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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

1 © Copyright 2020
R.A.A. Cabasan
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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High


Why does the lowly malunggay soar high to most Filipinos?

Once considered as a poor man’s vegetable, it is now groomed as a high value crop.

According to the DA Biotechnology Program Office (DA-BPO), scientists and

nutritionists all over the world are one in saying that malunggay is definitely among the
best leafy edibles as it contains:

Malunggay will surely lift us high with its valuable and overflowing health benefits!

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

As a bonus, malunggay is abundantly found almost anywhere in the Philippines and the
tropics. It is indisputably a low cost investment with tremendous benefits. When grown
in the right location, nature will take care of itself even with limited water requirement or
inadequate soil nutrition.

This nature’s gift is indeed here to boost consciousness about health and well-being
that are just within our reach.

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

Today’s Realities

Today’s health care costs are increasing as well as the use of prescription drugs are on
the rise. In this regard many resorted to natural ways or alternative methods from
standard medicines to heal their ailing bodies.

A natural healing plant like malunggay is timely in this issue. Traditional experience
shows that health benefits derived from it can be just as effective as prescription
medications. Some developments in pharmacology consider processing these natural
plants of medicinal value. It is not surprising that there are medicines available in
drugstores or pharmacies that are plant based like lagundi syrup, malunggay capsules,
mangosteen supplements, or aspirin which contain salicin a chemical similar to
the bark of white willow.

People nowadays are looking back into plants for time-proven cures. Natural healing
with herbal medicines has stood the test of time for almost any health issue or
conditions. Added to that, these natural healing plants almost have no known or may
just have fewer side effects.

We are what we eat. Those who live longer are said to eat more plant based food at
regular times, wake up and sleep at regular hours, and refrain from overstressing their
bodies and minds.

Our bodies are made to stay fit and fight illnesses by natural means. Let’s use these
nature’s gifts to live longer, healthier, and free from pain and diseases.

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Today’s Realities ........................................................................................................................................ 4

I. About Malunggay .................................................................................................................................... 8

A. Identification....................................................................................................................................... 8
B. Botanical Description .......................................................................................................................... 8
C. Habitat ................................................................................................................................................ 9
D. Cultivation ........................................................................................................................................ 10

II. Products from Malunggay.................................................................................................................... 11

A. Getting the Most from Parts of Malunggay ...................................................................................... 11
a. Leaves ...................................................................................................................................... 11
b. Flowers ..................................................................................................................................... 12
c. Young Pods ............................................................................................................................... 13
d. Mature Pods ............................................................................................................................ 14
e. Roots ........................................................................................................................................ 15
B. Other Uses of Malunggay.................................................................................................................. 16
a. Feeds to Domestic Animals ...................................................................................................... 16
b. Provides Habitat to Bees and other Insects ............................................................................. 16
c. Fuel ........................................................................................................................................... 16
d. Fiber ......................................................................................................................................... 16
e. Timber ...................................................................................................................................... 17
f. Gum or Resin ............................................................................................................................ 17
f. Lipids ......................................................................................................................................... 17

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

III. Medicinal Benefits from Malunggay................................................................................................... 18

A. Treatment of TOP 4 Health Conditions ............................................................................................. 19
1. Asthma ..................................................................................................................................... 19
2. Hypertension............................................................................................................................ 19
3. Diabetes ................................................................................................................................... 20
4. Cancer ...................................................................................................................................... 20
B. Other Health Benefits ....................................................................................................................... 21
1. Scalp Problems ......................................................................................................................... 21
2. Boosts Immune System ............................................................................................................ 21
3. Milk Production in Nursing Mothers ........................................................................................ 21
4. Skin Rejuvenation..................................................................................................................... 21
5. Relaxant ................................................................................................................................... 21
6. Anthelmintic, Anti Parasitic ...................................................................................................... 22
7. Source of Calcium .................................................................................................................... 22
8. Anti-inflammatory .................................................................................................................... 22
9. Eye Problems ........................................................................................................................... 22
10. Skin Diseases .......................................................................................................................... 22
11. Stomach Problems ................................................................................................................. 23
12. Snake Bites ............................................................................................................................. 23
13. Ear Problems .......................................................................................................................... 23
14. Combat Malnutrition ............................................................................................................. 23
15. Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal ............................................................................. 23
16. Boots Fertility ......................................................................................................................... 24
17. Super Food ............................................................................................................................. 24

