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it leads to expansion of knowledge and discoveries dahil sa mga theory ng mga tao

systematic process of collecting and aalyzing data to increase understanding of a


it originates with a question or a problem wherein it requires a formal processor

inaaral nating ang isang bagay carefull and extensively to have deep knowledge ike
assessing the situation, creating hypothesis and testing the hypothesis. it can
improve standard of living dahil sa mga new inventions and discovery tht comes into

helps us to have a safer life, dahil sa research madami tayong na discover

especially in the field of health like technology, medicine andnutrition which
helped in curing life expectamcy and diseases

helps us to know the truth dba since it originates w a question, throigh research
we can investigate, study facts and listen to others popinion and tjis helps us to
unravel the truth

the harmonized reseach agenda

reading a lot literature and be critical

acadim as a student
community based
mental healthl

5 problems of interests

liza aingelica pila

sto angel sur sta cruz laguna
okay nman po ako ngayon, matagal na rin pong hindi nakakalabas ng bahay eto buti
nmana po safe kami ng family

significance and purpose of nursing research and
methodoligal basis (quantitative, quali, knowledge and method and level of

expectation from self subj, from instructor

I know this subject is one of the most difficult subject considering this
unprecedented situation, it might be hard for us to catch up since not all of us
are provided with a good connection but i know my professors are understanding
about that matter. I dont really expect anything from my professors because i know
they are all different when it comes to techniques in teaching and at the end of
the day i believe that students should take more of a lead in their own learning
and not just rely on instructors. I know that i will learn a lot from Dean May and
she can be able to make even the most difficult subject easy to understand and
Research subject is all about expanding our knowledge and discoveries. it usually
starts with just a question wherein it requires a formal process. i hope at the end
of this sem, i should be able to apply my research in my daily life and somehow be
able to contribute to the society. I know this subject is not that easy but with
the help of our instructors we could be able to transform this subject into a fun
one. i hope with this subject,

I hope this subject will allow me to pursue my interests, to learn something new
and also improve my problem-solvng skills. I also expect myself to work harder and
manage my time properly.

qualia allows us to formulate hypotgesis and kabaliktaran ng quanti etiong type or

approach, yung mga data ay nakaexpress in words mas nagrrequire siya ng fewer
respondents and yung data ay inaanalyze by summarizing, and interpreting

so kapag gusto nating mag confirm or mag test ng theory or hypothesis, quanti
ppliin natin

and kapag gusto nating i understand or i explore ang isang idea sa quali tayo

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