Hailey Kroischke - Tedx Graphic Novel Intro

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“How to Read a Graphic Novel” by Dr.

Michael Chaney
Courtesy of Mr. Indelicato

Marjane Satrapi chooses a very unique genre, the graphic novel, to deliver her groundbreaking
autobiography detailing her experiences coming of age during a cultural revolution. Her choice
in genre may represent a powerful statement challenging Western values and attitudes. Only
recently have graphic novels shed their reputation as juvenile and unsophisticated--the genre of
children’s comic books. Graphic novels, however, have grown up and are quickly becoming a
highly respected genre garnering serious attention in growing numbers of literary circles.

Before we dive deeper into Satrapi’s personal memoir, we must first understand what is so
unique about this genre of writing and why it helps Satrapi reach and impact a much broader
audience. The video linked below is of a TEDx presentation by Dartmouth University professor
of English Michael Chaney. In it, Dr. Chaney explains the genre and educates students on how to
approach the reading of a graphic novel with a higher degree of acumen and sensitivity.


Click the link below to watch the TEDx video introducing the graphic novel genre and
then respond to the following question:


After watching Dr. Michael Chaney’s TEDx video, what are four key takeaways that
will help you understand and appreciate the uniqueness of graphic novels as a modern

1. Making things appear realistic makes it less likely for the audience to take away
meaning from it. The more vague and simplistic something is, the easier it is for
audiences all over the world to interpret it the way they want.

2. When you watch a movie, the motion can often limit the ability for the audience to
take away specific meaning. Comics however, must use still images to show motion and
can use more abstract images that are more open to interpretation and offer greater
symbolism and meaning.

3. The organization of each page through the use of gutters and different formatting of the
panels can be used to easily generate a response from the viewer and cause different
interpretations of the text. This gives graphic novels an advantage because they can
convey deeper meanings subtly without directly saying it.
4. The images can be used to strengthen or contradict the dialogue given. The pictures
guide our interpretation of the dialogue and lead us toward the intended meaning of the
words. If the picture depicts specific people, we will find it easier to personalize the
individual that is speaking and get a deeper understanding of character relationships.

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