Selecting Your CT

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Selecting Your Current Transformer (CT)

We know the responsibility of ordering CTs often defaults to the purchasing agent. This guide is designed
to help non-engineers, as well as engineers choose the right CT. “Current Transformer” or CT broadly
refers to the group of current transformers, current sensors, and current transducers. The industry has
accepted this consolidation of terms primarily because they are all devices that allow you to measure

Selecting a CT may be as easy as consulting your control drawings. If you have any concerns about what
to order based on the control drawings, we may be able to assist. It can also be more difficult than that.
New regulations may require that you use ‘independent lab certified’ CTs or you may find the original
drawings are no longer available. We can help in these situations as well. While we’re available by phone
or email, the following tables may help you order the right CT for the job:

My  Current  Transformer  output  will  go  to:      

A  monitor  or  metering  device   See  table    'M'  
A  switching  device   See  table    'S'  

Table 'M' Metering Device CTs

This describes my meter and the load I am measuring

The  F ull  Load  Amperage  (FLA)  that  will  be  measured  is:
Amps  AC  =

At  its  current  measurement  inputs,  my  meter  requires  :

See  our  line  of:
1  o r  5  Amps  AC Ins trument  Tra ns formers
mi l l i a mps ,  m i l l i vol ts  o r  vol ts  AC Current  Tra ns formers
Mi l l i a mps ,  m i l l i vol ts  o r  vol ts  D C Current  Tra ns ducers

Amperage  measurement  accuracy  must  be: Please  Indicate  Which:

+/-­‐ >1%,  1%,  0.5%,  o r  0.2% Per  I EC  60011-­‐1  Ta bl e  11

The  CT  will  be  placed  around  a  conductor  that  is: Yes  or  no  for  voltage  rating:
Ins ul a ted  o r  n on-­‐i ns ul a ted,  w i th  a  vol ta ge  l evel  l es s  tha n  600  VAC Check  i f  Yes  =  
Non-­‐i ns ul a ted,  w i th  a  vol ta ge  l evel  g rea ter  tha n  600  VAC Indi ca te  VAC  =  

The  shape  of  the  conductor  is: Window  size:

Round  ( ca bl e  o r  w i re) Di a meter  =
Squa re  o r  recta ngul a r  ( bus -­‐ba r) W  x  L  =

The  Current  Transformer  must  open  to  go  around  the  conductor:
Yes  -­‐  S pl i t  Core Spl i t  Core                          ___________
No-­‐  S ol i d  core  o r  toroi d Sol i d  Core                        ___________

Will  the  CT  be  used  in  wet  conditions? If  yes,  see  our:
Outdoor  Current  Tra ns formers

Please note:

1. If you selected “Instrument Transformers”, we will need to know the burden. The definition of
“burden” is on our web site in the technical information section, under the title, What does "CT
burden" mean?
2. If not stated as a specific standard, (i.e., “per IEC 60011-1, Table 1”), the accuracy specifications
are likely indicated only at Full Load Amperage (FLA). Due diligence is recommended when
selecting the accuracy classification your CTs need to meet.
3. When discussing accuracy, the term “Revenue Grade” is used to describe the concept of
measurement for financial compensation purposes. It is often associated with an accuracy of 0.5%
or better per IEC 60011-1 table 1, but is not specifically defined as such.
4. High voltage CTs are available in many models. We have received ETL certification on models
up to 4160 volts. Higher voltage models are available but have not been submitted for
5. Solid core CTs can be provided in most of our housings. Solid core CTs, particularly toroids, are
less prone to interference from nearby power sources.
6. Most of our CTs can be made as waterproof models. Our outdoor series has been tested and
proven ‘water-tight’ even when totally submerged (IP-65 and IP-68 specifications).

Table 'S' Switching/Relay and Protection Device CTs

Please describe how this CT will be used:

The  F ull  Load  Amperage  (FLA)  that  will  be  measured  is:
Amps  AC  =

The  type  of  input  signal  to  the  meter's  current  measurement  terminals  is:
Verified  (yes-­‐no)
Veri fy  5-­‐Amps

Amperage  measurement  accuracy  must  be: Please  Indicate  Which:

+/-­‐ >2%,  2%,  o r  1% Per  I EC  60011-­‐1  Ta bl e  11

The  CT  will  be  placed  around  a  conductor  that  is: Yes  or  no  for  voltage  rating:
Ins ul a ted  o r  n on-­‐i ns ul a ted,  w i th  a  vol tage  l evel  l es s  tha n  600  VAC Check  i f  Yes  -­‐
Non-­‐i ns ul a ted,  w i th  a  vol tage  l evel  grea ter  tha n  600  VAC VAC  =  

The  shape  of  the  conductor  is: Window  size:

Round  (ca bl e  o r  w i re) Di a meter  =
Squa re  o r  rectangul a r  (bus -­‐ba r) W  x  L  =

The  Current  Transformer  must  open  to  go  around  the  conductor:
Yes  -­‐  S pl i t  Core Spl i t  Core                          ___________
No-­‐  S ol i d  core  o r  toroi d Sol i d  Core                        ___________

Will  the  CT  be  used  in  wet  conditions? Yes  or  No

Volt-­‐Amps  (Burden  in  ohms  or  VA) IEEE  C57.13  Std  5A  burden

CTs used for switching-relays and protection devices generally have 5-amp outputs. Although accuracy is
important, it is less important than its ability to perform well during over-current conditions. This type CT
must be able to provide current well above its Full Load Amperage (FLA) rating and has an IEEE
classification rating to indicate its designed capability. Sentran Corporation has been called upon to
provide this type CT for unusual applications, including off-shore platforms and split-core requirements.

These custom designs may require additional lead time.

Each and every CT manufactured by Sentran Corporation is tested at various stages of completion, with a
final test and inspection conducted prior to sale. A serialized certificate of compliance is provided with
each order that lists every CT and its test results. All Sentran CTs come with a 5-year warranty.

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