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Campaign: Thematic campaign

Brand: Lucas
Campaign Length: Three months

Campaign Overview

Rahimafrooz (RA) is the largest battery manufacturer and marketer of lead-acid batteries in
Bangladesh. It is a full liner company that has the highest types of products available for all
kinds of automotive and appliance requirements. The battery business has sustained a
setback in terms of volume and market share in the last fiscal year. Competition is growing
and is aggressive at trade level by providing trade discount and thereby gaining market share.

It has been long since we touched base with the consumers and established Lucas as THE
brand for battery. The aim of this new thematic communication is to create a brand value for
Lucas on Reliability and Durability platform and build thematic campaign to have a
significant shift in consumer perception. It would be supported by improvement in product
quality and customer service to reiterate the platform. Communication needs to be visible so
that consumer recall on the brand is high and serves as a demand at the time of purchase.

Background of the campaign

RA has maintained a leadership position in the auto battery market for decades and Lucas
has over the years become a generic name for a battery. In the recent times, the brand has
been heavily challenged by competition. RA introduced new Lucas HB CNG in the market and
it is expected to regain the market dominance. As part of the overall campaign to bring back
the RA dominance in the local auto battery market it is imperative that we bring renewed
consumer association through new communication building on the Trust, Reliability and
Durability that Lucas has been delivering over the decades. This new communication is
expected to bring back the consumer confidence on the entire Lucas range upholding brand

Marketing Objectives

• Enhance brand vibrancy of Lucas with focus on youth portraying trickling down effect
of brand loyalty from one generation to next
• Regain MS and strengthen overall market leadership position in local battery business
• Regain consumer confidence and loyalty to enhance brand equity

Communication Strategy

• Highlight RA strength in battery business through product innovation, superior product

• Bring in the legacy the brand has created over the years and used by generations
• Build an emotional rapport with the consumers, position Lucas in the mind of youth as
an ever green brand
• Highlight the strong portfolio of product to meet all types of automotive and appliance

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Used Battery Collection (UBC)
Campaign duration: two weeks

UBC Overview

Used Battery Collection is one of the key activities Rahimafrooz (RA) has undertaken this
year. With this activity RA has to ensure that the batteries sold across the industry come
to an authority that has the needed setup for proper disposal and is willing to pay a price
for the collection. This would also work in a way to collect the lead that is otherwise
hazardous when disposed improperly and RA can make best use of it in order to recycle

UBC offer

The offer would include the following:

• A person returning each of the used battery would be given an amount of money that
was not given before. A price list is given to all the dealer outlets.
• A person returning more than two batteries will be given a discount card. It can be used
in any RA outlets

UBC Objectives

• Create awareness for used battery disposal to the wrong hands.

• Ensure 100% collection of the sold units.
• Bring the dealers to our side so that they give the batteries to RA.
• Establish the price benefit for the surrendered battery.

UBC Communication Strategy

• Bring in the social responsibility related to disposal to the right people.

• Establish RA as the socially responsible company that even offers financial benefit to
the consumer for surrendering the battery.
• Highlight the government law for unlawful disposal and to the wrong people.

Media Vehicle (UBC)

• Print media
• A4 leaflet

Cultural Programs:

Establish Brand awareness with promoting Lucas as a product of Rahimafrooz. Our main
motto is to provide better customer relationship.

Consumer Insight

When you have the right battery equipped for your automobile, you can drive for longer time
without any worries.

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Target Group

The TG is primarily vehicle owners (preferably male) of the SEC A class along with their tech
savvy and informed/aware young children, both concerned about their car/vehicle. They tend
to get misled by their chauffeurs / drivers when the purchase is done in their absence and can
be directed by them if they are truly inclined. They have passion for a good brand and want to
use the best for their vehicle.

Desired Effect on Consumers

• Create confidence on the brand for its superior performance and reliability
• Create aspiration about the brand in the consumer mind especially for youth (who are
generally strivers)
• Create a peace of mind who cares for his family for safety while on the road
• Position Lucas as an ever green brand, bonding generations through its legacy

Establish Consumer Trust

• Strong legacy of the brand that has been used for generations
• The brand has offerings / choice for all vehicle types – the brand is also to be seen as
pioneering innovation in the category
• The best buy for the consumer; establish an essence of value for money
• Instigate “Go by the brand” for the youth segment; the bigger the brand the more you
can rely on it.

Brand Tonality

• Superiority – confident
• Honest
• Happy family
• Vibrant and youthful


TVC: A 40 sec full scale TVC needs to be developed (with 20/30 sec cut down version option)

The central theme of this new communication will be adapted later in RDC, press and all
outdoor communications.

Time Frame

Briefing to agency: April 1

Story board submission April 12
Story board finalization April 28
Cultural event May 1 and 2nd week
UBC Campaign May 3 and 4th week

Briefing to agency: May 16

First plan and Layout: May 20

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Final layout: May 26
Execution: May 27
Print May 28

TVC production: June 1st week

Media break June 2nd week

Total estimated budget is maximum Tk 5.0 million.
UBC – 1 million
TVC- 2.5million
Cultural programs- 1.5 million

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