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Nama : Vidya Nila Putika Sari

NIM : 3090800193

Title Acute Diarrhea Duration Between Children

With Probiotic Therapy And Without
Probiotic Therapy At Gotong Royong
1. Identify the PICO of the journal P (Patient) → Children with acute diarrhea
ftom the title (1-5 Years) At Gotong Royong Hospital
I (Intervention) → Therapy to realive
C (Comparison) → Pribiotic Therapy and
Without Probiotic Theraphy
O (Outcome) → To recude diarrhea and To
analyze the differences in acute diarrhea
duration between children with probiotic
therapy and without probiotic therapy
2. How was the problem identified & Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of mortality
formulated? and morbidity in children throughout the world.
Based on Basic Health Research data
(Riskesdas), the highest diarrhea prevalence
occurs in children aged 1-4
3. What was the objective of the To analyze the differences in acute diarrhea
study? duration between children with probiotic
therapy and without probiotic therapy, a case
study in Gotong Royong Hospital
4. What was the hypothesis of the There is difference in the acute diarrhea
study? duration between children with probiotic
therapy and without probiotic therapy at
gotong royong hospital

5. Formulate the clinical question of Is there a difference in the duration of acute

the study diarrhea between children with probiotic
therapy and without probiotic therapy at
gotong royong hospital?
6. What was/ were study design(s) This research is a quantitative research,
used by the researcher? namely research using a systemic process
that uses a formal and objective approach.
This research was conducted using an
experimental study with a cohort approach.
7. When and where was the study The time of this research was not mentioned,
conducted? but for the place, namely in the the children's
clinic Gotong Royong Hospital, Surabaya
8. How were the setting and subject In this study, it did not affect the respondents,
determined? How was the sample but for the sample of this study were children
drawn? 1-5 years who experienced it Acute Diarrhea
in the children’s clinic at Gotong Royong
Hospitas, Surabaya and take care of yourself
inclusion and exclusion criteria. This study
uses a sampling technique
9. What types of instruments were Not started
used in the study?
10. Mention the inclusion and exclusion a) This study's inclusion criteria were:
criteria of the patients. willing to become study respondents
by signing informed consent, children
aged 1-5 years old, outpatients with
acute diarrhea, and regular nutritional
b) This study's exclusion criteria were:
slimy or bloody defecation, diarrhea
with severe dehydration, getting
antibiotic therapy, getting
antidiarrheal therapy, if during
observation the samples required
inpatient care, and if during
observation the samples were given
11. How was the study procedure 1. Requesting permission from the
conducted? hospital to conduct research in the
children's polyclinic room at Gotong
Royong Hospital, Surabaya
2. Ask for permission from the patient
and the patient's parents, namely the
child who has acute diarrhea in the
children's polyclinic room at the
Gotong Royong Hospital, Surabaya.
3. Furthermore, the informed consent
form is signed by the patient's parents
/ family who are willing to participate
in this study
4. After that, sample selection is carried
out with all patients who meet the
criteria, and will be included in the
study until a predetermined period of
5. Next, offer probiotic to children who
come to the children's polyclinic of
Gotong Royong Hospital in Surabaya
and experience acute and do
outpatient expressions with follow-up
carried out to the patient's parents
every day to see acute diarrhea in
6. Follow-up to see if there is a
difference between the duration of
diarrhea given probiotic therapy and
not given probiotic therapy
7. Data analysis

12. How was the data gathered? Who This study did not mention the instrument,
gathered the data? but when data collection used primary data,
namely by giving probiotic to children who
were come to the children's polyclinic of the
Gotong Royong Hospital Surabaya and
experienced acute diarrhea as well doing
outpatient care and followed by follow-up
that is conducted to the patients' parents
everyday to find out
the duration of acute diarrhea in the children.

13. What technique of analysis Analysis test results difference in the

was/were used by the researcher? duration of the diarrhea conducted by Mann
Whitney, using experimental studies and a
cohort approach

14. What was/were the result like? The analysis test result of diarrhea duration
differenceperformed by using Mann Whitney
was p < 0.001 (p <0.05). These results
indicated a significant difference between the
diarrhea duration in the children given
probiotics and those who were not given
probiotics. The results showed that the
average diarrhea duration in the children who
did not get probiotics was 3.25 days. In
contrast, the average difference of diarrhea
duration in the children who received
probiotics was 1.25 days. Hence, the
difference in diarrhea duration in the two
groups was
two days.
15. What was/were the strength(s) and There are not started strength and weakness
weakness(es) of the study? of the study
16. Was/Were there any side effect(s)of Not started
the study? If there was/were,
explain it/them.
17. What was the conclusion of the Based on the study results, it can be
study? concluded that diarrhea duration in the
children who were given probiotic therapy
was shorter than children who were not given

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