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Analysis and Design of T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams T-BEAMS Reinforced concrete floors usually consist of slabs and beams, which are placed or poured monolithically. In this effect, eam will have extra width on top (wl usually und ion) called“flanges)Jand the resulting Seamer eae fortScal ree The beam may also be L-shaped if it is located at the end of a slab, ey _— ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF T-BEAMS WITH FLANGE IN COMPRESSION Because of the huge amount of compression.concrete when the flange of a T-beam is in compression, the section’is usally tension-controlled (extreme’tension yields). The compression block of a T-beam may fall within the flange only or partly in the web. If it falls within the flange as shown in Figure 3.1 (a), the rectangular beam formulas in Chapter 2 applies since the concrete below neutral axis is assumed to be cracked and its shape has no effect on the flexure calculations. If however it covers Part of the web as shown in Figure 3.1 (b), the compression concrete no longer consist ofa single rectangle and thus the rectangular beam formulas do not apply, ners br *t | Figure 3.1: Location of neutral axis an is n the beam to be overs nsist Chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 105 BALANCED AND MAXIMUM STEEL AREA AND MOMENT ‘the balanced value of “c” for any beam shape, as discussed in Chapter 2 is given by: ee 600+, and ab = Bi oy Ifa" is less than the slab thickness, the formulas for rectangular beam may be used, or : Caramel , Asb = pp brd Mbn = 0.85 fc ab b (d - ab /2) Asmax = 0.75 Asb max = 0.75 av Mn max = 0.85 Pe amax b (d ~ amax /2) > However, if “a” is greater than the slab thickness, the following formula will be used. T=Ci1+Cz Asp fy = Ca + C2 ; ‘Asp fy = 0.85 Pe (brt + bw 2) Eg.3-1 b f, £q.3-2 max 0.75 As FT lala antec DESIGN OF T-BEAMS fe Ll NA When T-beams are resisting negative moments so that their flanges are int the bottom of their stems are in compression, the formulas for rectangular | be applied. The following code requirements shall be applied for this case: 410. Where flanges of T-beam construction are in tension, part of the flexural tension reinforcement shall be distributed over an effective flange width as defined in Sec. 408.11, or a width e 41/10 the span, whichever is smaller. If the effective flange width exceeds 1/10 the span, sofe longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided in the outer portions of the flange. The intention of this section is to minimize the possibilities of flexural cracks that will occur at the top face of the flange due to negative moments. MINIMUM STEEL RATIO For statically determinate T-section with flange in tension, the minimum steel area is equal to or greater than the smaller value of Eq. 3 - 3 and Eq. 3 - 4: Eq.3-3 Eq.3-4 Ann» ep, y teel areais Chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 107 eee CODE REQUIREMENTS ON T-BEAMS (SECTION 41 08.11) NOTE: THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE THE SAME WITH a0 NSCP 1. In T-beam construction, the fl otherwise effectively bonded together Shee pia aa etsy 2, The width of slab effective as a T-beam shall not exceed % of the span of the beam, and the cffective overhanging flange on each side of the web shall not exceed: (a) 8 times the slab thickness, and (b) ¥ the clear distance to the next web. 3 For beams with slab on one side only, the effective overhanging flange shall not (a) 1/12 the span length of the beam, (b) 6 times the slab thickness, and (0) % the clear distance to the next web. Interior Beam End Beam Figure 3.2: Effective flange width For Interior Beam bris the smallest of: 1 L/4 2. 16t+ bw 3. Si/2 +S2/2 + bw For End Beam b’ris the smallest of: 1. L/12+biw 2. 6t+b'w 3. $3/2+ bw For symmetrical interior beam (S1 = Sz = S) bris the smallest of: 1. L/4 2. 