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Reduced time clauses

Combine each pair of the sentences using the given time words in parentheses. In the new
sentences, make any possible changes with adding comma as necessary:
1. The other passengers will get on the bus soon. We’ll leave. (as soon as)
As soon as the other passengers get on the bus, we’ll leave.

2. I left the room. I turned off the lights. (after)

3. Susan feels nervous. She bites her nails. (whenever)

4. The frying pan caught on fire. I was making dinner. (while)

5. We were sitting down to eat. Someone knocked on the door. (just as)

6. The audience burst into applause. The singer finished her song. (as soon as)

7. We have to wait here. Nancy will come. (until)

8. Julia will come. We can leave for the theater. (as soon as)

9. My roommate walked into the room. I knew something was wrong. (just as soon as)

10. I stood up to give my speech. I got butterflies in my stomach. (just before)

11. I saw the great pyramids of Egypt in the moonlight. I was speechless. (the first time)

12. Marita started working at this company six months ago. She has got three promotions in
the last six months. (since)

13. The weather will get warmer soon. We can start spending more time outside. (once)

14. I had gone to bed. The phone rang. (a shortly after)

15. Shakespeare died in 1616. He had written more than 37 plays. (by the time)

16. Sam will go to get his driver’s license. He’ll remember to take his glasses. (the next time)

17. I will not forget Mr. Jonas. I will live for a long time. (as long as)

18. Yousha had never heard about Halloween. Then he came to the U.S. (before)
2. I left the room after turning off the lights.
3. Whenever Susan feels nervous, she bites her nails.
4. The frying pan caught on fire while I was making dinner.
5. Just as we were sitting down to eat, someone knocked on the door.
6. The audience burst into applause as soon as the singer finished her song.
7. We have to wait here until Nancy comes.
8. As soon as Julia comes, we can leave for the theater.
9. Just as soon as my roommate walked into the room, I knew something was wrong.
10. Just before standing up to give my speech, I got butterflies in my stomach.
11. The first time I saw the great pyramids of Egypt in the moonlight, I was speechless.
12. Since starting working at this company six months ago, Marita has got three
13. Once the weather gets warmer, we can start spending more time outside.
14. A shortly after going to bed, the phone rang.
15. By the time Shakespeare died in 1616, he had written more than 37 plays.
16. The next time Sam goes to get his driver’s license. He’ll remember to take his glasses.
17. I will not forget Mr. Jonas as long as I live for a long time.
18. Yousha had never heard about Halloween before coming to the U.S.

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