Saussurea Costus For COVID 19 Treatment

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Sohag University Sohag Medical Journal Faculty of Medicine

Saussurea costus may help in the treatment of COVID-19

Mahmoud Saif-Al-Islam
Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Sohag University
Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Egypt.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging disease caused
by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causing an
ongoing pandemic and is considered as a national public health emergency. The signs
and symptoms of COVID-19 vary from mild symptoms to a fulminating disease with
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multi-organ failure, which may
culminate into death with no available vaccines or specific antiviral treatments. God
provides us with important medicinal plants. Here I shall shed the light on one of
these plants that may help in the treatment of COVID-19 or may even cure it.
Saussurea costus (S. costus) is a popular plant with medical importance, the roots of
which are widely used for healing purposes throughout human history with great
safety and effectiveness. Previous studies revealed the presence of many bioactive
phytochemical molecules that has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-lipid peroxidation, immunostimulant, immunom-
odulating, analgesic, bronchodilor, hepatoprotective and antihepatotoxic properties. S.
Costus has immunomodulatory effects on cytokine release and has complement-
inhibitor substances helpful in the treatment of some diseases related to marked
activation of the complement system, like respiratory distress.
Keywords: Saussurea costus, COVID-19, respiratory distress.

S. costus (synonymous with widely investigated6. Various compo-
Saussurea lappa), belongs to family unds isolated from the plant have
Asteraceae, widely distributed in diff- medicinal properties including terp-
erent regions in the world; however, enes, alkaloids, anthraquinones, and
numerous species are found in India1, favonoids. The plant has many terpe-
in Pakistan, and some parts of nes with anti-inflammatory and antitu-
Himalayas2. The plant is well-known mor properties, such as costunolide,
about 2500 years ago. It is used in dihydrocostunolide, 12-methoxydihy-
different ancient systems of medicine drocostunolide, dehydrocostus lactone,
such as Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha3. dihydrocostus lactone7,α-hydroxydeh-
S. costus is well Known in Islamic ydrocostus lactone, β-hydroxydehy-
medicine, which enlisted in the Holy drocostus lactone, lappadilactone8,
Ahadith said by Prophet Muhammad betulinic acid, betulinic acid methyl
(Peace be upon him). It is known in ester, mokko lactone9, reynosin,
Arab countries as Al-Kost Al-Hindi4, santamarine, cynar-opicrin10, saussur-
Al-Kust, and Al-Qust5, and used by eamines A-C11, alantolactone, isoalan-
traditional healers since the era of tolactone, α-cycloco-stunolide12, β-
Islamic civilization4. cyclocostunolide, isodihydro-
In scientific literature, the biological costunolide , 1β-hydroxy arbusculin
activities of the roots of S. costus are A9, arbusculin B6. Also, it contains

SOHAG MEDICAL JOURNAL Saussurea costus may help in the treatment of COVID-19
Vol. 24 No. 3 July 2020 Mahmoud Saif-Al-Islam

pregnenolone, β-sitosterol, daucosterol, ensin converting enzyme (ACE)