16t+ bw 3. center-to-center spacing of beams 108 Chapter in 4. Isolated beams yression area SI Geband an effective Mang web. t2 bw/2 br S$ 4bw 5. Where primary flexural reinforcement flange is parallel to the beam, reinfore: used to provide Mal vi Too phlcknes not less than % the width ofthe al fe width not more than four times the width of the 3-T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beam, a flange for additio b. ina slab that is considered as a T-beam ement perpendicular to the beam shall be provided in the top of the slab in accordance with the following: (a) Transverse reinforcement shali be designed to carry the factored load on the overhanging slab width assured to act as a cantilever. For isolated beam, the full width of the overhanging flange shail be c. ‘sidered. For other T-beams, only the effective overhanging slab needs to be considered. (b) Transverse reinforcement shall be the slab thickness, nor 450 mm. Primary Spaced not farther apart than five times slab reinforcement chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 109 pe ISTE ‘STEPS IN FINDING THE TENSION STEEL AREA As OF SINGLY REINFORCED T-BEAMS WITH GIVEN My AND OTHER BEAM PROPERTIES: 1 Solve for 6Mz max to determine if compression steel is necessary. Follow the procedure in Page 105. IfMu $ @ Mnmax, the beam is singly reinforced, proceed to Step Il. IfMu> Mamay the beam is doubly reinforced pte: SKIP step 1 if'in your judgment My is small and Qe*2%, compression steel is not needed. IL. Solve for Mai when a=t Compressive force in concrete, C = 0.85 febrt Mat = OC (d- t/2) Mai = 6 0.85 Fe brt (d ~ t/2) = If @Mn1 > Mu, then a < t, proceed to Step III If @Mn1 < Mu, then a > t, proceed to Step IV Hast 085 fe C=085fcab t d-a2 ob THA, Solve for a: lu = Mn = 0 C (d-a/2) eee i 9085 Feab (4 a/2) 0.85 feab 2 Asmin Ley Aon 2 Doubly Reinforced Bean, pter 3- T-Beams and Chal T=Asfy M=0Mn Mu= Mai + Mn2 Note: Mn is in Step II Coy2=0.85 Pe bw zy2 T=Ci+Co As fy = Ci + Co As fy = 0.85 Fe (bet + bw z) As = > Asmin Asminis the smaller value of: Aemn= Vp, d Asmin= Yb 2E, 46, STEPS IN FINDING $M, OF SINGLY REINFORCED T-BEAMS wir 4s AND OTHER BEAM PROPERTIES: H GIVEN L Solve for balanced steel area Asi to determine if te sion steel will yield, Follow the procedure in Page 105. IFAs $ Asp, tension steel yields. Proceed to step II If As > Ast, tension steel does not yield. Note: This step may be skipped if in your, ‘judgment A, is small ang instead assume that f. = f,. Sar nak II. IL ML IV. GIVEN Chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 111 po eae: Aincasebthnceetornv eae Tension steel yields, fs = fy, Compute the area of compression concrete, Ac c=T 0.85 Pe Ac= Ac fy Ac= Compare Ac with the area of compression flange( Ar= bit If Ac< Ata Ai,a > t, proceed to Step IV act by 08st sovetors _« (EIERIIENE) > Seca Ac=brxa aan 4 d-al2 Mn = OT (d-a/2) bails Mn = As fy (d- a/2) THA, art G t G T ys yz | a4 T=Af, Solve for z: Ac= Ai + bwZ Zee Mn = @Mn1 + OMnz Mn = 6 (C1 ys + Cz 2) Mn = 6 0.85 fc [Ax ys + Az y2] D PROBLEMS IN T-BEAMS USING 2001 Nscp SOLVE! ~ PROBLEM 3.1 ical T- ith a span'ofl for a symmetrical T-beam witl Seah thickness is 120 mm, and the clear distg SOLUTION For a symmetrical T-be: 1. %ofspan 2 16t+b. 3. clear sp: r allest of Therefore b: = 1500 mm PROBLEM 3,2 pee | Given the following elements of Flange width, br= 120 mm Concrete strength fc = 30 MPa Flange thickness,t=130mm Steel strength, f= 345 MPa Width of web, bw = 290 mm Effective depth, d = 470 mm | If the beam is reinfor Capacity when the de thickness or a = ¢. beam: ced for tension only, determine the ultimate moment ‘pth of compression concrete flange equals the flange SOLUTION Mn = 0.85 fF. bra (d-a/2) Whena=t Mim = 0.85 Fc brt (d - t/2) Mie = 0.85(30)(1200)(130)(470 - 130/2) Mo = 1611 kN-m Mm = 0.90 x 1611 = 1450 KN-m Chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 113 ae EE Sa easel tacasaaaareneee PROBLEM 3.3 C TTiven the following elements ofa T-beamr ¥ | fan thc b= 900mm Concrete strength f= 20.7 MPa lange thickness,t=110mm Ste 2 | © Width of web, be = 310 mm ie] strength, f = 414 MPa ~ | Effective depth, d= 460 mm * | Ifthe beam Is reinforced for tension only, determine the following: a Tab balanced steel area b)The nominal and ultimate balanced moment capacity c) The maximum steel area 4), The nominal and ul SOLUTION Bi = 0,85 since fis less than 30 MPa a) Balanced condition cy = 0004 600(460) 600+, 600+414 co = 272.2 mm a=Pic a= 0.85(272.2) a=2314mm>t a GQ th y ted ee T 310mm Figure 3.3 214mm (00(110) = 99,000 mm? Ag = bw x 2 = 310(121.4) = 37,622 mm? ‘Aa = Ai + Az = 136,622 mm? T=C1+C2 ‘Aso fy = 0.85 Fc (An + Az) ‘Azo(414) = 0.85(20.7)(99,000 + 37,622) Aw=5,806mm? balanced steel area yi=d-t/2=405 mm ye=d-t-2/2= 289.3 mm TT eek late “Mon = 085 fe (Ar ys + Az yz) = .7}{99,000(405) + 37,6721 = sven > nominal balanceq i eee ca. > ultimate balinced plomeat Mon = Maximum steel area and moment. Refer to Figure 