Responce Essay To The Future of Gender Equality

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much as I would like to see gender equality becoming a reality in the near future, I seriously doubt it. Despite th
e fact that many countries claim to be gender-neutral, many people still regard themselves as superior to the oppo
site gender.
Women are more likely to become inferior to their male opponents for the majority of their lives on Earth.This typ
e of separation is extremely dangerous and can lead to a variety of problems, including difficult lifestyles and one g
ender being submissive to the other. The degrees and causes of inequality vary across the globe.

In some countries, honor killing is the point at which a female member of a family is executed for the purpose of
bringing shame to their family. In some Arab countries, this had devolved into a monstrous scenario. Under the
guise of defending the family's honor, two saudi arabian sisters were murdered by their sibling in the presence of
their father. Another instance of wrongdoing included the more than 30,000 Guatemalan women who have been
murdered in recent years as a result of cases of misogynistic abuse. It is estimated that 130 million girls in Africa
and Yemen have had their genitalia mutilated. Each year, 5,000 Indian women are subjected to female infanticide
as a result of insufficient endowment payments. These are acts of illegal violence against women, as well as against
humanity as a whole.

Sex-selective abortion is another big issue that has arisen in the area of gender equality. This exacerbates the issue
of human trafficking, statistical inconsistency, and sexual violence. Women are the ones that suffer the most
because they are considered worthless unless they are given birth to a male offspring. Both India and China, the
world's two most populous nations, favor male childbirth over female childbirth. Females are undervalued and
poor in Chinese culture, and many families choose to hold male offspring over female offspring due to the ONE
CHILD POLICY. In addition, men are accepted in India, while women are seen as a burden.

Many governments systematically suffocate civil society by restricting press, speech, and assembly freedoms.
These confinements have a negative impact on both men and women; however, females are subjected to a
significant number of additional gender-specific human rights abuses. This legal segregation undermines women's
full personhood and equal cooperation in public, while also increasing the likelihood of violence. Women are
automatically treated as vulnerable by the government and are often ignored if they wish to report some form of
crime. This will result in the justice system being abused, making all court proceedings prohibitively costly to
resolve. The women's movement has spent years crusading for legal reform and addressing sex bias in current
legislation, but the focus now needs to shift to shifting attitudes and social dynamics that prevent women from
exercising their rights. It's important not to overestimate the law's ability to defeat these powers.

Women are no longer the only ones who face human rights violations in today's world. Governments have even
abused the LGBTQ+ community. They are endlessly tortured for being themselves, for liking someone of the same
gender, and for how they are seen by others. The LGBTQ+ community has long been denied the right to marry,
have children, or work in traditional jobs. Countries all over the world believe that marrying two people with the
same sexual orientation is satanic or unnatural. Since "marriage ought to be between man and woman" or "God
created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve," churches and the courts refuse their right to marry or have children.
People in this group have also been told that if they don't change their ways, they will perish in hellfire. In any case,
how are they causing problems because they choose one person over another?

We should be absolutely legitimate; as much as anyone would love for the world to be more equal in terms of
sexual identity, it would be impossible to achieve because the world is overwhelmingly one-sided in favor of one
sex. Instead of being fair on both sides, the world seems to be more male dominant. Gender equality would seem
to be a stage on the way to being genuine in a perfect dream. Regardless, we must note that, no matter how much
we claim to be equal, we are still separated by our sexual orientation.

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