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Lesson 1: Rizal in the Eyes of the Filipinos

Dr. JOSE RIZAL – the greatest hero of the Philippines was a “many splendored” genius.
He was richly dowered by God with superb, intellectual, moral and physical qualities. Truly he
ranks with a world genius. He was an anthropologist, botanist, businessman, cartographer,
dramatist, economist, educator, engineer, essayist, ethnologist, farmer folklorist, geographer,
grammarian, historian, humorist, linguist, musician, novelist, painter, physician, poet,
philosopher, psychologist, sport man, sociologist, surveyor, traveler, and zoologist. Unlike
many geniuses he consecrated his God given talents and even sacrificed his own life for the
redemption and welfare of his people.
Truly a man of his heroism and versatility appears but once in the history of any nation.
Historians consider him as the man who inspired a nation.
Rizal also had his share of detractors. Some writers depict him as an agitator a wanderlust, a
man hungry power, and an unpredictable person. Some write to denigrate him and question
his motives and his sacrifices. A story on this- on New Year’s Day of 1891 the Filipinos of Madrid
met to reorganize the Associacion Hispano Filipino to elect a new leader who would act as
the spokesman of the Filipinos in Europe. The Filipinos were divided into two the Rizalistas and
the Pilaristas. The Rizalistas work hard for Rizal election as leader while the Pilaristas or friends
of Del Pilar fought for Del Pilars election. Both candidates wanted to withdraw for the sake of
unity but their fanatical followers would not allow them to do so.
Feelings ran high during the balloting. On the first balloting either candidate failed to
garner the necessary two thirds votes for election. The second vote was taken the next day
with the same result. Rizal counted the votes which were 19. Thereupon he said I can see that
I have only 19 friends in the colony, “Farewell senores until we meet again.” He took his hat
and walkout.
This is just an instance in the life of Rizal where he experienced depression and
embarrassment. All his life he served the Filipinos forsaking his personal affairs in life yet not all
Filipinos wanted him especially those who loved wine woman and cards.

The Humanity of a Heroes

In the study of the life of a hero, it is important to put in mind that a hero is a human
being. Heroes are made. Heroes, like ordinary human beings, are a product of their time.
Heroes are the product of their environment, which includes their society, surroundings and
the conditions prevalent at that time. Heroes are made because they responded to the call
of the times and their response to this call had a decisive effect on the lives of their
countrymen. Heroes are ordinary human beings who faced the challenges with an
extraordinary response. In the end, their humanity will be unveiled through social study. In
closely studying the humanity of heroes, their frailties surface. There may be some writers who
may wish to denigrate their achievements by capitalizing on these frailties. They may even
question their motives by making malicious conclusions about their achievements.

The Criteria for Heroes

Who declares if anyone is a hero? How did Rizal become a hero? There is no law or
proclamation which directly made Rizal a hero. Rizal’s hero status was made by the
acclamation of the Filipino people. This becomes the object of public worship and accolades
are heaped upon him. This could be seen in singular tributes to his honor and it may even be
manifested physically through the erection of a monuments and the naming of streets and
buildings after him. The test of a person’s heroism becomes stronger if the person is acclaimed
long after his death and by people who are not of his generation. This means the
appreciation of his life and achievements span beyond his life and achievements spans
beyond his life.

The National Historical Institute (NHI; presently the National Historical Commission of
the Philippines) is presently the national historical commission of the Philippines is the countries
agencies in charge of historical matters, prescribe the passage of 50 years before a person is
confirmed as a hero. If the person is still being admired after that period and his ideas and
ideals are still invoke and appreciated, the person has passed the test of time and is
considered a hero.

Moreover, “a hero must exercise a determinative influence over the spiritual life of his
people in an event of great significance.

It further says that in order to qualify for the distinction of a national hero one must
project himself buy his own fortitude, own effort and sacrifices to be the beacon light of his
oppressed countrymen to their rightful destiny. He must exhibit self-denial and abandon his
personal interest to place those of his country before any other and whose deeds and acts
are proudly emulated by a grateful people that after his death, render singular tribute honor
him with public worship and acknowledge his meritorious services to mankind by
spontaneous national recognition.

A hero must also exercise a determinative influence over the spiritual life of his people
in an event of great significance.

The historical committee of the national hero’s commission came out with a
characteristic of a person to be examined before he could be considered a hero this are the
extent of the persons sacrifices for the welfare of the country.

1. Motives and methods employed in the attainment of the ideal welfare of the country.
In the attainment of the ideal, did the person concerned sacrifice purely and
exclusively for the welfare of the country or were there any selfish or ulterior motives in
the making of such sacrifices? Were the methods employed in the attainment of the
ideal morally valid?
2. The moral character of the person. Did he do anything immoral to taint his personal
character? If there was any immorality, did it affect his work, society, or ideal?

3. The influence of the person to his age or epoch and the succeeding eras.

Judging from these criteria, the consideration for heroism are very stringent and would
subject the person concern to intense scrutiny. It is aimed to confer the mantle of being
considered a hero to those who are truly deserving, as the word “hero” is overused and
abused nowadays.

More definitions on what a hero were added in the year 1993, Onofre D. Corpuz added
that “Heroes are those who defined and contribute to a system of life and freedom and order
for a nation. Freedom without order will only lead to anarchy.” An important element in
considering heroism is the person’s nationalism. A person could be considered a hero if he
has a concept of nation and thereafter aspires and struggles for the nation’s freedom. The
person to be considered a national hero must be guided by the conviction o national
identity. This means that the person must identify himself with the nation and would be willing
to sacrifice for its benefit.
Presently, the Philippines has set aside four days to honor its heroes. Rizal Day is
commemorated every December 30 as a national mourning day in honor of Jose Rizal.

The other day dedicated to a single Filipino hero is Bonifacio Day which is celebrated
every November 30. It honors Andres Bonifacio, the founder of the Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-
galangnaKatipunanngmgaAnakng Bayan (KKK) which launch the Philippine Revolution of
1896. The celebration of Bonifacio was made possible by the issuance of Act No.2946 by the
Philippine Legislature on February 16,1921.

The third day set aside for commemorating Filipino Heroes is the National Heroes Day.
Celebrated every last Sunday of August. The celebration of this holiday became possible in
accordance to Public Act No. 3827 passed by the Philippine Legislature on October 28,1931.
National Heroes Day honors all the heroes of the Philippines including those who are unknown.

A fourth holiday was created by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on December

25,2004, whe she signed into law the Republic Act 9256, which created Ninoy Aquino Day.
This holiday is commemorated every August 21, the anniversary of assassination of Senator
BenignoNinoy Aquino Jr. Ninoy was the leading symbol of the anti-dictatorship struggle
against President Ferdinand E. Marcos.

As for who should recognize heroes, this should be better left to the people through their
popular acclamation. The people are the final judge to the heroes’ achievements and they
would subscribe to the hero’s ideals as long as these are relevant and classic. The role of the
government and other authorities is to continue to keep the memory of this heroes alive and
to confirmed their heroism after a long period of study and reflection in the case of Rizal more
than a hundred years have passed and we can now say that Rizal has passed the test of time
and is a true Filipino hero. Other national heroes

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