3.3. ij ‘b) Maxi “ Asmax = 0.75(5806) Asmax = 0.75 Ast Asmax=4,355mm2 > maximum Steel areg : Acmax = 0.75(136,622) Sorat Acmax = 102,466 mm? > Ay, thus a> t Acmax = Ar + Az 102,466 = 99,000 + 310(z) z=11.2mm Az = 102,466 - 99,000 = 3,466 mm2 y2=d-t-2/2 = 344.41 mm Memax=C1¥i+C2Y2 Mamar = 0.85 f (At yi + Az ya) .85(20.7)[99,000(405) + 3,466(289,3) 6.5 KN-m > nominal max momee 9Mn max = 0.90(726, 5) / OMoma:= 653.8KN-m > ultimate maximum moment Bi = 0.85 Solve for @Ma when a=t: OMis = 00.85 F. brt (4 - t/2) = 545.375 kN-mm Solve for 9M, max: Balanced condition: cy = —600d_ =278.11mm 600+5, y reeg ; 7.62. anc Sa Ceay 115 "Mon, “ a= rove 296.99 mm >t ae t=100___ b= 820mm f G a + Y ye a m tl Steel are, + be = 250mm t Figure 3.4 zea-t= 136.39 mm Ai = byt = 82,000 mm? Aa bw = 34,098 mm? Acy = Ai + Az = 116,098 mm? Maximum condition: Acmax = 0.75 io = 87,073 2 > A; $66(289.3)) i Scant x moment 6 My mac = @ Mn+ 0 Mn2 = Min + 00,85 Fe Aa yo © Ma max = 574.28 KN-m a) 150 kN-m, Mu = 120 KN-m Ma = 14 Mo + 1.7 M.=414 kN-m < Moma, singly reinforced 7 aa : 7 Since Mc is less than @Mix, "a" is less than t t=100 20 mm i [near . ad? : E 8 d-an2 i T bb, = 250 mm 0.85 fa br(d-a/2) 414 « 106 = 0.90(0.85)(20.7) a (820)(470 - a/2) a=73.6mm T-Beams and Doubly Reinforce Chapter 3 abr Ze Asha 085 fea) Te 22 565 mm: Minimum Asis the smaller value of: i bed = 1059 mm: % Mo=. = 190 kN-m Mus 14 Mo +17 Mc = 568 KN-m <6 Menu singly reinforced ‘Since Mis more than @Ms, “a” is more than t. 2100 b=820mm 568 10+ 545375 « o90(085)20.72: 2=15.78mm tossyi20.7 12(470 -100 -2/2) Aas bw 2= 3,946 mm? TEG+ “Age o85 Fe (Ar £eG24) = 085(207)(82,000 + 3046) = 3,653 mm? PROBLEM 3.5, SOLUTION B= 085 Moz 14 Moe 17M, = 1.4(450) + 1.7(350) Mie 2S Poy. chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 117 Solve for bf ‘ois the s 2, 161 bw = 16(100) + 300 = 1,900 mm center spacing of beams = 3m ‘Thus, be= 1,125 mm. Solve for @Mwhena=t = 100 mm, ¢= Mm = 9.0.85 Pet by rapa! = 00 60+, a=Bre2276355 mm>e ow = 825.123 mm, 100 2/2) 6355 mm 2,500 a= by 2= 52,9064mm? ‘cy = Ait Az= 165,406.44 mm? ‘Maximum, Acmia = 0.75 Ach = 124,0548 mm? > At Acam=Artbw2 124,0548= 112,500 + Az Az= 11,554:803 Aa=bez 11,554/903 = 3002 2=38516mm yo=d-t-2/2= 430.74 mm (9 Mamar= @Min# 90.85 fe Arye Sens = 1161-944 + 0:90 « 085(27)(11,554.803)(430.74) ( Memar= 1265.6 KN-m ‘Since Ma-<@ Moma the beam can be singly reinforced Since M.> @ Mm then a> T-Beams and Doubly Reinforceq Bean, 118 Chapter 3 — ‘ Mu= Min + Od * 108 + 0.90 x 0.85(27)(3002)(450 - 2/2) 1225 x 106 = z= 23.25 mm ‘Aa = bw z= 6975.02 mm? T=C1+C As fy = 0.85 Fe(A1 + Az) As (415) = 0.85(27)(112,500 + 6,975.02) As= 6,607 mm? Minimum As is the smaller value of: f w d= 1033 mm2 teed = 1937 ae 4f, Thus, As = 6,607 mm2 PROBLEM 3.6 Tmine the Ultimate moment capacity of a reinforced concrete T-beam wit : llowing Properties; Flange width b = 1500 mm, web width by = 250 mm, ve depth d= 600 mm, slab thickness t= 100 mn Assume fc = 20.7 Mpa and | The-beam is reinforced with six 28 mm bars ‘ SOLUTION Solve for balanced A.: t=100 b= 1500 mm 600d & = 380: 30045 80.95 mm 4=B1 c= 323.81 >t 2=a-t=22381 mm A; hak TA chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 119 « Asp fy = 0.85 Fe (Ar + é (Ar + Aa) Aso(345) = 0.85; 2 | hae teste (20.7)(150,000 + 55,952) y Li Steel area provided, As= 6 x = } (28)? = 3,695 mm? < Aa “steel yields” ‘Therefore, fs = fy C=T 0.85 Pe Ac= As fy 0.85(20.7)A = 3,695 (345) =72441t 193.02 mm 77,206 mm? e Aso fy = 0.85 fc (Ar + A2) ts ‘Aco (345) = 0.85(21)(108,000 + 77,206) Asp = 9,582 mm? a Zz Az=bwZ Steel area provided is less than the balanced steel area. Stee! yields. C=T 0.85 Fc Ac= As fy 0.85(21) Ac = 7,389(345) Ac=142,813mm2>A, “ght t=120 br= 900 mm bw = 400 mm Ac=Ai+ Ag 142,813 = 108,000 +A : Az = 34,813 mm2 A2=bwz 34,813 = 4002 2Z= 87.03 mm Y1=d-t/2=520mm Ye=d-t~2/2= 416.48 mm Mn= Ci yi + C2 yp Mn = 0.85 fe (Aa yi + Az y2) Mn = 0.85(21)[108,000(520) + 34,813(416.48)] Ma = 1,261.3 KN-m 90(1,261.3) Ma = 1135.138 kN-m Mn = Mu Me = 1.4 Mp 41.7 My 1,135,138 = 1, M.= 330.08 No) * E7 Mt t=120mm pl lk be=320 mm Figure 3.5 SOLUTION aia sak 120mm. Ac= 10x £ (32) . : As= 8,042 mm? ate Ax = bit = 60,000 mm? Bi = 0.85 - 295 (32 - 30) Bi = 0.836 ot Solve for balance As: ope aon cy = £004 600+, leby=320mm-| = 313.3 mm a= icp = 261.83 mm >t z=a-t=141.83mm ‘az = bw = 45,3855 mmr =085 fe(Ai +2) Tec Ans BOSE 19(60,000 + 45,3855) A= 6,907 mm? ‘Ac> Au, tension steel does not yield Since A> era ee ree [eve TEAS o.