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Name: Andrea Duque

Section: 07
Date: 28/11/2019

What is the relationship between white biotechnology and chemistry?

Chemistry is a major part of biotechnology. Most of the reactions and processes that are found in
biotechnology are based on chemistry, for example, nanotechnology. Also, chemistry provides the
ground under which different processes and reactions are explained as they take place.

Chemistry is the source of all the major discoveries, concepts, and also the advances found in the
field of biotechnology. Therefore, these two fields have been both linked to each other in different

Through forming a baseline for numerous biotechnology concepts, chemistry is an essential part in
biotechnology. The following are some of the importance associated with chemistry:

1. Explanation of the Chemical Processes:

Different processes such as food formation processes, fermentation and formation of alcohol
and beer, and chemical bonding are explained in the way that elements are mixed to form
different compounds.

These concepts and processes show the interaction of bio-molecules and elements to form
compounds. Chemistry provides explanation of chemical processes in the material sciences

2. For Improvement of Health Care and Medicine:

Medicines and health care processes are as a result of use of elements to make manufacture
medicine and drugs. The medicinal industries heavily employ biotechnology to develop new
pharmaceuticals which can be used to deal with diseases and conditions.

Drugs and medicine usually contain a mixture of different elements such as iron, calcium,
magnesium, and zinc among many others. These elements are mixed according to their
requirements to cure diseases and conditions or according to their deficiency in the body.

3. Biorefinery:

Is a biotechnological process which aims at producing renewable feedstock in a bid to provide

alternative solutions for the petroleum products which are used rampantly in the world.

The process encompasses chemical reactions through which items such as corn, switch grass,
and energy cane are refined to make biofuels such as biodiesel. This process is a
representation of how chemistry is heavily used in biotechnology.

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