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Hasanuddin University

Medicine Faculty Document Code

Nutritional Department

Clinical Nutrition Specialist Programme

Course Profile

Course Code Class of Subject Credit 2 Semester Compiled on

Nutrition 20C17510502 T= P= 2

Academic Senat Course Profile Developer Course Coordinator Head of School


Prof. DR. dr. Nurpudji A. Taslim, MPH, Sp.GK(K) Prof. Dr. dr. Nurpudji A. Taslim, MPH,
Sp.GK (K)

Expected EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES attributed to this course

LO 1 Have devotion to God Almighty, religious, civilized, upholds human values, ethical values, independent, and contribute to
improving the quality of life in the community in the fields of medicine and health.

LO 2 Basic nutritional medical aspects

LO 3 Aspects of clinical specialization and hospital nutrition service management

LO 4 Able to develop and compile logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking through scientific research and arguments, subsequently
published according to scientific principles, procedures, and ethics as a specific design in media or in an accredited scientific journal

Subject Learning Outcomes (CPMK)

Able to master and apply Epidemiology in the field of Clinical Nutrition and evidence-based medicine

Sub Subject Learning Outcomes (Sub CPMK)

able to apply the basic principles of epidemiology
2 able to analyze the size of disease frequency in clinical nutrition

3 able to carry out epidemiological and causality strategies

4 able to perform diagnosis and screening

5 able to assess the nutritional status of children under five (anthropometry)

6 able to perform error analysis in clinical nutrition epidemiology studies

7 able to determine p value and confidence interval

8 able to diagnose food borne outbreak

9 able to determine the dietary assessment / diet setting

10 able to determine biochemical indicators of food consumption

11 able to perform critical appraisal cross-sectional, case-control, cohort and experimental studies

12 able to apply evidence-based medicine in the field of clinical nutrition

Short Description This course will lead lecture participants to be able to apply the principles of epidemiology, measure the frequency of disease in the field of clinical
MK nutrition, epidemiology and causality strategies, diagnosis and screening, errors in epidemiological studies, p value and confidence intervals, and food
borne outbreaks.

Study Materials / Definition of Epidemiology

Learning materials
There are many definitions of epidemiology, some of which are:
1. WH Welch
A science that studies the emergence, travel, and prevention of diseases, especially infectious diseases. During its development, the problems faced by
the population are not only infectious diseases, but also non-communicable diseases, degenerative diseases, cancer, mental illness, traffic accidents, and
so on. Hence the epidemiological boundaries are becoming more developed.

2. Mausner and Kramer

The study of the distribution and determinants of disease and accidents in human populations.

3. Last
The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related conditions or events in a given population and the application of studies to health

4. Mac Mahon and Pugh

Epidemiology is a branch of science that studies the spread of disease and the factors that determine the occurrence of disease in humans.

Basic Definition of Epidemiology

1. Frequency of Health problems -> the number of health problems (illness, accidents, etc.) in a group of people.
2. Spread of health problems. Classification of health problems according to certain circumstances
3. Person (human); Place (place) and Time (time)
4. Influencing Factors: Factors causing a health problem, either explaining the frequency, spread and causes of health problems

Epidemiological scope
1. Epidemiological subjects and objects: health problems (infectious disease, infectious diseases, accidents, natural disasters, etc.)
2. Health problems found in a group of humans. (Is it different from clinical medicine?)
3. In formulating the causes of a health problem, data on the frequency and spread of health problems is used -> the Lit epidemic method -> the
causes of health problems and the onset of health problems.

Role and Benefits of Epidemiology

1. Helping Health Administration work -> POAC Health issues
2. Can explain the cause of a health problem -> countermeasures (preventive and curative)
3. Can explain the natural progression of a disease -> in order to stop the progression of the disease in order to prevent any lasting effects
4. Can explain the state of a health problem according to the PPT
 Epidemic -> eg health (disease) in the ttt area, the short time the frequency increases
 Pandemic -> epidemic + widespread
 Endemic -> a condition in which health problems often persist in an area for a long time
 Sporadic: Massive health at wil ttt -> the frequency varies with changes in time
 Outbreak: the occurrence of an outbreak of a disease in a society with the number of sufferers increasing significantly more than the usual
condition in a certain time and area, and can cause disasters.

