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MGMT 6360 Quiz 6

1. A network diagram is provided using the Activity on Arrow (AOA) format.

Find ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack values all activities. What is the critical path(s)? Activities A and
B start on day 0.

Immediate Duration
Activity Predecessors (days)
a. organize layout team - 3
b. organize modification team- 6
c. design personnel jobs a 6
d. set machinery in place b 4
e. connect utilities c,d 7
f. modify conveyor system e 4
g. train personnel e 5
h. finishing touches f 4
i. run test lot g 3

Act Duration ES EF LS LF S

2. A student has developed a project and wants to accelerate the schedule. Below network diagram
(Activity on Arrow) and table show all information needed. Dotted arrow is used as a “dummy”; no
activity only shows precedence. Partial crashing is available. Show your work for crashing.
Present Accelerated
Duration Cost Duration Cost $/day
a 4 $100 2 $300 (300-100/2) $100
b 4 $ 50 3 $100 (100-50) $50
c 5 $250 4 $350 (350-250) $100
d 3 $100 cannot accelerate $0
e 7 $100 6 $170 (170-100)$70
f 7 $300 5 $600 (600-300/2)$150

a) Without any crashing (acceleration), how long is the project expected to take?
Without any crashing the project is expected to be 17 weeks long.
b) Crash the project by maximum available time. What activities should we crash?
We should crash activities e and b since they are the least expensive.
c) What is the total additional cost for maximum crash?
The total additional cost for maximum crash would be $470.

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