IV. Malunggay – Herbal Medicine Preparation ....................................................................................... 25

A. Taken as Food ................................................................................................................................... 25
B. Decoction for Washing Sores and Wounds ....................................................................................... 25

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

C. Poultice ............................................................................................................................................. 25
D. Malunggay Oil ................................................................................................................................... 25
E. Powder, Flakes, Tea, Capsules or Tablets .......................................................................................... 26

V. Dosage, Warnings and Side Effects...................................................................................................... 27

VI. Where Can I Get or Buy Malunggay? ................................................................................................. 27

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 28
About the Author ..................................................................................................................................... 29
References ................................................................................................................................................ 30

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

I. About Malunggay

A. Identification

Moringa Oleifera commonly known as Malunggay in Filipino are called in different

names in various dialects in the Philippines.

“In Tagalog it is known as Kalungay, kamalungay, molongay; in Pangasinense as

arungay; in Bikol as dool or kalunggay; kamalungay in Cebu Bisaya; komkompilan,
maruñgaay in Iloilo; kamalungay, malungge or malunggit in Kapampangan;
maruñgaay in Ibanag” (Quisumbing, 1951).

It is identified in different names too in some parts of the world for example: Ben
oil tree, cabbage tree, clarifier tree, drumstick tree, horse-radish tree, moringa
tree, west Indian ben (English); paraiso blanco, paraiso frances, reseda
(Spanish); acacia blanc, ben aile, moringa aile, neverdie, pois quenique
(French); nugge (Cantonese); sanjna,suhujna,sondna,sohanjna,shajna,munga
ara,sainjna,mungna (Hindi); kelor (Indonesian); sajina,merunggai (Malay);
makhonkom,ma-rum, phakihum (Thai); chùmngây (Vietnamese) (Orwa et al.,

B. Botanical Description

“Moringa Oleifera grows as high as 9 m. Its root yields a pungent essential oil and has
the taste of horse radish. It has soft, white wood and a corky gummy bark. Each
compound leaf contains 3-9 very thin leaflets dispersed on a compound stalk. Its

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

flowers are white and fragrant, producing long, pendulous, 9-ribbed pods”
(Quisumbing, 1978).

Malunggay grows as high as 9 meters. (Cabasan, 9/11/2020)

C. Habitat

Malunggay can be found almost everywhere in the Philippines. Some are found in
settled areas as a backyard vegetable or planted along streets and borders. Still
others are cultured in farms for commercial purposes.

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Malunggay planted in the backyard. (Cabasan, 9/11/2020)

D. Cultivation

Malunggay is generally grown by planting tree cuttings with length of 1 to 1.5 m.

Propagation by seed is possible throughout the year as germination has no
restrictive stumbling blocks other than frost and freezing in temperate regions or
water logging environment during rainy season in some areas. The tree is
drought resistant and sustainable in semi-arid tropical and subtropical areas.
Sandy soil is best for malunggay and naturally adaptable to soil acidity/alkalinity
level of 4.5 to 8.00 pH.

When the tree grows up to eight months with proper cultivation it is expected to
be very productive in yield. Pruning the tree after each harvest is good practice to
grow fresh new leaves. Malunggay bears pods regularly after two years (De
Silva, 2010).

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

II. Products from Malunggay

A. Getting the Most from Parts of Malunggay

a. Leaves

(Sahagon, 4/24/2010)

“The leaves are used as a spinach equivalent and are a good source of protein,
vitamins A, B and C and minerals such as calcium and iron. They are an excellent
source of the sulphur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine, which are often in
short supply.

