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Succesful online learning system

by : Atika Rahma

Good morning i say to all contestants, all attendant guests and especially to the respected
judges .
First of all let’s thank to god at his great mercy for us Alhamdulillah there is nothing wrong
with us untill today.
Previously i say thankyou very much for giving me time.
And then allow me to introduce my self, my name is Atika Rahma .
I’m student of Senior High School number 7 Bengkulu city.
In this golden opportunity i want to deliver my speech about “ Succesful online learning
system “
As we know, as the effect of the spread of corona virus, then all schools in indonesia
have to implement online learning system. This learning system is done so that the teachers
and students are not infected by corona virus. This virus is dangerous and deadly virus .
That’s why learning activity in the class is erased.we have to obey physical distancing.
Through this forum i want to talk the things that have to be done in order to get succesfull
online learning system. We need to do important things as follows :

One : The minister of education needs to make instruction to all schools in indonesia so that
they can implement online learning system . Instruction need to be made by the
minister of education, so that all schools can implement the same policy. The process
of education still has to be implemented, although we have to fight against Covid-19 .

Two : All teachers and educators have the same commitment to implement the process of
education : it is aimed to make sure all indonesian students still get education and

Three : Teachers have to ensure the process of teaching and learning activity , although the
students are at home . The solution , teachers are compelled can design instructional
media by utilizing online media. And that way the students can remember dan
understand in deeply.

Four : Students need not only a supportive atmosphere at home to study, but also an
adequate internet connection. Because of online learning system can’t be freed
internet network, then the minister of education needs to provide a subsidy for the
learning quota for all students and teachers.
Five : All students have to maintain their duties and responbility as student. They need to
follow online learning process, based on the rule made by their school.

Six : All indonesian families need to motivated learners (their children) so that they can do
online learning sytem with high sense of responsibility.

Seven : Indonesian society (all people of indonesia) need to support online learning process,
because it’s part of programs to fight against the spread of covid-19. Control needs to
be given by people of indonesia to all students, so that they can be involved in online
learning process.

However, we can't afford it online learning system there is disadvantages.

Especially to students living in rural areas, and in remote of land that are hard to reach by
Internet connections and even technology. In order to reduce the things,the minister of
education with the government have to pay full attention to them, in order to they can study
effectively. Certainly we don't just look from the disadvantages,but also online learning
system have many advantages. That is, online learning system can increase the creativity of
each student. On the social side, online learning system can increase the relationship
between the parents and child. Even,online learning system can be said succes as the
technological advances in the world of education. Therefor, we must have high spirit of study
by increasing for the learning motivation. Learning motivation is a driving force

that makes someone will be interested to study so that they will study hard. low
motivation can cause learning low success and will lower student achievement . Considering
the spread of corona virus doesn't it know ends, we are compelled to keep study and do
normal activities at home. and also we have to obey physical distancing.As Indonesian
students, we should be able to become the next generation. Therefore, let's make this online
learning system as effective as possible.

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