12-octadecadienoic acid14, costic acid, inhibitor (myrcene15), diuretic
myrcene, p-cymene, tannin, caryophy- (friedelin ), antiedemic(caryophylline
llene-oxide, octanoic acid, stigma- oxide, lupeol, taraxasterol15), antirhe-
asterol, lupeol,botulin, caryophyllene, umatic (lupeol15), antidermatitis (cary-
palmitic acid, oleic acid, inulin, camp- ophyllene15), anticancer3,13,24,27,39,47,51-55
hene, alphaphellandrene, hexanoic (caryophyllene oxide, caryophyllene,
acid, saussurine, acetic acid, beta- costunolide, lupeol, tannin, betulin15),
ionone, friedelin, taraxasterol15, and sedating16, and anticonvulsant
many other constituents14,15. properties 3,23,27,28,56
S.costus has antiseptic16, antibacterial S. costus is used to treat, fever, head-
(costicacid,dehydrocotuslactone,m ache, pain, cough, bronchial asth-
yrcene,pcymene, tannin15), antif- ma16,28,57-59, bacterial infections17, dia-
ungal (caryophylleneoxide, myrc- rrhea23, cholera57,59, typhoid23,24, tube-
ene, octanoicacid,pcymene15), antiv- rculosis, leprosy23,24,27, vomiting, dysp-
iral3,17,21-25(p-cymene,stigmasterol, epsia23,28, hiccups27, gastric
tannin15), antiflu (lupeol, p-cymene15), ulcer 3,23,43,44,60,61
, abdominal pain23,28,
anti-Epstein-barr virus(lupeol, diarrhea23, tenesmus23, arthritis3,24, rhe-
15 23,26
betulin ), antinematodal , anthe- umatoid arthritis, systemic lupus ery-
lmintic23,27,28 (tannin15), anti-trypan0- themaatosus, respiratory distress41,
osoma6,anti-malarial23,27 (lupeol15), chronic skin diseases57,59, itching28,
anti-leishmanic (caryophyllene15), scabies, ringworm, bruises, cuts28,62,63,
antiinflammatory , antioxidant36,37 and diabetes mellitus50.
(myrcene, palmitic acid, stigmasterol,
tannin15), anti-lipid peroxidation37, COVID-19
antileukotriene-D4 (oleic acid15), COVID-19 has emerged as a pandemic
immunostimulant37,38 (inulin15), and a public health crisis. The
immunomodulating , causative agent was named SARS-
analgesic27,28,35 (myrcene, p-cymene15), CoV-2 and was detected from throat
antipyretic(beta-sitosterol15), swab samples64. It enters the cells by
bronchodilating16 (caryophyllene15), endocytosis after attachment to the
expectorant (camphene, inulin, alpha- angiotensin-converting enzyme-2
phellandrene, caryophyllene, hexanoic (ACE2) receptors on cells in the lung,
acid15), gastic cytoprotective42-45 gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels,
(caryophyllene ), antiulcer (tannin15),
heart, and kidney65. Many countries try
choleretic (oleic acid15), cholagogic46, to find a cure or vaccine to this disease.
carminative16,28,antispasmodic23,47 Clinical features of COVID-19 include
(myrcene,saussurine15), tiredness, fever, dry cough, shortness
antidiarrheal23,48(tannin15),antibacillary of breath, myalgia, aches, nasal
(p-cymene, acetic acid, alpha-phellan- congestion, sore throat, nausea,
drene, beta-ionone, beta-sitosterol, vomiting, and diarrhea66-68. About 2-
caryophyllene15) astringent16, 10% of COVID-19 infected patients
hepatoprotective (tannin, p- have diarrhea, and the RNA of the
cymene ), antihepatotoxic (tannin15),
15 49
virus could be detected in stool and
hypoglycaemic23 (inulin15), anti- blood samples69. Some cases are
hyperglycemic(lupeol ), asymptomatic or lacking the typical
hypolipidemic50(beta-sitosterol15), symptoms of fever, dry cough and,
hypocholesterolemic(inulin, oleic acid, fatigue, and the diagnosis is based on
stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol15), angiot- detection of the viral RNA in throat

SOHAG MEDICAL JOURNAL Saussurea costus may help in the treatment of COVID-19
Vol. 24 No. 3 July 2020 Mahmoud Saif-Al-Islam

swab samples70. In the majority of ARDS, pulmonary edema, septic

cases, the course of infection remains shock, and organ failure can occur66.
mild71,72, and the patients resolve In some patients with SARS-CoV-2,
spontaneously66. The patients can there is overexpression of inflam-
develop bacterial and fungal infections matory mediators which is known as
as the disease progresses. Therefore, cytokine storm syndrome (CSS) which
antibiotic or antifungal treatment may also occurs in other inflammatory con-
be given as appropriate73. Individuals ditions such as sepsis. It is unknown
with multiple comorbid conditions are who will develop the cytokine storm.
prone to severe infection67. CRP, serum ferritin, and IL-6 are early
Fever can be treated with antipyretic biomarkers that may predict the
drugs such as paracetamol, and patients evolution of CSS. These patients have
with non-productive cough can be a much higher incidence of a rapid
given expectorants such as guaife- deterioration of health and death81. The
nesin74. Empirical early antibiotics cytokine storm is triggered by an
were given for possible bacterial pneu- imbalanced response of type 1 and type
monia75. 2 T helper cells67,82.
Liver injury with various degrees Covid-19 patients had a thrombosis in
may occur in patients with COVID-19 the small vessels of multiple organs.
and the infection may be caused SARS-CoV-2 facilitates endotheliitis
directly by the virus72,76. The incidence that may precipitate thrombosis83.
of liver injury ranged from 14.8-53%, Respiratory failure in COVID-19 is not
detected mainly by abnormal alanine caused by ARDS alone84, but micro-
aminotransferase (ALT)/ aspartate vascular thrombosis may play a role as
aminotransferase (AST) levels and well. This has important diagnostic and
mild elevation of bilirubin levels67. therapeutic implications85. Whether the
Gamma-glutamyl transferase and thrombotic process is directly caused
alkaline phosphatase were elevated in by the virus or by the local or systemic
54% and 18% of cases77. The inflammation is not completely under-
incidence of liver injury in severe stood86.
COVID-19 patients was higher than Hypertensive, diabetic, older patients
that in mild cases67,78 and signs of and those with coronary heart disease
hepatic dysfunction may occur in were at higher risk of mortality71,72.
critically ill patients72. One study Patients with myocardial injury are
reported that serum ALT and AST older and have a higher prevalence of
levels increased up to 7590 U/L and coronary artery disease, hypertension,
1445 U/L, respectively, in a severe heart failure, and diabetes mellitus than
COVID-19 patient. Also, reduced those with normal levels of troponin I
albumin levels may be detected in (TnI) or troponin T (TnT). Also, they
severe cases66. Postmortem biopsies have evidence of more severe systemic
showed moderate microvascular stea- inflammation87,88. Patients with risk
tosis and mild lobular and portal factors for atherosclerotic cardio-
activity, indicating that the injury may vascular disease have a higher risk of
be due to either SARS-CoV-2 infection developing acute coronary syndrome
or drug-induced liver injury79, which during acute infections which have
might be caused by lopinavir/ritonavir, been shown previously in clinical and
that were used as antiviral therapy80. epidemiologic studies of influenza89-91,
In COVID-19, various fatal compli- and other acute inflammatory condi-
cations including severe pneumonia, tions92. Such acute coronary events

