
12. Stir it
13. Add cream or milk if you like
14. The coffee is ready to serve

1. What is the goal of the procedure text above? : ________________________________

2. What tool does the writer need? : ________________________________

3. What material does the writer need? : ________________________________

4. Does the writer need salt? : ________________________________
5. What is the first step? : ________________________________
6. What is the third step? : ________________________________
7. What is the fourth step? : ________________________________
8. What does the sixth step mean? : ________________________________
9. What does the fifth step mean? : ________________________________
10. What is the conclusion? : ________________________________

Pay attention to the procedure text below!

Title : How to make hot tea
Materials : Warm water, tea bags, and sugar
Steps : Boil a kettle of water
Take the glass and pour warm water into it
Down and pull the tea bags
Add the sugar to the glass
Stir the water slowly to make the water, the sugar, and the tea mixed
The hot tea is ready to serve

Answer the question below base on the procedure text above!

1. What is the title of the text above?
2. How many materials does the writer need?
3. How many materials does the writer need to make it?
4. How many steps are there in the procedure text above?
5. What is the first step mean?
6. Does the writer need cream to make it?
7. What is the second step mean?
8. What is the third step?
9. What does the fifth step mean?

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