=320mmal ‘A: = 60,000 mm? Az=bw2 = bw(a-t) Az= bw (Bi c-t) f= 6009-5 T=C1+C2 As fs = 0.85 Fe (Ai + Az) 30 8,042 x 600 530-€ - 9.95(32)160,000 + 320(0.836¢ - 120)] € ¢= 327.95 mm a=Bic=26183mm ——Ar=be z= 49,303 mme zearte14183mm — ya=d=t~2/2= 332.97 mm yied=t/2= 470mm Mo=Ciyi+Cey2 Mes B85 tay ay Mn = 085(32)[60,000(470) + 49, Me=1.21356kNem |) *49:303(332.97)) Ma = 0.90(1,213.56) ‘Mn = 1,092.2 kN-m Mu= My My= 1.4 Mp + 1.7 My 1,092 = 1.4(330) + 1.7 M, M= 370.7 kN-m eer SOLVED PROBLEMS IN T-BEAMS USING 2010 NSCP pROBLEM 3.9 [ee ‘eat Problem 3.3 using the 20. P SOLUTION Given: br=900 mm fc= 20.7 MPa ee 110 mm f= 414 MPa 10 mm d= 460mm B1 = 0.85 since fc is less than 28 MPa a) Balanced condition, = 0.65 cy = 00d cy = 800(460) 600+f, 600+414 cb = 272.2 mm. a=Bic by =310mm Figure 3.6 zea-t=1214mm ‘Ai = bx t= 900(110) = 99,000 mm? ‘Aa = bw x z= 310(121.4) = 37,622 mm? ‘Acp = Ai + Az = 136,622 mm? T=Ci+Ce ‘Asp fy = 0.85 fc (Ar + A2) ‘Aso(414) = 0.85(20.7)(99,000 + 37,622) ‘Aw = 5,806mm2 — ~ balanced steel area -t/2= 405 mm ot 2/2 = 289.3 mm eye C Mop = 0.85 fe (As ys + Azy2) Moa =Cryi+C2¥2 16" _ 9.g5(20.7){99,000(405) + 37,622(289.3)] Mon =897KN-m > nominal balanced moment = 0.65(897) | teimate balanced moment OM = 0.6500 Mon = 583 3.6. elarea and moment. Refer to Figure b) Maximum ste + =0.815 3 c= 3d219714mm; = 0.65 + 0.25-—-— 7 a= 0.85(197.14) a=pic a=167.6mm 2a-t257.571mm Azz bw 2 = 310(57.6) = 17,847 mm? yozd—t-2/2=321.21 mm =04C Acmar fy = 0.85 Pe(A1 + Az) gies Asma (414) = 0.85 .(99,000 + 17,847) As max = 4966 mm2 > maximum steel area Mn max = C1 y1 + Cz y2 0.85 Fe (Ar y1 + Azyz) 85(20.7)[99,000(405) + 17,847(321.2)] 806.34 KN-m > nominal max moment Mo max = .815(806.34) 56.9KN-m > ultimate maximum moment PROBLEM 3.10 SOLUTION Given: b= 1200mm by = 290 mm t= 130mm fc = 30 MPa d= 470mm fy = 345 MPa Mm = 0.85 Ft bf (dt 2. Mn = 0.85(30)(1200)(130)(470 - 130/2) Mm = 1611 KN-m Solving for o: 4=130mm 0.85 - 995 (F. - 28) = 0.836 ©=a/B1 = 155.56 mm d-c f= 6005—S “tension- 's < 1213 MPa > 1000 MPa ‘ension. controls, ¢ — 0.90" 9 Mm = 0.90(1611) Mm = 1450 kN-m \ chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 125 PROBLEM 3.11 a Repeat Problem ‘Additional que: c) Find the required steel area if Mp = i 195 kN-m and Mi = 210 kN-m, d) Find the maximum design moment so that the section is tension-controlled if it is reinforced for tension oni te reimoncee or tension only ‘SOLUTION Given: oe using the 2010 NScP. ees fc= 20.7 MPa fy=414MPa Bi = 0.85 since fe<281000 MPa, 6 = 0.90 Mm = 545.375 kN-m Solve for Mn max: ate : d= 201.43 mm 800-f, 9=0.65 +0.25 ~~ = 0.815 1000-f, a= Bi Cmax=171.21mm>t =100 by= 820mm a stra 7 by = 250mm z=a-t=71.21mm w Z = 17,803.6 mm? -t-2/2 = 334.39 mm yee Mn max = Min + 0.85 fc Az y2 in max = 710.72kN-m Mnmax = 579 KN-m 6 Chapter 3 - 1-Peses"— 12 : ' +1. My= 1.2 Mp va” than t. since Ma is less than Mn, “a” Is less thai t= 100 by = 820mm : 7 oe ee f d-a/2 = a a bw = 250mm Assume ¢ = 0.90 Mu= 60.85 Fea br(d - a/2) 372 x 106 = 0.90(0.85)(20.7) a (820)(470 - a/2) a=65.52mm c=a/B1 = 77.08 mm fs= 600 = = 3,058 MPa > 1000 MPa, tension controls, o=0.90 c T=C Asfy=0.85 feaby As(345) = 0.85(20.7)(65.52)(820) As = 2,283 mm? Ys brd= 2 tf d= 1059 mm: Thus, Ac = 2,283 mm2 b) Mo =175 kN-m, Mi = 190 kN-m Mu= 1.2 Mo + 1.6 M.=514kN-m <$ Mama, singly reinforced Since Muis less than (Mm, "a" is less than t Assume 6 = 0.90 Mu= 90.85 Fe aby(d~a/2) 514 x 108 = 0.90(0,85)(20. = 93.53 mam (0-85)(20-7) a (820)(479 _ a/2) ¢=a/B1 = 110.03 mm stn, chapter 3 ~ T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 127 ¥2100 b= 820mm 470mm d= bw = 250mm d-c f= 600 — =1, ] = 1,963 MPa > 1000 MPa, tension controls, = 0.90 T=C As fy = 0.85 fea br As(345) = 0.85(20.7)(9: As = 3,259 ae 1093.53}(620) ) Mo=195 KN-m, Mi = 210 kN-m Mu = 1.2 Mo + 1.6 Mi = 570 kN-m <6 Mamas, singly reinforced Since Mu is more than ¢Mm, "a" is more than t. t= 100 by=820mm — = RE G Phas g a j J a i * Lt T bw = 250mm Assume 0 = 0.90 Mu = Men + Mn: , ee x tos = 545.375 + 0.90(0.85)(20.7)(250)z(470 -100 -2/2) z=17.05mm a=t+z= 117.05 mm; c=a/pi= 137.7 mm fs= 600 d=C _ 444g MPa > 1000 MPa, tension controls, > = 0.90 ' Az = bw z= 3,908 mm? = As fy = 0.85 Fe (Ai + A2) Poets ‘As = 3,666 mm? chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 129 steel area provided, As = 6 x $(28)2 = 3,695 mmz 1000 MPa _ Tension controls c therefore @ = 0.90 Mn = 0.85 P- ab: (d- a/2) Ma = 