SOHAG MEDICAL JOURNAL Saussurea costus may help in the treatment of COVID-19
Vol. 24 No. 3 July 2020 Mahmoud Saif-Al-Islam

could result from the severe increase in supplemental oxygen105. The use of
myocardial demand triggered by convalescent plasma may contribute to
infections that precipitate myocardial recovery106. Anti-cytokine therapy, as
injury or infarction, or respiratory anti-IL-1 and anti-IL-6 may mitigate
dysfunction and hypoxemia caused by the hyper-inflammation that may dev-
COVID-19. Alternatively, cytokines elop in conjunction with ARDS102,107.
released during severe inflammation Recent recommendations suggest that
could lead to atherosclerotic plaque all hospitalized COVID-19 patients
instability and rupture93. should receive thromboprophylaxis, or
The mortality among all infected full therapeutic-intensity anticoagul-
patients is about 0.5-4%94, among ation if needed108. In the absence of
patients who require hospitalization is shock, intravenous fluids should be
about 5-15%, and for those who carefully administered when needed109.
become critically ill is about 22- Patients with a severe respiratory inf-
62%72,74. ection, respiratory distress, hypoxemia,
At present, there is no effective or shock require immediate oxygen
antiviral treatment or vaccine for therapy110. About 5-10 % of patients
COVID-19. Several drugs were tried95. require intensive care unit admission
Early initiation of antiviral treatment is and mechanical ventilation94.
known to decrease the severity of the
disease96. Oseltamivir, a neuraminidase Possible rule of S. costus in
inhibitor, is currently being tried. Rem- treatment of COVID-19
desivir acts as an adenosine-analog that S. costus by its myrcene content that
induces RNA chain termination, it acts on ACE receptors15 may interfere
inhibited SARS-CoV-2 in vitro97,98 and with viral entry into the cells. S. costus
decreased the severity of MERS-CoV- is used to treat fever, headache, cough,
infection in a non-human primate and bronchial asthma16,28,57-59. Oleic
model in vivo99. Several reports have acid acts as antileukotriene-D415
suggested it's clinical efficacy in therefore acts as a bronchodilator. S.
patients with COVID-19100,101. costus is traditionally used as a
Ritonavir-boosted lopinavir has an bronchodilator16 and as an anal-
antiviral effect on SARS-CoV2 in vitro gesic27,28,35. Myrcene and p-cymene
but not in vivo study102. Hydroxy- have analgesic properties while camph-
chloroquine or chloroquine phosphate ene, inulin, alpha-phellandrene, caryo-
has antiviral efficacy against SARS- phyllene, hexanoic acid act as
CoV-2 in vitro by interference with the expectorant15. S. costus has antimi-
ACE2-receptor-mediated endocytosis crobial17,18,23 and antibacterial prop-
and is used as monotherapy or in erties17,18 (costic acid, dehydrocotus
combination with azithromycin98,103,104. lactone, myrcene, p-cymene, tannin15).
It is not recommended to use syste- It is traditionally used as antiseptic16
matic corticosteroids for respiratory and has a wide spectrum antimicrobial
failure without ARDS in COVID-19, activity against some human patho-
however, it may be used for patients gens. It exhibited a significant level of
with ARDS105. Glucocorticoids may be antibacterial activity against many
considered for patients with severe Gram-positive and Gram-negative
immune reactions73,74. Treatment with pathogenic bacteria, including staphyl-
methyl prednisolone, 1-2 mg/kg/d for ococcus aureus, pseudomonas aerug-
5-7 days, is associated with a reduction inosa, acinetobacter baumanii, esche-
in duration of fever and the need for richia coli, and klebsiella pneumonia17.