The crushed leaves are used to clean pots and pans, and the Hausa and Yoruba of
Nigeria even use them to clean walls” (Orwa et al., 2009).

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

Traditional Uses of Malunggay Leaves:

1. “Made into soft, heated preparation, spread on cloth and applied to reduce swellings.
2. Eaten freely to increase the amount of milk of nursing mothers
3. Eaten to promote bowel movement
4. Poultice applied to stop bleeding”
(Galvez Tan J and Galvez Tan Ma. R., 2017)

b. Flowers

(Smith, 12/16/2009)

“The flowers can be eaten as vegetable. They are often brewed into a strong medicinal
tea or pressed for the juice they contain. Traditionally they are used to treat urinary tract
infections or to manage the symptoms of the common cold. They are good supplements

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for breast-feeding mothers to help increase the flow of milk and the nutritional value
they provide to babies like vital amino acids, calcium and potassium” (Moringa Flowers,

c. Young pods

(ValMan, 2/19/2007)

The young pods of the malunggay plant are edible. They taste like asparagus. The
green peas and surrounding white material can be removed from larger pods and
cooked in various ways.

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

d. Mature pods

(Google, n.d.)

Seeds from mature pods (which can be 40-50 cm long) can be browned in a
skillet, mashed and placed in boiling water, which causes an excellent cooking or
lubricating oil to float to the surface. The pleasantly flavored edible oil,
resembling olive oil, is an excellent salad oil.

In Sudan, powdered seeds are deemed more effective than slices of okra
(abelmoschus esculentus) for treatment of bee honey. They can be used without
boiling and can be utilized to clarify sugarcane juice (Orwa et al., 2009).

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

e. Roots

(Google, n.d.)

Traditional Uses of Malunggay Roots:

1. Pounded and made into soft, heated preparation, spread on cloth and applied
to soothe swellings
2. Poultice applied to snake bites and skin irritations
3. Root bark pounded and applied to relieve spasms
4. Decoction or infusion can be used as mouth wash
5. Juice mixed with milk can be taken in for hiccup, asthma, lumbago,
rheumatism, gout,
and stones
6. Decoction taken in to increase the amount of urine
(Galvez Tan J and Galvez Tan Ma. R., 2017)

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B. Other Uses of Malunggay

a. Feeds to Domestic Animals

Leaves are not to some extent used for livestock as forages. The branches however are
occasionally chopped for feeding camels or cattle.

b. Provides Habitat to Bees and other Insects

Malunggay increases forest cover especially when planted in wide areas which is
necessary for the conservation of wildlife. Pruning and piling of its wood cuttings provide
habitats to insects and animals. Regeneration of the plant keeps flowering on and off in
most parts of the year and offers nectar to honey bees and other insects for a long

c. Fuel

The soft and light wood of malunggay plant when dried is acceptable firewood for
cooking. It makes poor charcoal however compared to hard wood.

d. Fiber

“Bark, when beaten, produces a fiber used to make small ropes and mats. A study on
the production of rayon-grade pulp from Moringa oleifera by a prehydrolyzed sulphate
process in India shows that it is suitable as a raw material for the production of high
alpha cellulose pulp for use in cellophane and textiles” (Orwa et al., 2009).

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e. Timber

The wood can be utilized for building small trellis for vine vegetables. It is very soft and
light and therefore useful only for light structures.

f. Gum or Resin

“When the tree is injured, the stem exudes a gum that is used in calico printing, as a
condiment, and for stomach and bladder ailments. The mucilaginous gum has a bland
taste and belongs to the hog series of gums. The bark is used for tanning hides and
wood which yields a blue color dye” (Orwa et al., 2009).

g. Lipids

“Oil extracted from the mature pods (Ben oil) is yellowish, non-drying, good keeping
qualities but eventually turns rancid. It is used as a lubricant, in cosmetics and
perfumes, and to some extent is a substitute for sperm-whale oil” (Orwa et al., 2009).