References Main:

1. Hebel, Richart. Study Guide to Epidemiology & Biostatistic. J&B Publ. 2006.
2. Heimburger, Douglas. MD, MS and Jamy D.Ard, MD, MS. Handbook of Clinical Nutrition. Fourth Edition. Mosby Elsevier. 2006.
3. E. Grobbee, Diederick and W. Hoes, Arno. Clinical Epidemilogy: Principles, Methods and Application for Clinical Research. Jones & Barnet
Publishers. 2009.
4. Husni, H. Amin, Dr. DSS, MSc. Clinical Epidemiology & Critical Appraisal. Iniv Publishing Agency. Diponegoro Semarang. 1996.
5. Chandra, Budiman. Dr. Introduction to Epidemiology Principles & Methods. Jakarta: EGC. 1996.
6. Beaglehole, RR Bonita, T. Kjellstrom. Basic Epidemiology, WHO, Geneva, 1993.
7. Chandra, Budiman. Introduction to the Principles and Methods of Epidemiology. Jakarta ; EGC, 1996.

Supporting 1. Prof. Dr. dr. Nurpudji A. Taslim, MPH, Sp.GK (K)

lecturer 2. dr. Devintha Virani, M.Kes, Sp.GK

Prerequisite Basic Epidemiology, Medical Biostatistics

Sub Cp-MK Assessment Learning Forms; Learning
methods; Student Assignment; Learning
Week (Final ability of Estimated time Materials Rating Weight (%)
each learning Indicator Criteria and Form Offline (offline) Online (Library)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 able to apply the accuracy in applying Test and non Lecture Books 1,2,3,4
basic principles of the basic principles test Discussion
epidemiology of epidemiology TM 1x2x50
2 able to analyze the accuracy in analyzing Test and non  Lecture Books 1,2,3,4
size of disease disease frequency test  Discussion
frequency in measures in clinical  Independent
clinical nutrition nutrition  TM 1x2x50 "

3 able to carry out accuracy in carrying Test and non  Lecture Books
epidemiological out epidemiological test  Discussion 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
and causality and causality  TM 1x2x50 "
strategies strategies

4 able to perform accuracy in diagnosis Test and non  Discussion Books 2,3,4,5,6,7
diagnosis and and screening test  Independent
screening  TM 1x2x50 "

5 able to assess the accuracy in assessing Test and non  Discussion Books 5,6,7
nutritional status the nutritional status test  Practice
of children under of children under  Independent
five five (anthropometry)  TM 1x2x50 "

6 able to perform accuracy in Test and non  Lecture Books 5,6,7

error analysis in conducting error test  Discussion
clinical nutrition analysis in clinical  TM 1x2x50 "
epidemiology nutrition
studies epidemiology studies

7 able to determine accuracy in Test and non  Lecture Books 5,6,7

p value and determining the p test  Discussion
confidence interval value and confidence  TM 1x2x50 "
8 able to diagnose accuracy in Test and non  Lecture Books 2,5,6,7
food borne diagnosing the food test  Discussion
outbreak borne outbreak  TM 1x2x50 "

9 able to determine accuracy in Test and non  Discussion Books 1,2,3,4

the dietary determining the test  Practice
assessment / diet dietary assessment /  Independent
setting diet setting  TM 1x2x50 "

10 able to determine accuracy in Test and non  Discussion Books 1,2,3,4

biochemical determining test  Practice
indicators of food biochemical  Independent
consumption indicators of food  TM 1x2x50 "

11 able to perform accuracy in Test and non  Lecture Books

critical appraisal performing critical test  Discussion 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
cross-sectional, appraisal cross-  TM 1x2x50 "
case-control, sectional, case-
cohort and control, cohort and
experimental experimental studies

12 able to apply accuracy in applying Test and non  Lecture Books

evidence-based evidence-based test  Discussion 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
medicine in the medicine in the field  Seminar
field of clinical of clinical nutrition  TM 1x2x100 "

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