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Vaccinating every American will require a spanning movement of millions of__________________ on trucks, airplanes
__________________and education campaigns to help people understand the risks and benefits of this

In the US, the first step in delivering Pfizer's vaccine will be to move millions of doses from the drug makers __________________in
Michigan and Wisconsin to designated locations throughout the country

The _____________will probably be receiving one package each initially and then significantly larger amounts flowing after that

Because of the short supply, the first doses will be______________for healthcare workers

Pfizer's vaccine needs to be transported in special shipping containers and __________________that can maintain ultra cold

Modernist vaccine requires less frigid temperatures but delivering that one also isn't quite as simple as _________________

We want to be able to have as few sites as is functional in order to be able to maintain quality controls we talked about the

An important goal is to make the vaccines accessible to as many of the ________________as possible due to limited access in
some locations

1.vaccine vials

2.ultracold storage

3. distribution hubs

4. pre-positioning sites

5. reserved

6.stored in freezers

7. distributing flu shots

8. refrigeration issues

9.first recipients

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