0.85(20.7)(48.29)(1500)(600 - 48.29/2) Ma = 733.99 kN-m Mz = 0.90(733.99) Mz = 660.6 KN-m SOLUTION Given the following properties of a T-beam: Flange width, b= 900 mm Flange thickness, t= 120 mm Width of web, bw = 400 mm Effective depth, d = 580 mm N-m Service deal load, Mo = 410K + 9 = 0.90 Bi =0.85; > : (28)? = 7,389 mm As= 12 $ (28) = 73 Ai = brt = 108,000 mm? Solve for balance As: cy= £004 - 368,25 mm 600+f, a= 1 @=313.02 mm>t Zz 93.02 mm Aa = bw z= 77,206 mm2 T=C Asp fy = 0.85 Fe (A1 + Az) As» (345) = 0.85(21)(108,000 + 77,206) Asb = 9,582 mm2 Steel area provided is less than the balanced steel area. Steel yields. C=T » 0.85 Fe Ac= As fy 0.85(21) Ac= 7,389(345) Ac= 142,813 mm? > A; “a” t=120 br= 900 mm bw = 400 mm Ac= Ar + Ay 422813 = 108,000 + a, AL= 34,813 mm2 ° Az=bwz 34,813 = 499 7 2= 87.03 mm ¥1=d~t/2=520 mm YS d-t~2/2= 416.48 mm Mn = Ci ys + Co yo Mn = 0.85 P. (AL ys + apy, Mn = 985(21)[108,000(%)0) +348 KN-m 2 730416.49y) Mn = 1,261.3 by = 400 mm SS 3-T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 1 solve for 6: ‘a=t+2=20703mm ° e=a/B)=24357mm f= 600 ee = 828.76 MPa< 1000 MPa ~ Since fy < fe < 1000 MPa, Transition region ff, =0.65+0.25—* + = #5 065+ 025 77 ass Mn = 0.8346(1,261.3) {@Mn= 1,052.703 kN-m Mn = Mu My =1.2 Mp +1.6 Mu 1,052,703 = 1.2(410) + 1.7 M. ‘My = 350.44 kN-m_ Shae ee ‘ ‘ Rei 132 ch: 3 - T:Beams and Doubly Reinforceg Peay = 500) (conn hE etter ] | As= 10x $(32)? As= 8,042 mm? = brt = 60,000 mm? B: = 0.85 - 295 (32 - 28) B1 = 0.821 z Solve for balance As: 600d © Go0+f : lobe = 320mm] ‘Aco fy = 0.85 fe (Ai + Az) ‘Asp (345) = 0,85(21) (60,000 + 43,953) Ac = 6,813 mm? Since As> As, tension steel does not yield 20 mm ff —— = 500mm feb = 320mm] = 0.65 compression controls Ai = 60,000 mm? Az = bw 2 = bw(a~t) = bw (Bi ct) f= 600 2=£ T=Ci+Cz As fs=0.85 fe (Ar + A2) 530- ’ 3,042 x 600 ———. = 0: 8,042 x : 0.85(32)[60,000 + 320(0.821.¢- 120)] c= 329.27 mm cpapter 3 eams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 133 az fic=27047 mm gea-t= 150.47 mm "tn a/2 = 334. 228; jee aromm 2/2 = 334.76 mm Mn=Ciys + Coy2 = 0.85 fe (Ary + Azy2) M.,= 0,85(32)[60,000(470) + 48,151834.76)] Mn = 1,205.48 kN-m Mn = 0.65(1,205.48) Mn = 783.56 KN-m Mu = Mn My = 1.2 Mo + 1.6 Mt 783.56 = 1.2(330) + 1.6 Mu Mi = 242.23 KN-m Chapter 3 - 1-pcanss ame ~~ ~~ + DOUBLY REINFORCED BEAM Occasionally, beams are restricted in small siz i ete si ‘h extent that the compression concr r the ates ny Sompressioe Compression reinforcement is needed to increase ment apaciy i inforced beam with a maximum ste¢| fa beam beyond that of a tensilely rein! Aside from these reasons, compression reinforcement makes beams tough and uctie and reduces long-time deflection of beams. es by space or aesthetic requireme, ould be reinforced with stee] «rt Compression steel also helps the beam withstand stress reversals that might og ‘ during earthquakes, Continuous compression bars are also hel aR ted Position; stirrups and keeping them in place during concrete placement and vibra oe Vario, tests show that compression reinforcement also prevents the beam to collapse even ip the compression concrete crushes especially if it is enclosed by stirrups. According to Section 407.12 of NSCP, compression steel in beams must be enclosed by lateral ties, at least 10 mm in size for longitudinal bars 32 mm or smaller, and at least 12 mm in size for 36 mm and bundled bars. Deformed wire or welded wire of equivalent area is allowed. The spacing of these ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diameters, 48 tie bar or wire diameters, or least dimension of the compression member. ANALYSIS OF DOUBLY REINFORCED BEAM Doubly reinforced beam is analyzed by dividing the beam into two couples. Mn2 as shown in Figure 3.8, Mni is the c Part of the tension steel Asi. Muz is the other part of the tension steel area Aca, “ouple due to compression concrete couple due to the compression steel Figure 3.8 Compression reinforcement is provided to ensure ductile fallure (1 must yield). For this reason, therefore, the stress in tension ste] (40) te araot ae ways equ chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 135 to fy. OF the other hand, the stress of compressi ’ ‘1 tof jgstress mustalW¥ays Ser caeal ag steel (A's) may either be fy or below spthe compression steel yields, then A's = Av, otherwise A’ corcompression steel and is given by the following aioe veered {gee derivation in Page 137) 5q.3-6 f.