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1. The following questions are based on the text above.

a. Answer: Bring the book to the circulation desk

b. Answer: 3 weeks for print book and 1 week for documentary film

c. Answer: Come to the library, email abc@library.com, or phone them.

d. Answer: we can only borrow 3 items per loan period, because we are not registered as a member.

e. Answer: We can reserve the book by going to xyz@library.com


a. What is the text about?

Answer: People think diet soda is healthier than fizzy drinks.

b. How many people participated in the research?

Answer: 100,000 people.

c. Explain the result of the research.

Answer: The data showed that artificially sweetened drinks led to a risk of heart disease.

d. Why should not children have soda?

Answer: children should not have soda as it causes obesity.

e. answer :

- Diet soda

- The Researchers

- A doctor

a. The story of Pierre Marcolini

b. the independent clauss :

• He worked for famous companies in Belgium and France2.

the dependent clause :

• Before he opened his own first shop in 19952

c. the subject of the underlined sentence

(2) Marcolini,

(3) World Pastry Stars, (4) Marcolini,

(5) Marcolini,

(6) Marcolini

d. Predicate of the underlined sentence

(2) Received,

(3) Organized ,

(4) Won,

(5) Travels the world,

(6) Sells.

e. the object of the underlined sentence

(2) Several prizes ,

(3) Competition ,

(4) The title,

(5) The finest cocoa beans,

(6) Special chocolate gift.

a. Proper nouns :
- Big Ben

- House of Parliament

- Westminster, London, England

b. Common nouns

- the tower

- the clock

- landmarks

c. Verb

- call

- took

- built

d. adjectives :

- big

- very large

- most prominent

e. - the Elizabeth tower

-the clock

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