Lesson 9 The Three Kinds of Israel

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Lesson 9 The Three Kinds of Israel

Main Reference: Rv7:1-4

After this → Those who are sealed 12 Tribes 144,000

Ecc1:4 Generations come and generation go
But the earth remains forever

Adam – Noah
Abraham (Gn15:13-14) – Isaac – Jacob

I. Physical Israel

1. Beginning
Jacob → Israel (12 Tribes) Gn32:28, Gn35:10

God covenant Israel Ex19:5-6

2. End
1 Kg11 (Hos6:7) Israel broke the covenant
Is34:1-4 the sky rolled up like a scroll
All the stars fall like shriveled figs from the fig tree
(all men slaughtered)
Joel2:10,31 the sun will turn to darkness and moon to blood

3. Beginning:
Joel 2:32 everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved on Mt. Zion,
Jer31:22 New work/thing: ‘a man will surround a woman’

II. Spiritual Israel 12 Tribes

1. Beginning
Mt1:18-23 New work: Birth of Jesus
Jn1:11-13 not born of natural descent or husband’s will but born of God
Jn16:33 Jesus overcame → Israel (Lk22:14-20)
Mt24:14 (12 disciples) (12 Tribes)
2. End
Mt13:37-43 the harvest = end of the age
Rv2-3, Rv13 Betrayer
Mt24:29 Sun, moon and stars: dark & fall (end of spiritual Israel)
Rv6:12-14 Sun, moon and stars: dark & fall (end of spiritual Israel)
3. Beginning
Mt24:29-31 at the trumpet → will gather the elect
Rv7:1-4 selaed 144,000
Rv21:1 New heaven and new earth

III. New Spiritual Israel 12 Tribes

1. Beginning:
Rv2-3, Rv12:1 New John → Israel
Rv7:1-8 sealed 144,000 of 12 Tribes
Rv7:9-14 Great Multitude in white
Rv15:2 those who had been victorious

2. God’s promised new nation and new people 12 tribes that will last forever
Dn2:44 kingdom that will never be destroyed
Rv7:15-17 God and Jesus will be with them
Rv22:3-5 the throne of God and Jesus will be in the city
The servant will see God
They will reign forever
Rv3:12 One who overcomes

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