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III. Medicinal Benefits from Malunggay

Malunggay Tree Soaring High. (Cabasan, 9/11/2020)

Malunggay is widely believed to contain high value nutrients and vitamins. It promotes
general well-being if consumed regularly. It is also called a "miracle tree" primarily for
the various health benefits it provides for almost all kinds of diseases and medical

Malunggay has a long history of medical usage and has a lengthy list of folkloric health

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A. Treatment of TOP 4 Health Conditions

1. Asthma

“Asthma is a disease in which the main air passages of the lungs, the bronchial tubes,
restrict airflow in and out of the lungs. The muscle of the bronchial tubes become
inflamed and the lungs produce extra mucus further narrowing the airways.

Asthma comes from the Greek word for "panting." The panting and wheezing sound is
characteristic of asthma because of the restricted flow of air” (Asthma, n.d.).

“Malunggay leaves combined with honey and calamansi is a perfect concoction to treat
cough and asthma” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

2. Hypertension

“Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the
amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps
and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.

Hypertension or uncontrolled high blood pressure increases your risk of serious health
problems, including heart attack and stroke” (High Blood, n.d.).

“Always have malunggay soup in your meal. It helps lower high blood pressure”
(Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

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3. Diabetes

“Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which blood sugar (glucose) levels are
abnormally high because the body does not produce enough insulin.

If the body does not produce enough insulin to move the sugar into the cells, the
resulting high levels of sugar in the blood and the inadequate amount of sugar in the
cells together produce the symptoms and complications of diabetes” (Diabetes, n.d.).

“Whatever preparation you do with malunggay, it helps lower sugar levels and is
recommended for sufferers of diabetes” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal
Medicine, n.d.).

4. Cancer

“Cancer refers to any one of a large number of diseases characterized by the

development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate
and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer often has the ability to spread throughout your
body” (Cancer, n.d.).

Malunggay or Moringa has been shown in studies to have an anti-tumor capacity.

“Moringa contains benzyl isothiocyanate. There are many studies that have shown this
chemical and compounds derived thereof to have anti-cancer and chemoprotective
capabilities. This chemoprotective aspect is critical for those who are battling cancer.
This helps strengthen cells so that they can tolerate chemotherapy.

Malunggay is also considered in the treatment of prostate cancer and skin cancer”
(Fuglie LJ, 2000).

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

B. Other Health Benefits

1. Scalp Problems

“Malunggay leaves are pounded and combined with coconut oil to treat scalp problems
and to promote hair growth” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

2. Boosts Immune System

“Boiled malunggay leaves contain immune boosting nutrients used in sickness

recovery” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

3. Milk Production in Nursing Mothers

“Boiled malunggay leaves are widely used to increase milk production in nursing
mothers” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

4. Skin Rejuvenation

“Malunggay is used as skin restorer to promote skin rejuvenation” (Malunggay (Moringa

Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

5. Relaxant

“Malunggay tea from bark or leaves is used to treat insomnia and restlessness”
(Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

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6. Anthelmintic, Anti-parasitic

“Malunggay pod is chewed to treat and prevent intestinal parasites in children”

(Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

7. Source of Calcium

Malunggay is very rich source of calcium and aids in maintaining healthy bones and
teeth especially for growing children and older people.

8. Anti-inflammatory

“Malunggay oil or poultice is used to treat bone and ligament related conditions that
involve inflammations such as gout, rheumatism, back pain, sprains and all sorts of
swelling” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

9. Eye Problems

“Malunggay is also used to improve eye problems. It is believed to contain high amount
of vitamin A, more than that of a carrot” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine,

10. Skin Diseases

“Decoction of boiled roots are used to wash sores, cuts, skin ulcers, wounds and other
skin diseases to alleviate pain and promote healing” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera)
Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

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11. Stomach Problems

“Malunggay is also used for stomach and intestinal problems such as ulcers and
constipation” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

.12. Snake Bites

“Malunggay roots are also used to treat snake bites” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera)
Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

13. Ear Problems

“The juice from malunggay roots is used to treat ear related problems (otalgia)”
(Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

14. Combat Malnutrition

Malunggay is rich in vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron and protein. It is a good source
of nutrients that helps combat malnutrition especially among infants and nursing

