Lansing Counseling Website Design Discovery Questionnaire

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Website Design Discovery Questionnaire


1. What are 3 emotions or feelings a user should feel when they visit the site? Rank
them 1-3 in terms of importance: (example: excited, calm, happy, etc.)

Low stress (easy to navigate)
Impressed (this site looks like a legit business, it will help us attract

What are 3 characteristics you want your site to portray? Rank them 1-3 in terms
of importance. (Example: professional, innovative, reliable, etc.)

Modern (tech forward aesthetic)
Clean (no clutter)

Do you have any brand colors? If not, what colors could be used to accomplish
the feelings and characteristics from questions 1 & 2?
Earth tone green. Nature driven
Or, Black and white
What types of images or illustrations could be used to communicate the feelings
and characteristics of questions 1 & 2? If none come to mind, don’t worry… just
skip it for now.
Landscapes, happy people, simple clickable icons

Content + Audience + Taks

1. What are the primary tasks that a client / user will use the site to complete?
(example: register for more information, purchase a product, give you a call, etc.)
Schedule a counseling intake
Apply to work at Lansing Counseling

What are 2 - 3 goals you would like the site to accomplish? (NOTE: Goals are
measurable tasks such as “increase sales”, or “improve brand recognition.”
Putting content on a site is NOT a goal, ie: “Have a photo gallery”)
Rank on first page of Google by the end of 2021 for search terms such as “counseling”

Describe a typical site visitor. How often are they online, and what do they
generally use the web for? Give basic demographics: age, occupation, income
level, purchasing habits. (Use as much detail as possible in profiling your target
user. Profile more than one type if appropriate)
A college student looking for help with their anxiety or depression
A parent looking for help with their struggling teen
A couple looking for help with working on their relationship

What are the key reasons why the target audience chooses your company’s
products and/or service (cost, service, value)?
Patients: Service (licensed mental health professionals)
Employees applying: They believe that we have a great group practice based in
part on the look and feel of the website.
What will be the primary navigation items on the site? (example: home, about,
contact, etc)
Schedule and intake

What utilities should the site have? (example: search / sitemap / help / forums /
I’m not sure, just a clear call to action visible at all times

Homepage Information

1. What content or information should be included on the homepage?

See current website
Also reference my other practice website:

Maybe add recent posts slide at the bottom

What elements on the home page will need to be updated frequently (if any)?
Clinicians at the practice
Recent blogs

Marketing + Updating

1. How do most people find out about your product/service or website? What kind of
triggers prompt a contact?

Google search OR referral from another business such as CAPS

Briefly, what are your short-term marketing plans (specifically, for the site
redesign and the 6-12 months following launch)?

We need to be on the first page in Google for the Lansing area as soon as
possible. I also plan to run Google Ad campaigns through 2021.

Do you have an existing or planned marketing strategy in mind to promote this

site launch? If so, please describe.

Getting backlinks from other good websites, adding quality organic content
weekly, Google My Business account, facebook and Instagram accounts,
strategic keyword placement, quality meta descriptions, etc.
Do you intent to keep the site updated? If so, how often? Who is responsible for
updating and providing content?
Yes. I haven’t decided yet.


Conservative Neither Progressive

Cold Neither Warm
Traditional Neither Innovative
Fun Neither Serious
Masculine Neither Feminine
Casual Neither Formal
Energetic Neither Laid Back
Trendy Neither Classic
Spontaneous Neither Orderly
Loud Neither Quiet
Solitary Neither Popular
Unique Neither Familiar
Young Neither Old

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