Heard em Say

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Seth Shuchat


English Composition II

Mr. Leonard

Heard ‘Em Say

“Nothing’s ever promised tomorrow, today.” In the original song of “Heard ‘Em Say” by

Kanye West, Adam Levine delivers this powerful line to summarize the overall theme of the

song. While both versions of "Heard 'Em Say" give the message of cherishing the relationships

that one already has, the ways that Kanye West and Loyle Carner explore this message are

drastically different, from the visuals, lyrics, and moods in each of their videos.

In 2007, Donda West, Kanye West’s mother, passed away due to a failed plastic surgery

operation. Mr. West has talked openly about his part to play in her death, as he blamed himself

for her death. He thought that the reason Donda West persisted on getting plastic surgery was to

look the part of the fame that had bestowed her through her son’s rising success. When his

mother passed, Mr. West took it harshly, blaming himself and Hollywood, abusing drugs, and

throwing himself into his work. Along with his songs like “Hey Mama,” “Roses,” and “Only

One,” “Heard ‘Em Say'' pays tribute to Donda West. In 2009, Kanye West produced the music

video that will be covered in this essay.

The visuals between Loyle Carner and Kanye West’s music videos provide the starkest

contrast in their connection to the message of the song. “Heard ‘Em Say” is simply a song about

love before loss, something that Kanye has experienced in one of the worst ways. The visuals of

Kanye’s song follow a mother and her son. The story starts with Kanye West, as a taxi driver,

picking up the duo and driving them around a metropolitan city. While the mother with her
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cigarettes, the boy is familiarising himself with the atrocities in the city from the back of the taxi.

The scenes shown to the boy show racism, brutality, and the chase for material items; police

chase drug dealers who are trying to have the fanciest, new cars, billboards flash with

advertisements for luxurious items, and lottery tickets give the poor a false sense of hope. While

stopped at a gas station, the mother rushes to get lottery tickets, leaving her son in the back of the

taxi with cigarettes and matches. The son lights a cigarette, and an accident occurs which kills

him and the taxi driver. The video ends with the mother horrified at her son's death, and the son

and taxi driver becoming angels. Loyle Carner’s cover of the song varies differently as it is

simply Loyle Carner and a backup singer surrounding a grand piano. It is a dark environment

with the singers’ faces lit. Mr. Carner’s video is very simple, a major difference between his and

Kanye West’s renditions.

“And I heard them say, nothing’s ever promised tomorrow, today.” These lyrics, found in

both songs, describe the overall theme presented in both versions. The theme and message of

both of these songs are the exact same, however, how they tell the story behind the message is

not. Kanye West takes a negative, pessimistic approach with the song. Lyrics like “I guess they

[police officers] want us [African-Americans] all behind bars,” “The devil is alive, I can hear

him breathing,” and “My Aunt Pam couldn’t put them cigarettes down, so now my little cousin

smoking them cigarettes now,” paint a dreary, pessimistic theme to the song. While the theme is

to cherish loved ones, it changes the meaning from the one that Loyle Carner expresses. Kanye

West’s direction with the song is that material items will not help you, society is horrible, and the

only true wealth comes from the relationships in your life. On the other end, Loyle Carner tells

the story as a boy who has been grateful for his relationship with his mother. He uses lyrics like

“My mother’s been my saving grace, gave me space to grow,” “It’s the way we stick together
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through whatever stuff we’re told,” and “I know my mum, it rings true, and the best thing about

me is you,” to paint the scene of loving your family and relationships because it is priceless.

Kanye West is known for not smiling, while Loyle Carner has been referred to as The

United Kingdom’s nicest rapper, so the difference in mood should not seem out of character. The

somber mood that reflects Kanye West and his vision of the song’s message takes a direct turn to

Loyle Carner’s cheerful rendition of the song. Kanye West is shown in the music video with a

frown, in a black and white filter. The interesting part of this song is how it conflicts with the

beat in a very beautiful way. The beat is very upbeat, with high piano keys, which paints a facade

of happiness over the song’s lyrics. It is a great way to summarize the effects that material wealth

has on a life empty of real connections. Loyle Carner’s music video takes a different approach,

using bright colors, and a somber beat. He is also smiling the entire time he is singing his tribute

for his mother.

Although both songs use mainly pathos as a method of lulling in listeners, Kanye brings a

few examples of ethos into his song, listing examples of the pessimistic society we live in. He

uses examples of racism that he and his family members have had to live with, as well as the

economic disparity in America. Kanye West’s song is very American, appealing to his base of

younger, lower-class, African-Americans that feel that society pushes them to worship fame and

wealth. Loyle Carner’s cover is meant for a more upbeat audience, appealing to the same age

group, but within that group, the middle-class people that have faced less adversity, relating

more to a happy story of family appreciation.

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“Kanye West - Heard 'Em Say Ft. Adam Levine.” Youtube, Kanye West, 16 June 2009,


“Loyle Carner - Heard 'Em Say (Kanye West Cover) - Radio 1's Piano Sessions.” Youtube, BBC

Radio 1, 7 Oct. 2015, youtu.be/3suDRs5HbvU.

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