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4 LEARNING STRATEGIES AND THE ACADEMIC ACHIE:VEMENT IN ENGLISH OF GRADE7 srubENTS AT TRANQUILINO ‘CAWALING SR. NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. SY. 2017-2018 | of Fisheries Technology nta Fe, Romblon CONDARY EDUCATION APPROVAL SHEET S entitled “LEARNING STRATEGIES AND THE ACADEMIC TN ENGLISH OF GRADE 7 STUDENTS AT TRANQUILINO ais, NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL $Y, 2017 — 2018", was prepared by ‘Adviser ae panel at the oral examination on October 27, 2017 with arating of MARITES F. RASGO Chairperson RIC VINCENT LIBERATO Member, Panel of Examiners fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in h the final grade of ‘ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ‘The researcher hails from Poblacion, Sania Fe, Romblon and he was bom on 16, 1988. He is the youngest son of Mr. Milo Y. Flores Sr. and Mrs. Margie E. + He first entered the academe at Santa Fe Central Elementary School and in the year 2001, ‘He then pursued his Secondary years at Santa Fe National High School and ed in 2005 as salutatorian, The researcher entered the doorstep of Northwestern Colleges in Kalibo, Aklan for his tertiary studies and took up Bachelor of Arts ‘in Mass Communications but as destiny decides, he accepted the offer to study d. He took up Intemational Shipping and Logistics under the International Honors n of Kainan University in Taiwan Republic of China but was not able to finish the Afier six years of working in the BPO Industries in Manila, he decided to go back 01. The researcher found himself enrolling at Romblon State University Santa Fe and took up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English and he is JF. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ‘of Matutuna San Andres, Romblon and was born on ‘Mr, Jacinto R.Gan and Mrs, Perlita T. Gan, sent him to lary School at Boliganay, Panique, Odiongan, Romblon for his vand he graduated in the year 2000. | the doorstep of Libertad National High School in Libertad, | for his secondary years and graduated in 2004. With passion towards e, he enrolled at San Lorenzo Ruiz Seminary at Poctoy, Odiongan, ‘took up Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, but for some unavoidable ed schooling. After a year, he then decided to continue his college ‘at Rombion State University School of Fisheries Technology Santa Fe, | took up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English. He is expected April 2018, JIG. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study wouldn't have been a reality without the help of generous people {patience to the authors are remarkable, whose belief in a meaningful work had imie an inspiration to accomplish this task with diligence, and whose constant advice tured to be the guide all throughout the undertakings Mr. Rey P. Rasgo, Campus Director of RSU-Santa Fe, for his support. nt and guidance, ‘Mrs. Menchie M. Tiaga, their adviser, for her encouraging attitude and valuable ‘that helped the researchers throughout the completion of this study: ‘Hon. Barangay Captain Ameil M. Mendoza, for the moral and financial support ‘To the panelists, Mrs. Marites F. Rasgo, Mrs, Deanazon C. Gadon and Mr. Ric Liberato for their valuable recommendations. To the respondents, who cooperated and shared their in time answering the tires and the achievement test. ‘The researchers’ beloved parents/guardians, for their overwhelming ce and moral support. ¢ persons whom they failed to mention but contributed their time and on of this study, our dear Almighty God who poured wisdom and guidance which dient for the success of this study. JF. pers ne. _ LEARNING STRATEGIES AND ‘THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN . ENGLISH OF GRADE 7 STUDENTS AT TRANQUILINO ‘CAWALING SR. NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOI. S.Y. 2017-2018 John Lester E, Flores Shan Jhan T. Gan ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify the learning strategies and the academic achievernent ish of Grade 7 students at Tranquilino Cawaling Sr. National High School, Santa Fe, Romblon S.Y. 2017 — 2018. ‘A total of 40 (16 males and 24 females) respondents composed of grade 7 ‘from Tranquilino Cawaling Sr. National High School were used in this study. correlation method of research was used in this study. ‘instruments used by the researchers to gather data in this study were the nd the achievement test; a 50-item strategy inventory for language is divided into six (6) parts