= 6005" | According to Section 410.43 of NSCP, for members. with compression reinforcement, the portion of Pb equalized by compression ‘reinforcement need not be reduced by the 07 factor. Thus, the maximum permissible As is: £q.3-7 ‘Asmax = 0.75 pobd + A's ‘The expression 0.75 pobd = Asi. BLY REINFOR' ', OF A DOU STEPS TO DETERMINE As 1 a m ND OTHER BEAM PROPERTIES RECTANGULAR BEAM, GI 1. Solve for pmax and Mu mat Pmax ® 0.75 po ie 51° Pas © 0.75 0.851", (600) 351 =p 1, (600+1,) w=ph/fe= Moar = Ofc wb d2(1 - 0.590) If My S Mnmax design as Singly Reinforced (See Chapter 2) If Mu > Mn max design as Doubly Reinforced (proceed to step 11) HM. Mu > Mnmax Figure 3.9 Solve for As: Ast = Pmaxb d Solve for Moi, Maz and Asz Moi = Mn max Maz = Mu ~ 6 Mo max = 9T2(d-d) flurtse fy (d~ di) er il. Solve for the stress of compr Soveforaanda Gi=T1 0.85 Feab= Aa fy “JE, _ 0.003 i € 0.003 ena PvE E,= 200,000 £q.3-8 f.= 6005—" c If f.2 fy proceed to step IV If fs < fy, proceed to step V Iv. fs2fythen use fs = fy (compression steel yields) A's = Asz v. fsf, Iffs fy yield Asi(415, Asi = 4,460 mm? Asz fy = A’s fy Te=Cs A= 1,964 mm? Balanced steel area, Asb = Asi + As2 = 6,424 mm? May = Ce(d -a/2) + C’s(d= a’) Mas = 0.85 fea b (d-a/2) + A's fy(d- 4’) Mab = 0.85(29)(246.21)(305)(490 - 246.21/2) + 1964(415)(490 - 70) Mav = 1,021.4 kN-m Mnp = 0.90(1,021.4) = 919.24 KN-m b) Maximum tension steel area: According to Section 410.4.3, for members with compression reinforcement, the portion of p» equalized by compression reinforcement need not be reduced by the 0.75 factor, ‘ Asi max = 0.75 Ast Asi max = 0.75(4,460) Asi max = 3,345 mm2 Asz = 1,964 mm2 Asmax = Asi max + Asz Asmax = 3,345 + 1,964 Asmax = 5,309 mm? c= 0.85 Feab=Adrmacfy 0.85(29)(a)(305) = 3,345(41 a= 184.7 mm ea c=a/Bi c= 184.7/0.85 - c€=217.2mm f= 600 £4" f= 600 2172-70 c 217.2 fs = 406.7 MPa < fy Mamax = Ce(d~a/2) + Cs(d ~ dy Moma = 0.85 fe ab (d~a/2) +A's , ; Ma max = 0.85(29)(184.7)(305)(490 5) 2 964(406.7)(490 - 70) -7/2) Ma max = 887.45 KN-m (will not yieta) Mn max = 0.90(887.45) fi Mo max = 798.7 KN-m NX chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 143 PROBLEM 3.16 (CE NOVEMBER 2009) * ‘reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300 Mim and A im, The beam is reinforced with 2-28 rim ci laced omy extreme concrete. Concrete strength f. = 35 MPa. er cuce fj a Brits Sj what is the balanced steel area considering the contribution of the compression steel? b)_ What is the maximum SOLUTION fi = 0.85 - 2 (35 - 30) = 0.814 A’s= 4 (28)? x 2 = 1,232 mm? a) Balanced condition considering compression steel: epee ote cp = 800(460) 600+f, 600+345 nent, cy = 292 mm t be p.= 60022. f.= 600272278 c 292 £;= 456 MPa > fy, thus fs = fy = 345 MPa G+Ge7 0.85 Pcab+A’sfs=Asfy 0,88 (35)(0.814 « 292)(300) + 1232(345) = As(345) As = 7,384 mm? b) May: m steel area: ‘angular beams: .75 cy = 0.75(292) += 219.05 mm a = 1 cmax = 178.37 mm 219.05-70 c-d' f.=6005—— + fr 600 905 f,= 408 MPa > fy, thus f's= fy = 345 MPa Cope 0.85fcab+A’sf's=Asfy \ 0.85(35)(178.37) (300) + 1232(345) = As(345) As = 5,846 mm? 144 Chapter 3 - T-Beams and Do PROBLEM 3.17 SOLUTION This is the same problem in Chapter 2. Solve for Mn max: 600d 600+f, ay = Bi cy = 285.27 mm = amax = 0.75 ab = 213.96 mm = 335.616 mm Mo max = 0.85 feab (d~a/2) Ma max = 0.85(27. 7 §}(213,96)(300)(490 - 213.96/2) Mn max = 576.76 Mo max = o0(S%6. 76) = 519 kN-m Since Mu = 620 kN-m > Mz max, the beam must be doubly reinforced. C= A'sPs Mnt = Mn max = 576,76 kN-m M, M, 620 Mnz = $ ~Moi Mn2 = 090” 576.76 Mn2 = 112.13 kN-m a= 213.96 mm Aaf=085Peab — An(276) =08s(27, Ant = 5456 mms °)213.96)(300) Note: ASL = As max ubly Reinforceq Bean, ay \ chapter ae! solve for f c=a/B1= 251.71 mm eams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 14 c-a' £,=6005—— = 600 28171 = P= 600 251-71-60 f= 45 ; Use Ps = fy 7 MPa>fy . compression steel yields Mrz = Ta(d - 4’) 112.13 x 13 * 106 = As ‘p= 945 tne? 2(276)(490 - 60) Tension steel area, As = Asi + Asz = 6401 mm? Compression steel: Cs=T2 A's fy = Aca fy A’s= Asa A’s= 945 mm? PROBLEM 3.18 Arectangular bea to-carry a St Compressi extreme CO! 415 MPa. Toh 310 mm and d= 460 ad of 230 kN-m_and SOLUTION Bi = 0.85 a= 1.4 Mo + 1.7 Mi Mu = 1.4(230) + 1.7(190) Mu= 645 kN-m Solve for Mn max: Note: For rectangular beams, 600d _ 293.94 mm Cmax = 0.75 Cb 600+f, a= Pr cmax= 173.35 mm Mamax= 0.85 feab (d- 3/2) 5 TSE 0.85(30)(173:35)(310) (460 - 173.35/2) Mamax = 11.58 