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To: Professor Thompson

From: Damon Miller
Date: February 21, 2020
Subject: Project 2: Technical Documentation

The following memo is the technical documentation requested for project 2. The memo
describes my planning decisions for this project. The summary outlines these

I will create a slidecast that provides an extended technical description of air-entraining

admixtures in concrete mix designs. The primary audience will be concrete mixer/truck
drivers, but the information may also be useful to concrete contractors/finishers and
customers. The goal is to inform drivers about the purpose and applications of this
admixture. This knowledge will be used by drivers to verify that the application of the
delivered concrete coincides with the air-entrainment in the concrete mix design. The
slidecast will use a specific to general pattern to explain the specific concepts behind
air-entraining admixtures, how this admixture can affect concrete durability, and then
describe how to identify air-entrained concrete and the general circumstances when air-
entrained concrete is required.

 Term: Air-Entraining Admixtures.
 Audience: Concrete Mixer Drivers.
 Need:
o Understand what an Air Entrainer Admixtures is/does.
o Understand how Air Entrainer Admixtures affect the durability during the
freeze/thaw cycle.
o Understand how to identify Air Entrained concrete.
o Understand the applications of Air Entrained concrete.
 Choice of option to meet audience need: Technical Description.
 Rhetorical Move:
o Describe in detail the specifics of how Air Entrainment Admixture works to
increase concrete durability in certain situations.
o Compare Air Entrainer and the affects to concrete to common household
 Choice of organizing pattern: Specific to General.

Please contact me if you have any questions about my planning for this project.

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