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A study used a cross-sectional design conducted by Sari et al., (2021) entitled

Exclusive Breastfeeding History Risk Factor Associated With Stunting Of Children
Aged 12-23 Months : A Study Used A Cross-Sectional Design mentioned that the
results proved the study's hypothesis that exclusive breastfeeding is associated with
stunting in children aged 12–23 months compared with children who were not
exclusively breastfed in Banjar Margo District. Exclusive breastfeeding history was
associated with stunting in children aged 12–23 months in Banjar Margo District, after
controlling maternal education and employment factors.
This study was of 193 mothers who had children under 12–23 months were
selected who were selected using simple random sampling. The calculation of large
samples using the two-proportion hypothesis test formula16 obtained 180 samples with
an additional 10% to avoid dropping out of samples.
The inclusion criteria were mothers who had children aged 12–23 months and
have amaternal and child health book containing their children'sbody weight and length
at birth. The exclusion criteriawere mothers who have children with premature
birthand/or spinal abnormalities.


Authors → (Sari et al., 2021)

Sari et al., (2021). Exclusive Breastfeeding History Risk Factor Associated with
Stunting of Children Aged 12-23 Months. National Public Health Journal, 16(1),
Introduction →
The problem of malnutrition is currently still a major concern in various
countries, one of which is the toddler group. The malnutrition that occurs can cause
various problems, one of which is the problem of failure to thrive so that the child
becomes shorter (stunted) than standard. One of the risk factors for stunting is exclusive
breastfeeding, children who do not drink exclusive breastfeeding from birth are at risk
of stunting compared to those who receive exclusive breastfeeding.
Procedures →
This study used a cross-sectional design. This study was of 193 mothers who
had children under 12–23 months were selected who were selected using simple random
sampling. The inclusion criteria were mothers who had children aged 12–23 months and
have amaternal and child health book containing their children'sbody weight and length
at birth. The exclusion criteria were mothers who have children with premature
birthand/or spinal abnormalities.
Findings →
The results proved the study's hypothesis that exclusive breastfeeding is
associated with stunting in children aged 12–23 months compared with children who
were not exclusively breastfed in Banjar Margo District.
Conclusions →
Exclusive breastfeeding history was associated with stunting in children aged
12–23 months in Banjar Margo District, after controlling maternal education and
employment factors. Maternal education and employment factors were confounding
variables and substantially significantly related to exclusive breastfeeding.
Personal Coments →
The differnce between this study and mine is the respondent, because in this
study the respondents were 12-23 months old, while the research i conducted was 24-59
months old. In addition, it is also a place of research and sampling techniques


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