kN-m ) Mamax = 0.90(511.58) f Ma max = 460-42 KN-m ; Since Mu = 645 kN-m > @ Mamax, compression steel is necessary e c=08stiad fet, ~w22 ee Trakof, Maa = Moma = 511.58 KN-m 7 = 4 siise Maz = . +Mor Mn = 090 Maz = 205.088 kN-m C= Cmax = 203.94 mm a=17335mm Tension Steel. T= Aus fy = 0.85 Fea Asi (415) = 0.85(30)(173.35 Au = 3,302 mm? Moz = Ta(d - d’) 205.088 = 10¢ = An(415)(460 Aa = 1,267 mm? AS = Au + Ag As = 3,302 + 1,267 As = 4,569 mmz Compression steel: c-d" - fe 6002 f= 600 203.94~70 203.94 fs = 394.06 MPa < f, compression steel does not yield, f, = 3949 6 Pa Cet Ashes Ao 5 A’: (394.06) = 1,267, x 1334 an? (415) (310 70) chapter 3 - T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced B jeams, PROBLEM 3.19 fa floor system consists of a 100-m lms with 9m span, 1, “cen concrete slab petjetermined pe eran centers as shown clea ota yich aimeciot z m, concrete ee ee ne ae es eyadsoo mm. ; eanhGhelthe z = 280 mm, and d = 500 ‘ Bete 2 ae Positive factored rane of the bars. The beam is ae Scan eae ce ee a fe= 21 }) Calculate the required tension steel area at eee ane : at the point of maximum positive ) Using the tributary area meth: a : onthe beam? od whe 147 We | Hun Figure 3.10 SOLUTION fc=21MPa wy = 280 mm fy=414MPa d= 500 mm Bi = 0.85 d’=70mm Maximum factored moment, Mumax = 1080 kN-m Effective flange width, br: 1. L/4=9/4= 225m 2. 16t + bw = 16(100) + 280 = 1.88 m 3, Soc = L2m Use br= 1.2m Solve for OMn max to determine if compression steel is required. Balanced condition: 600d = 9004500) © 600+, 6004415 ¢= 295.57 mm a= 0.85(295.57) a=pic a= 251.23 mm 148 Cnapter 2 - by = 280 mm z= 251.23 - 100 z=151.23 mm Ai = 1200 x 100 = 120,000 mm? Az = 280(151.23) = 42,345 mm? ‘Ach = Ai + Az = 162,345 mm? Maximum condition: Acmax = 0.75 Ach Acmax = 0.75(162,345) Acmax= 121,759 mm? > A: t=100 br= 1200 mm si G SG as G oS ean ity ' ie Li» 4 | bw = 280 mm z Az = Acmax- At Az = 121,759 - 120,000 Ao==1,759 mm2 Az = bwz 1,759 = 280z z=6.28mm yi=d-t/2 ~ y1=500-100/2 y1=450mm yeed-t-2/2 y2= 500-100 - 6.28/2 y2= 396.86 mm Yo ter 3 - T- chap T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Bi : u seams Mo max = C1 yr + Cayo M, : inmax = 0.85 Fe (At Mar a yi Aaya) ax = 0.85(21)(120,000 x 450 + 1,759 x 396.86) Mn max = 976.36 kN-m. ) Mn max = 0.90(976.36) Mn max = 878.72 kN-m since Mu = 1,080 KN-m > be provided. Mnmax the compression reinforcement must b= 1200 mm ya \ Ast Aa bw = 280 mm Asi = Asimax Mn Mat = Mamax Maz a=t+Z a=100+6.28 a=106.28mm c=a/bi c= 106:28/0.85 c= 125.04 ' 125.04-70 c-d’ ‘ F.= 600 1,= 600504 p= 264.1 MPa < fy Mni = Mn max = 976.36 kN-m Asi = As max 0.95 fe (A1+ 42) Ti =C1+C2 is m9 0,85(21)(120,000 + 1,759) 25,237 mm? ams and Doubly Reinforceg Be, — -Mar Maz = Ma ~ Mat o 1080 2 + 976.36 Mna= 0.90 Mn2 = 223.64 kN-m ontiie Maz= Ae f (d= €’) Meet aa) 223.64» 10° = A(415)(500 ~ 70) As2 = 1,253 mm? Tension steel area, As = Asi + As2 = 6,490 mm2 Compression steel area: 's= Te _ Ab fs= Ag fy « A’s(264.1) = 1,253(415) 's = 1,969 mm2 b) Dead load Dead load = weight of concrete: rea = 1.2(0.1) + 0.28(0.47) « anni ) = 0.2516 ms We=23.5(0.2516) We=S9126KN/m > dead loag 3 - T-Beams and Doubly 51 chapter ly Reinforced Beam: 1 s ) Uniform live load *t t=9m wilioe wal? wN2 swJ2/12 Maximum positive moment (at midspan) wit F Mu= —> _ Wal) 24 1,080= “55 wu = 320 KN/m wu= 1.4.wo + 1.7 Wi 320 = 1.4(5.9126) + 1.7 we Ww, =183.37KN/m — > live load INVESTIGATION (ANALYSIS) PROBLEMS PROBLEM 3.20 nn “\igwn fa Figore 311 is subjects > kN-m. Determine the Use ofc "2 7 Mpa and fy=345 MPa 350mm | 60mm 2-28mm 540 mm 600 mm 4-36mm Figure 3.11 SOLUTION 2 (36)2x4 = 4,072 mm? CueAAP, m4 Th= Aa, Assume all steel yield: f=fs=f Ac = A's = 1,232 mm? ‘Act = As ~ As = 2,840 mm? Ce=Ti 0.85 Peab= Aa fy 0.85(20.7)a(350) = 2,840(345) a= 159.1mm c= a/Bi = 187.18 mm = 6002-€ 5, - 6 00-187.18 c f=1,323>f tension steel yields St 699 1878-60 c 187.18 f= 407.7 >f, fs=600 compression steel yields Assumption is correct, all steel yield, Mn = Mn1 + Mn2 Mn=Ti(d -a/2) + Ta(d-d’) Mn = Asi fy (d - a/2) + Ag fy (d-d') Mn = 2,840(345)(600 - 1504 Ma= 7394 QNoD 12) *1,232(345) (699 _ 60) Mn = 0.90(739.4) = 665.43 kN-m Mn = Mu = 1.4 Mp + 1.7M. 665.43 = 4 3-T-Beams ly and Doubh Reinforced Be: ams 153 cqouen 321 ra rectanglar beam has the fol - | A Width, b = 400 mm vow properties: | pffective depth, d = 620 mm. ¥ Hayes | Tension bars, 10 pes 28-mm- aa 22 MPa | Compression bars, 3 pcs 25-mm- ae I : diameter @=70mm ine