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Digital Learning


Math 2 (Probability and Statistics)

Reywel C. Entera
Constructing a Probability
Histogram a continues
Random Variable
Continuous Probability Distribution
(Probability Density Function)
 When x is a continuous random variable, its
probability distribution is called probability
density function or pdf. Since a continuous
random variable can assume any one of the
infinitely many possible values within a given
range of real numbers, its probability histogram
looks like a relative frequency histogram with
infinitely many intervals. a
Property of a PDF

1. Nonnegative property - the value of

the probability function is always
nonnegative. That is f(x) ≥ o for all
possible values of x.
2. Norming property – the total area of
the region under the graph of a PDF
is equal to 1.

0 0.5 1
Central Limit Theorem

Both the sum and the mean of

many random variable defined
by real-life quantities have
approximately normal distribution.
Normal Distribution (Gaussian
 The normal distribution is also known as Guassian
Distribution, in honor of the renowned German
mathematician Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss who
derived the equation of its probability density
 Normal curve – The graph of the pdf of a
normally distributed random variable X is a bell-
shaped curve known as the normal curve..
Characteristics of a Normal Curve
1. The graph is symmetrical about a vertical line through
the center of the curve where the mean µ as well as
the median and mode are located.
2. The normal area of the region that lies under the
curve and above the horizontal axis is equal to 1
3. The tails of the normal curve are asymptotic to the
horizontal axis. This means that as the values move
away from the mean, the curve gets closer to the
horizontal axis but they will never meet..
4. Also the following is the Empirical rule for any
normally distributed random variable X.

1. 68.26% of all values

of X lie within one
standard deviation
from the mean µ .

(µ- ,µ+ )
μ μ μ μ μ+ μ+ μ+
2. 95.44% of all values
of X lie within one
standard deviation
from the mean µ .

(µ-2 ,µ+2 )

μ μ μ μ μ+ μ+ μ+
3. 99.73% of all values
of X lie within three
standard deviation
from the mean µ .

(µ-3 ,µ+3 )
μ μ μ μ μ+ μ+ μ+
μ μ μ μ μ+ μ+ μ+ Z values
Very Important Element in
Constructing a Normal Curve
z score --- z=
 Values
of a
random variable --- x = μ + 𝑧σ

1 {− 𝑧2 }
 Probability --- f(x) = 𝑒 2
𝜎 2𝜋
Natural Exponential
Example: Construct a normal curve
representing the graph of a normally
distributed random variable x with mean
μ = 120 and standard deviation σ = 15

Given: σ = 15
μ = 120

Asked: x = ?
f(x) = ?
Finding the value of x
 To find the value of x, we have to consider z in the graph. From the graph, we
have to consider that we should get at least 3 standard deviation away from
the mean. That is why we will use 1,2,3 (above the mean) and -1, -2, -3 (Below
the mean) as the value of z. Then, we will use this formula x = μ + 𝑧σ

x = 120 + (1)(15) x = 120 + (2)(15) x = 120 + (3)(15)

x = 120 + 15 x = 120 + 30 x = 120 + 45
x = 135 x = 150 x = 165
x = 120 + (0)(15)
x = 120 + 0
x = 120 + (-1)(15) x = 120 + (-2)(15) x = 120 + (-3)(15) x = 120
x = 120 + (-15) x = 120 + (-30) x = 120 + (-45) μ = 120
x = 105 x = 75
x = 90
Finding the value z, If and only if
the value of x is given already. z=

165 − 120 150 − 120 135 − 120

𝑧= 𝑧= 𝑧=
15 15 15
= =
15 15

= 3 = 2 = 1
105 − 120 90 − 120
𝑧= 75 − 120
15 𝑧= 𝑧=
−15 15 15
= =
−30 −45
15 =

= -1 = -2 = -3
Find the probability f(x)
1 {−2 𝑧 2 }
f(x) = 𝑒
σ 2𝜋
1 1 1
1 {−2 32 } 1 {−2 22 } 1 {−2 12 }
f(x) = 𝑒 f(x) = 𝑒 f(x) = 𝑒
15 2𝜋 15 2𝜋 15 2𝜋

= 0.000295 = 0.003599 = 0.0161314 1

1 {−2 02 }
f(x) = 𝑒
15 2𝜋

= 0.0265961
1 1
1 {−2 −22 } 1 {−2 −12 }
1 1
{−2 −32 } f(x) = 𝑒 f(x) = 𝑒
f(x) = 𝑒 15 2𝜋 15 2𝜋
15 2𝜋
= 0.003599 = 0.0161314
= 0.000295
x z f(x)
75 -3 0.000295
90 -2 0.003599
105 -1 0.016131
120 0 0.026596
135 1 0.016131
150 2 0.003599
165 3 0.000295
Probability Histogram
Area under the standard normal
Table when z
is Positive (z)

Z = 1 --------------- a = .8413

Z= 1.3 -------------- a = .9032

Z = 1.37 ------------- a = .9147

Z = 0.35 ------------- a = 6268

Table when z
is Positive (-z)
Z = -1 --------------- a = .1587

Z= -1.3 -------------- a = .0968

Z = -1.37 ------------- a = .0853

Z = - 0.35 ------------- a = 3632

Thank you and God Bless!!!

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