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NAME __________________________________________________ DATE ___________________

Skate Park Physics

Google search “physics classroom roller coaster model” and click the first link.

1. Read the first paragraph, scroll down, and click Launch Interactive. Once the Interactive opens, click the
upper left corner to enter full screen.
2. Know how to Start, Pause, Step, and Reset the simulation.
3. Observe the three different tabs at the top of the simulation for toggling between Ramp, Loop, and Bumps
AND that each track design can be further modified by dragging a grey circle to a different position.
4. Experiment with the three controls for showing the Velocity vector, Force vector, and toggling Track Drag
on and off.
5. Once acquainted with the program, click the Ramp button (this will reset the simulation to default settings).

Part I: Basic Energy Relationships

1. Click/tap the Start button and observe the motion.

2. View the bar charts and the velocity value as the coaster car moves. Complete the following paragraph by
entering total mechanical energy (ME), kinetic energy (KE), and potential energy (PE).

As the coaster car rolls down the track from A to E, the

________ value decreases, the _______ value increases, and the
________ value remain constant. The _______ is greatest at
point A and smallest at point E. The _______ is smallest at point
A and largest at point E.

Part II: Hill Design

1. Click on the Bumps tab at the top of the Interactive. Then drag
the grey circles to modify the track so that it looks like the track
design at the right.

2. Pay attention to the background grid to help with the design.

Note that Dot G is at the same height as Dot E; make sure that
the same is true of your final design.

Run the simulation by pressing Start.

3. Does the coaster car travel as high as point H?


4. Give an explanation for why it does or doesn't

reach point H.

5. How does the speed at point E compare to the speed at point G?


Click reset in the top left corner. Start the simulation again and let it run while watching the KE and PE bars on
the left side of the square.

6. Rank the PE for the eight different locations, from the lowest PE (left) to the highest PE (right) by writing
letters on each line.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

7. Rank the KE for the eight different locations, from the lowest KE (left) to the highest KE (right) by
writing letters on each line.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

8. Compare your answers for 6 and 7. What relationship do you notice about the order of letters in each


9. Click reset. Start the simulation and make note of the speed at point D. ___________

Pause the track at point A.

10. Do you think changing the height of point C would affect the speed of the coaster car at point D?

Try this scenario and find out. Once certain of the answer, make a claim and support it with evidence (data)
and reasoning.


Google search “phet skate part basics” and click the first link.

1. Click the orange 5 or the play button on the image of the interactive.
2. Click “Friction.”
3. Check the “Grid” and “Bar Graph” boxes in the top right corner. Keep them open at all times.

4. Choose the U-shaped track on the right. Drag the skater to the top of one side, then let him go. Observe the
energy bar graph as he goes back and forth. When does the skater have:

a. Highest PE: __________________________ c. Highest KE: ______________________________

b. Lowest PE: ___________________________ d. Lowest KE: _______________________________
5. While the skater is still moving on the U-shaped track, increase the mass using the slider on the right side.
Observe the energy graph.

a. If mass increases, what happens to kinetic energy? _________________________________

b. If mass increases, what happens to potential energy? _______________________________
c. If mass increases, what happens to mechanical (total) energy? ______________________

6. Explain why you think this happens.


7. Complete the table based on what you observed (circle one answer for each KE and PE):

Position (height) of skater Kinetic Energy Potential Energy

Top high / medium / low high / medium / low
Middle high / medium / low high / medium / low
Bottom high / medium / low high / medium / low

8. Circle the correct answer: As the skater goes -

a. up the hill, kinetic energy: increases / decreases / stays constant
b. up the hill, potential energy: increases / decreases / stays constant
c. up the hill, mechanical energy: increases / decreases / stays constant
d. down the hill, kinetic energy: increases / decreases / stays constant
e. down the hill, potential energy: increases / decreases / stays constant
f. down the hill, mechanical energy: increases / decreases / stays constant

9. What is the relationship between kinetic and potential energy?


10. Check the “speed” box in the upper right corner. What is the relationship between speed and KE?

11. What happens to the total (mechanical) energy of the skater as time passes?

12. Now, increase the friction using the slider on the right side of the page. What is different about the skater's
motion with friction, compared to without it?


13. What happens to each type of energy (use the bar graph on the left side) when friction is on.


1. Describe a situation in a basketball game when a player has a lot of kinetic energy.


2. Describe a situation in a basketball game when a player has a lot of potential energy.


3. Based on what you observed in the simulation, what two factors affect kinetic energy?

4. Based on what you observed in the simulation, what two factors affect potential energy?

5. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can change forms, but it cannot be created or
destroyed. Relate this law to the mechanical (total) energy bar in the graph. Why doesn’t total energy
change over time (unless friction is turned on)?


6. What do you think happens to the skater's KE and PE energy when friction is involved?

7. An archer stands on the ground and fires an arrow at a target. A second archer stands at the top of a building
and holds an arrow in his hand.
Which arrow has more potential energy? Which arrow has more kinetic energy? EXPLAIN WHY.


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