15. Anti-microbial, Antibacterial, Anti-fungal

“In late 1940's, The Department of Biochemistry at the Indian Institute of Science in
Bangalore (PLN Rao) have found that malunggay or Moringa Oleifera leaves contain a
compound "pterygospermin" that is known in medical science as having antimicrobial,
antibacterial, anti-fungal properties” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine,

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16. Boosts fertility

“Malunggay flower with soy milk is used as aphrodisiac and promote fertility for men”
(Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

17. Super Food

Malunggay is one of the single most potent plants that bring a rich source of natural
photochemistry which provide deep cellular nitrification and detoxification.

When combined with alkaline greens such as fresh herbs like green leafy
vegetables, salads with lettuce, spinach, celery cucumber, or avocado, wheat
grass, fresh herbs and spices, fruits and sprouts like alfalfa, mung bean, broccoli,
they make an organic raw superfood. They can increase the bodies cellular
rejuvenation capacity, increase oxygenation of the blood and brain and maximize
the bodies overall defenses against mental, emotional and physical stress.

Adding Indian Tusi, Ashwaganda, Gotu Kola, Ginko Biloba, Ho Shu Wu, they
now also aid the body with digestion, maximum transformational capacity, weight
management, increase the individual’s natural capacity for mental clarity,
emotional balance and physical energy at any age, at any fitness level
(Fitzgerald P, 2008).

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IV. Malunggay - Herbal Medicine Preparations

A. Taken as food

Malunggay leaves, flowers or young seed pods may be cooked together with other
vegetables, meat or fish to make a dish or warm soup. Mature Malunggay pods may be
eaten raw or fried.

B. Decoction for Washing Sores and Wounds.

“Boil malunggay roots and let it cool to tolerable warm temperature and use it to wash
wounds and sores. It may also be used to wash mouth sores and sore throats by
gargling the Malunggay decoction” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine,

C. Poultice

“Grounded Malunggay seeds, leaves and bark may be applied topically as poultice onto
swollen flesh to relieve inflammation” (Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine,

D. Malunggay Oil

“It may be taken internally as mixed with foods. It is known to be a powerful antioxidant
even used by the early people from Egypt.

Malunggay oil also known as Ben oil is widely used as oil base for perfumes and
cosmetics. The oil is extracted by pressing Malunggay seeds” (Malunggay (Moringa
Oleifera) Herbal Medicine, n.d.).

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E. Powder, Flakes, Tea, Capsules or Tablets

Malunggay powder (Cabasan, 9/11/2020)

Malunggay in powder or flakes maybe mixed with flour to make bread or combined with
other food stuffs. It is also available in capsules or tablets which can be taken orally or
as tea or mixed with coffee or other herbal concoction.

Malunggay Capsules (Cabasan, 9/11/2020)

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V. Dosage, Warnings and Side Effects

- Is Malunggay Safe?

“Research shows that it's generally OK to eat the malunggay leaves or young seed
pods. The leaf extracts made from powder and water may also be safe.

However there are findings from study with rats that ingestion of Moringa oleifera leaves
is harmful during the first trimester of pregnancy and is capable of aborting pregnancy”
(Ekhator C. N., n.d.).

“It can also be dangerous to eat bark or pulp, especially for pregnant women. Chemicals
in the bark may make the uterus contract and lead to a miscarriage” (Health Benefits of
Moringa, n.d.).

VI. Where can I Get or Buy Malunggay?

Malunggay tree can be found in the wild as well as cultivated in warm tropical countries.
The pods and leaves are harvested and are sold in wet markets and in the vegetable
section in grocery stores in most of these countries.

For other parts of the world where malunggay trees don't grow, food grade preparations
in forms of powder, tablets, syrups and capsules can be bought in respected health
stores. Liniments, creams and lotions containing malunggay oil may also be available.

There are few online stores that sell malunggay tablets and capsules. Amazon is one.
You can get a ton of other related moringa products listed in this site.

