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Subjective: Diarrhea related to watery Short Term: Independent:
- "mainit ang pakiramdam ko" as stools, hot flushes and body 1. Ascertain onset and
verbalized by the patient weakness. -After 1 hour of appropriate pattern of diarrhea,
- expressed body weakness and nursing intervention, the patient's noting whether acute or
watery stool, a day prior to Associated factor: Fever temperature will decrease to 38 chronic.
consultation. with increased respiratory degrees celcius. 2. Evaluate diet history,
rate. - After 5-8 hours of appropriate noting food allergies or
Objective: nursing intervention, the patient intolerances and food
- Initial vital signs are taken as will re-establish and maintain and water safety issues,
follows: normal bowel functioning. and note general
nutritional intake and
--> TEMPERATURE : 39.1 degree Long Term: fluid and electrolyte
celcius - After 4-8 hours of appropriate status.
--> PULSE RATE: 88bpm nursing intervention, the patient's 3. Monitor vital signs.
--> RESPIRATORY RATE: 24 vital signs will return to normal 4.. Provide tepid sponge
breaths per minute range; with a temperature of bath.
--> BLOOD PRESSURE: 110/80 36.5-37.5 deg. celcius and 5. Promote a well
mmHg respiratory rate of 12-20 breaths ventilated area for the
per minute. patient.
- After 1-2 days of appropriate 6. Maintain bed rest.
nursing intervention, the patient 7. Note reports of
will be free of diarrhea. abdominal or rectal pain
associated with episodes.
8. Advise patient to have
an increased fluid intake
and avoid cold fluids and
foods that are oily, spicy
and reduce caffeine
9. Advise patient to
decrease solid food
intake and eat foods like
apple and banana.
10. Observe and record
stool frequency,
characteristics, amount
and other factors.
11. Recommend
change in drug
therapy, as appropriate
1. Administer
paracetamol, anti
diarrheal agents/
antibiotics as prescribed
characteristics, amount
and other factors.
11. Recommend
change in drug
therapy, as appropriate
1. Administer
paracetamol, anti
diarrheal agents/
antibiotics as prescribed
by the physician.

2. Administer enteral
and parenteral fluids,
as indicated.


- Acute diarrhea (caused

- After 8 hours of nursing care, the
by viral, bacterial, or patient's temperature lowered down
parasitic infections. to 37 degree celcius and a respiratory
Chronic diarrhea caused by rate of 18 breaths per minute. Pulse
irritable bowel syndrome, rate and blood pressure is also
infectious diseases maintained normal.
affecting the colon.
- After 2 days of nursing care, the
- To know if the patient has patient reports hardened stools, no
allergies or intolerances in signs of hot flushes and a normal
food and fluid intake. body functioning such as normal
bowel movement and re established
normal body strength.
- Vital signs provide more
accurate indication of core
- Tepid sponge bath lowers
body temperature.
- To decrease warmth and
increase evaporative
- To promote clear flow of
air in the patient's area and
promote heat loss.
- Pain is often present with
inflammatory bowel
disease, irritable bowel
syndrome, and mesenteric
- Foods that are stool
former. Also, to avoid
foods or substances that
precipitate diarrhea.
- To allow for bowel rest and
reduced intestinal workload.

- Helps differentiate
individual disease and assess
severity of episode.
former. Also, to avoid
foods or substances that
precipitate diarrhea.
- To allow for bowel rest and
reduced intestinal workload.

- Helps differentiate
individual disease and assess
severity of episode.

- If the drug theraphy is not

effective for the patient.

- To decrease
gastrointestinal motility
and minimize fluid losses.

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