the desi; petermin cian strength of the eam aft ues ah oS ce deadloadis 320.KN-m. SOLUTION Ac= 10 3 (28)? = 6,158 mm? As=3* 3 (25)? = 1,473 mm? ‘Assume all steel yields: Ag = A’s = 1,473 mm? Ast = As - 685 mm2 oasfeab=Anfy — 0.85(22)a (400) = 4,685(415) a= 260mm c=a/Br = 305.8 mm S f,= 600 = 616.5 MPa> fy (yield) f= 600 =463MPa>fy (yield) Allsteel yields. Assumption is correct Ma = Maa + Mao =T,(d-a/2) #7: (a- 4’) 4732) An fy (d-4) 60/2) + 1,473(415)(620 -70) kN-m s 88.9) = 1,160 2 Ma = 0.90(12 1160 = 1.4(320) + 1.7M 1.4 Mp + 1.7ML Mi = 419 KN-m Ma =M is simply supported ao lar reinforced concrete beam is seaereeer ‘ ne — eh, Tha beni peovioed wrt at adanon’sappaveat la fereinforted with 25.4" 00 nitacd te eral depth is 450 mm ine ep the cohipressie’ a tension side : | panes Rete iene is 70 mm from the renttol oL te Hae an ee 30 MPa and steel yield strength f= ae ; a) Determine the depth of the compression pee sy b) Determine the nominal moment capacity ofthe its ova WEEN ©) Determine the-factored uniform load, including it ds) the beam cay f= 415 MPa As= 4x 2(25)2 As= 1963 mmz ; A’s=2 x ¥(25)2 A’s= 982 mm2 Assuming all steel yields: 2= A's = 982 mmz Ast = As~ Ag = 982 mm2 C=Ty a=53.; mm £=a/Bs = 62.66 mm <70 mm Compression steel does not Yield Assuming tensio T=Cc+C's 450 mm. f= 601 =178.17 MPa ef f= 600 9=€ =1,706> (yield) a=Bic= 84.03 mm > answer in Parta Mo Gd a/2) + xa) 85 feab + A'sfs (d—a" .85(30)(84 +03)(300) + 982(475.17)(310) 70.! > answer in part b Mn = 0.90Mn Mn = 243.53 kN-m. ¢) Maximum factored uniform load: Factored load, wo s=U2=6m By three-tnoment equation: 6A , 6A,82 _ 9 Ma bs + 2Mp (La + La) + Mela = + 0+2Ms(6 +6) +0 wu = 54.12 kN/m SOLUTION Given: |, fr =6 b=350mm ~ f= 415 MPa d= 400mm dy = 28mm @'=70mm Tension steel area, A, = 2 $ (28)? 4 = 2463 mmo Compression steel area, a, « (28) 2= 1232 mm2 1= 0.85 9=0.90 Assuming tension @ sampresson steel yields; As 's= 1232 Aa=Ay~ Age 1232, mm2 C=T, ye = As f, ee bas(z “ac 50) = 1232(415) mm @nsWer in Part q c= a/p; © 83/095 °* 97.64 mm Ps= 609 £-4" P 97, = 600 0 c ‘ “ieee \ *=170 Mp, * Thus, compression Steel dogs Sot yi, ld ‘ e Since compression Steel does not Yield, p, 600 £~a +5 609 o~ gs Assuming tension stee) elds; C+ C= T, y t 985 Fabs ay, Pras, 9.85(20.7(0, petal +1232, 3-T-Beams and Doub} x ter ly Reinforce, d Be. gZ c= 130.08 mm ams 157 a=Bic=110.6mm = : f= 600—< 00 $0130 08 130.08 f= 1245 > § (yietay fs= 600 120.0870 08 fe=277a11 MPs answer in Part b Mu = Mn = 312.6 KN-m =14Mp + 1.7 Mi Mu= 14 2 * no 312.6= 14 7 PL= 73.175 wn PROBLEM 3.24 A beam section is shown in ‘Maximum service dead ee of. SOLUTION Bi = 0.85 Tension steel, As = 8 x + (25)? > As= 3,927 mm? ; Compression steel, A's = 5 x (25)? A's = 2,454 mm2 d' = 30 +425) = 42.5 mm Effective depth to extreme tension bar: d= 650 ~ 30 ~ (25) = 607.5 mm Effective depth (to centroid of tension bar) d= 650 - 30-25 - 4(25) d= 582.5 mm Mp = 215 kN-m Pc=21MPa fy= 415 MPa { Assume all steel yields: A’s = 2,454 mm2 As Asz = 1,473 mm? 0.85 Peab= Ag f, fy 0.85(21) a (360) = 1,473, a=95.1mm (415) c=a/Pi c= 95,1/0.85 c¢=111.9mm fs=372 Mi Compression steel does not yield. Note: There are two layers of tens stresses are bath set equal to fyand th T=Ce+C’ As fy = 0.85 Pe c-d' f= 600 £. = 609 1119-425 Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 119 Pa fy (yield) -c f= 6005 f= 600 578-4424 . 42.4 fs = 222 MPa fy a=Bic Solve for d: Ti = Asa fot T1 = 3,079(899.25) T1= 1,229.2 kN Te = Aso fsa Te = 3,079(306.9) T2= 944.9 kN T=Ti+Tz 229.2 +9449 = 2,174.1 KN Txd=Tixdi+T2xd2 Buen oe tf 4-581 2(606) + 944.9(550) Mn = Ce (d -a/2) +C'(d-d’) t Mn = 0.85 Peab (d — ; M '85(21)( 309, 2he { + 982(4 ; Ms = 974.07 ENGL )881.6 : Ma = 0.90(974.07) \ Mn = 876.65 kN-m Mu=@Mn Mu = 1.4 Mp + 1.74 ore 5 au Lao) Me + 170M) poubly Reinforceq Bea, 350(820) +982(415) fy(d 20}78 30, 29 /2) QL chapte! 3-T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams 163 ROBLEM 3.26 the design flexural strength of the T+ 4. Use f. ign ‘beam shown in Figure 3.1 14. Caiculate [ Copia and fy = 350 MPa. SOLUTION fi = 0.85 As= 10% 5 24,909 mm? As=3* 140 mm? Flange area, A 600( 4.10) = 66,000 mm? Assume all steel yields: =11 0 +390 - 20- 10 -25- ¥4(25) = 432.5 mm = 25 +10 + ¥4(22) = 46mm d a Ag = A’s= 1,140 mm? ‘Ag = AS ~ As2 = 3,768 mm? ‘Area of compression concrete: Ce=Th 0.85 fcAe= As fy 0.85(27)Ac= 3,768(350) gee 37.469 mme fy (yield)

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