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High


As discussed in this ebook, we come to know more about what is considered by some
as the lowly malunggay. It is too common in the Philippines. Almost everyone here is
familiar about malunggay that more people are not interested to examine the value we
can get from it.

Is malunggay really worth it? It’s always available in the market and relatively cheap.
You can even ask from your neighbor and he/she will immediately give some to you
without reluctance.

Now try to check on Amazon how much it cost. When processed as oil, powder or
capsules, it demands a price from USD 9.00 to USD 24.00 or maybe more.

Wow, that’s too much! Of course we also have to consider that in some parts of the
world, the climate is not suitable for malunggay to thrive. We have to be thankful for
those who are living in tropical countries like the Philippines that this plant exists in
abundance. We are truly blessed in this part of the world.

Upon realizing the value of malunggay not so much over the counter prices on
pharmacies but the plentiful benefits one can get from it, truly the lowly malunggay will
lift us high. And, as we experience better health, let us contribute to spread the good

“Let’s put into use the abundant benefits of the lowly Malunggay and watch it rise to be
one of our top priorities. In the end we harvest the more healthy us. Cheers”!

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

About the Author

Ramonito Ariel A. Cabasan (RAA Cabasan) is the founder and author of a website dedicated to health and wellness particularly “natural
healing plants”. He has extensive experience in the corporate world, an entrepreneur, a
teacher, church volunteer, a farmer and a father. He suffered a mild stroke in
September 2018 which inspired him to make a conviction to share his experiences on
the value of natural plants that helped him on his way to recovery and improved overall
well-being. This is also to thank and give back to God, the Creator of good things
around us, our Healer and Giver of Life.


The contents of this ebook are for information purposes only. It should not be used for diagnosis or
treatment of a medical problem. If in case one suspects of a health problem, please consult a proper
health care provider. Do not delay or disregard professional medical help because of what you have read
here. This is not a substitute for professional care.

Testimonials or endorsements found here do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding
health outcomes. They are personal experiences and are not a substitute for scientific research.

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How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High


Delmo, G., (2011, December 15). The Rise of the Lowly Malunggay. Far Eastern Agriculture.

De Silva, W., (2010, October 21). Moringa Oleifera, A Magical Tree. Ezine Articles.,-A-Magical-Vegetable-Tree&id=5247485

Ekhator C. N., Osifo U. C. (n.d.). Abortifacient Efficacy of Moringa oleifera Leave: An

Experimental Study on Adult Female Wistar Rats. American Journal of Biology and Life
Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 6, 2015, pp. 269-272.

Fitzgerald, P (2008, December 22). Alkaline Green Formula – The Superfood You Need. Ezine

Fuglie, LJ (2000, June). New Uses of Moringa Studied in Nicaragua. ECHO Development Notes

Galvez Tan, J., MD, MPH and Galvez Tan, Ma. R., RN. (2017). Medicinal Fruits, Vegetables

Galvez Tan, J., MD., MPH and Sia, I., MD, PhD. (2014). The Best 100
Philippine Medicinal Plants. Quezon City: Health Futures Foundation, Inc.

Orwa C, Mutua A , Kindt R , Jamnadass R, Simons A. (2009). Agroforestree Database: a tree

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30 © Copyright 2020
R.A.A. Cabasan
All Rights Reserved
How The Lowly Malunggay Will Lift Us High

(n.d.). Health Benefits of Moringa. WebMD.


(n.d.). High Blood. MedicalHealthGuide.


(n.d.). Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Herbal Medicine. MedicalHealthGuide.

(n.d.). Moringa Flowers. Miracle Trees.


Smith, J. (2009), Moringa Oleifera Flowers [Photograph]. Flickr.

Sahagon, B. (2010), Malunggay [Photograph]. Flickr.

ValMan, (2007), Moringa Oleifera [Photograph]. Flickr.

Google. (n.d.).– Malunggay Seed Pods. Market Manila [Photograph]

Google. (n.d.).– Moringa-oliefera-root-stock. [Photograph]

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R.A.A. Cabasan
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