namely: memory strategies, cognitive n strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and item achievement test which is composed of four sets of grammar, synonyms and writing. The two data ‘study was adapted from Jhaish (2010), Based on the Jeaming strategies observe; social with an average Strategy with a weighted average mean of 3.71, ts towards memory learning strategy ‘of students towards cognitive learning strategy hs of students towards compensation learning strategy 19. of students towards metacognitive learning strategy of students towards Affective learning strategy “students towards social learning strategy fest Result of Grade 7 Students at Tranquilino of Variance (ANOVA) “the respondents towards the learning strategies. 25 between the achievement test and the learning strategies 25 d apparent. Individual levels of attitudes, sration, the better students. Among ng strategies and the quilino Cawaling Sr 4 gir children and keep sionals, this study ir relationship to the Cawaling Sr. its composed of 16 owed that the visual . The study also d memory learning style of a significant a significant and their 6 ‘and meta-cognitive strategies more than the S more than boys (p<0.000), No significant in using of LSS, Meta-cognitive strategies ly than cognitive strategies ‘belief about English language learning as in the students’ use of strategies which were all ‘Surprisingly, many the students considered language learners whereas only a small percentage ing strategies, rated themselves as high achievers ‘students’ beliefs about English language learning and icate that the beliefs to some extent related to strategy luable resource to consider appropriate ways of using English teaching and learning practice. [by Wu (2011), hhe identified compensation, cognitive and as the frequently used strategies to support the learners’ - fewer memory and affective strategies at the university level. emphasized that the use of memorization strategy is almost tion strategy. In the independent sample t-test they it revealed that female students prefer to use more elaboration strategies than male students. The result of jat the memorization strategy more strength in predicting oh e achievement and the pt of the compensation jonship (r= .80) between academic achievement the level of itegies were rent in school, ourse, and mers asked about the learning ey that college mar but are hardly 10 ss context to make up for sf) the learning process, or self-evaluation of the comprehension, 91 over personal affect earning and through point uments, respondents, ie study attempted to ‘achievement in igh School, Tabugon, High School, ‘a questionnaire ring instruments gies and academic Sr. National High d anialyzed based from ‘questionnaires to the 16 males and 24 Sr. National High ming strategy 1 is statement 15 number 4 (I remember a in which the word pot is item number 2 (1 use ha weighted mean of sh words or phrases ‘a street sign.) with a 5 (I use rhymes to the seventh spot is vith a weighted mean sh words.) with a Weighted Verbal Mean —_Description cognitive learning Ranked first is item ‘an average weighted h.) and 20 (I find the with an average ite notes, messages, followed by item skim an English in English.) with spot is item ighted mean © times.), 19 21 (I try not to spot with total 14 (1 initiate (I look for {| 22 (I make and ninth own on this 7 \s under the verbal Verbal Deseription 18 spensation learning tem number 24 (To weighted mean of words if | don’t ‘word, I use a word of 3.7. On the third ’ Ry new word.) with a ognitive learning. ion, Statement number th a weighted mean h mistakes and use th a weighted mean of how to be a better Jearning nent number vith a weighted Verbal Description ning strategy 48 (Lask then on the of 3.97. On an "3.77 then item 2 wtegy falls. under ong the means ‘the Chi Square value (5.991) at achievement | High School in he most preferred h a total average a total average ge weighted ry with a total ming strategies egy with both slevant resources to ‘styles to their Id be able to ds of the learners he Case of Foreign Conference on demic Forum. Learning styles FS. International es of Students at Social and 1g Literacy Leaning at Al-Aqsa 30 from Taiwan in a that of the me And, what is mother, inet is beaut puild it 7 ‘to build sow please tell C. will have h You are makin peodn't mustn't “you bet i Should Would . would C were si plays the'p A.also well as had reached th ajambition junk you very mK aly yours,

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