SOHAG MEDICAL JOURNAL Saussurea costus may help in the treatment of COVID-19
Vol. 24 No. 3 July 2020 Mahmoud Saif-Al-Islam

Also, it has antifungal activity19,20 (car- neutrophil chemotactic factor induc-

yophyllene oxide, myrcene, octanoic tion30. Costunolide has antiinfl-
acid, p-cymene15). The decoction of ammatory activity33. S. costus decrea-
the plant increases the endogenous ses pain and inflammation by
motilin release and accelerates gastric inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX)
emptying42, and improves gastric enzyme35. S. costus is used for treatm-
cytoprotection43,44. It amplified the ent of chronic inflammation of the
mucus discharge and was proved to be lungs, chest congestion, lung inflam-
an antiulcer agent3,23,43,44,60,61. Caryo- mation29, and respiratory distresss41.
phyllene15 and increased intracellular Chlorogenic acid in the roots of S.
glutathione are responsible for costus exhibited antioxidant activity36.
protection against gastric cell injury36. Myrcene, palmitic acid, stigmasterol,
Besides, S. costus showed the ability to and tannin have antioxidant
inhibit several strains of helicobacter properties15. S. costus extract caused a
pylori111 and it is carminative16,28. dose-dependent protection against lipid
Oleic acid has choleretic effect15 and peroxidation37. S. costus possesses
costunolide has cholagogic effect46. S. immunostimulant effect37,38 (tannin15).
costus has significant antidiarrheal It increased the leukocytic count,
activity23,48 (tannin15), antiseptic and phagocytosis and antibody-secreating
astringent agent16. It is widely utilized cells40. It inhibited the oxidation of
in different medical systems all around reduced glutathione (GSH) in a dose-
the world for treating a variety of dependent manner37. The importance
ailments such as vomiting, dyspepsia, of thiols, especially of cysteine and
inflammation, diarrhea, tenesmus, and glutathione, for lymph-ocyte function,
abdominal pain23,28. S. costus roots has been known for many years. GSH
have hepatoprotective1,3,23,24,28 (tannin, is a non-enzymic mode of defense
p-cymene15) and antihepatotoxic against free radicals112. Glutathione is
49 15
effects (tannin ). an important constituent of
S. costus roots have antiviral intracellular protective mechanisms
activity3,17,21-25. The studies that against several noxious stimuli,
demonstrated its antiviral activity were including oxidative stress113. S. costus
done on the hepatitis B virus (HBV) roots have immunomodulator
and showed its considerable activity activity . Cynaropicrin has immu-
against the virus and its ability to nomodulatory effects on cytokine
inhibit hepatitis B surface antigen release39. S. costus has ― complement-
(HBsAg) expression22,25. Constunolide inhibitor’’ substances helpful in the
and dehydrocostus lactone showed an treatment of some diseases related to
inhibitory effect on the expression of marked activation of the complement
HBsAg by Hep3B cells. They system, like rheumatoid arthritis, resp-
suppressed HBsAg gene expression at iratory distress, and systemic lupus
the mRNA level. Costunolide and erythematosus41. Its roots are used in
dehydrocostus lactone are candidates the treatment of rheumatic dise-
to be developed as potent anti HBV ases3,24,41. Lupeol has antirheumatic
drugs22. P-cymene, stigmasterol, effect15. S. costus has hypoglycaemic
tannin, lupeol, and botulin have activity23 (inulin15), and it was found to
antiviral effects15. S. costus has anti- be effective for obese diabetic patie-
inflammatory activity23,29-35. It is freq- nts50. It showed a significant hypoli-
uently used for inflammatory diseases. pidaemic effect in rabbits. Reduction in
It inhibited the cytokine-induced serum triglycerides and cholesterol

SOHAG MEDICAL JOURNAL Saussurea costus may help in the treatment of COVID-19
Vol. 24 No. 3 July 2020 Mahmoud Saif-Al-Islam

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