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a ShSS SE ER ce BH FE (By APPLICATION FORM FOR THE MOFA TAIWAN SCHOLARSHIP Applicants should fill out this application form clearly and accurately. Detailed answers are required in order to make the most appropriate arrangements. If necessary, additional pages of the same size may be attached. A258 ASH T MNS « ATW - DINARS «ATE BRA TTS TDL TB Please check: BN FR ‘Which type of scholarship are you applying for? 7 irdergraduate Scholarship XBIBS Master Scholarship 13882 Doctoral Scholarship BL2Bz Do you need to attend a Mandarin Language Enrichment Program (this must be undertaken during the first year) (2ALCBA 2 MRD ATES — HB)? Tes No If Yes, please fill in the name] ofthe language center in part 6 on page 4 Personal information {i A435) s-Name $8 Title 28: Me/Mrs/Ms. ‘Surname (Last name)i#: ABDI Given Name(s) &: MOHAMED DAHIR b. City and country of bic ESSER | HARGAISA ND = SOMALILANDER fc Netoeaty **Note: If one or both of your parents was an ROC national at the time of your birth, you are also an ROC national and therefore not eligible to d. Parents nn Father & Mother & Name #2: DAHIR ABDI Name 4: SHUUN JAMAC. ‘Nationality #: SOMALILANDER Nationality 21f8:SOMALILANDER Place of birth Ui2Eith: HARGAISA | Place of birth tit nd e. Contact information GRA Mbt - Bak + Fae Permanent address 2% thik: HARGAISA, MARODI-JEH, SOMALILAND Mailing address (if different from above) Shh: Telephone is: +252-634690978 Email $8 FSi: mohamedahirs30@gmaitcom Cell phone $#it: +252-65-7776667 £. Sex th) inte 8 oFemale & Marital status Ss mau ingle Married BG pe (Day H / Month Fi / Year 4): 01-05-1997 Have you ever fever joes, from (ddimmiyr) to (adimm/yr). resided in Taiwan? 2. eA aiee j. Have you received a] Xo 4%; Yes, from (ddimmiys) to (ddimmiyr):2 2 Taiwan Scholarship or Huayu Enrichment) 258 Scholarship before? ene ete eit | TypeG) of Scholarship: Beemes , Health condition EAR wfxcellent Good o Fair 1. Chronic diseases (& th of None fi © Yes Please specify 88: m. Contact person in case of emergency RBG) Name SE: SHUUNJAMAC CUMAR Relationship Rif&: MOTHER Address ##Jit: HARGAISA, MORODI-JEH, SOMALILAND ‘Telephone iis +252463-7017579 Email CFM: Cell phone #8: +252-65.3931855 Language proficiency #825857) Language 5 Comprehension Reading Speaking profici i: a 7 |_ #8 escent Jooot air scetom cont ar excten [cind [far ence coud ar le a js ie je fs fe ja fa fe fa fo Chinese English yr a Y Y Arabic Y Y “Y Y Education and (raining SAS Note: Highest diploma only ; i Qualeton aia ; School name Subject (Certificate/Diplo a Year obtained SREB Hea maDegree) E RASH ’ 88 a |AL-BAHRAIN GENERAL | CERTIFICATE |sOMALILAND, |SECONDARY EDUCATION |HARGAISA aD) References #852811 (A) #018 Name 8% Position BIAS Telephone, email or mailing address ASRS |PRINCIPLE ‘CELL PHONE: +252-63-4421789 MOHAMED Avaziz AE-BAHRAIN | EMAIL: SECONDARY ADDRESS: HARGAISA, MORODI-JEH, IscHooL, SOMALILAND MATHEMATICAL, TEACHER OF (CELL PHONE: +252-63-4113052 SALEBAN AHMED |AL-BAHRAIN ADDRES: HARGAISA, MORODI-JEH, aa ISecoNDaRY SOMALILAND Iscnoo Employment/Job experience (use one row for exch position) EASE Position RE Company/Organization RABE Period of employment A Responsibilities Trista Language center and/or university/department which you plan to attend in Taiwan B83 BEAKER University affiliated language center: MING CHUAN UNIVERSITY MANDARIN STUDIES & CULTURE CENTER(MSCC) University/college and department: MING CHUAN UNIVERSITY NORMAL UNIVERISTY RECOMMENDATIONS OF LOCAL AUTHORITY OR ORGANIZATION (e.g. Government Agency, Educational Institute, Think Tank, International Organization, Non-governmental tion) BES HERE SEL - MEERUT ERER « SST TR IE Orga Comment on applicant: AL-BATRAIN ‘First name father’s name | Grendfather'sname | Nat MOHAMED | DAHIR. anor — This 5 wo certify that the ahove- mentioned student was one of the studouts at ALDahrain Secondary Sehool in Harzeisa and have known bien throughout his schooling dys, Hes forthe leaving examination cvritiet in July 2019 and suceessflly completed and essed it with B scores. This stent was bright, polite sod showed) grewt respect to his teackors, schoolmates and he prccipal of tie School 1 bighiy appreciate to any assistance given to him. Mr, Mobamed A/Azie Al-Bahnin Secondary Sehool Pineipal Harpsiss, Somaliland \Cell phone: 4252-63-4421789 mal: abuharss2002/,mai com, AL-BAHRAI SCHOOLS 252 2 Siss0s To Whom It May Concern This isto certify that the sbove- mentioned student was one of the students at Al-Bahrain Secondary school in Hargeisa and | have known his throughout his schooling days, | really take greal pride in offering her a support and | hope that her application will have your favorable consideration, To conclude, | would lke to restete thal her strong supper performance is 2 direct result of his hard work and strong focus. if you have any further questions regarding Mohamad's abiity or about ihis recommendation, please readily contact me, {highly appreciate to any assistance given to her Ahmed Faral Mathematical Teather of ALBAHRAIN SECONDARY SCHOOL Horgaisa, Somalland Cell phone: 4252-63-4113052 ry Please briefly state your study plan while in Taiwan fi BEA 23% ‘Study plan Educational Background My name is Mohamed Dahir Abdi | graduated Guryo-samo Primary School in Hargaisa Somaliland, | also continued my education at ALBahrain Secondary School in Hargaisa, Somaliland and graduated in 2018/2019. And | have passed good scores both two grades as you can see my transcript and my certificate, | also have extra certificates such as : Computer certificate and English certificate personality | am active student who interests leaming and respects administration and teachers also | am the socially active person and very intelligent. ‘Also | lke to behave community as respectively and also deal with good behavior. | also like connecting the Community and working the common good. Detailed study plain | would like to apply for the Department of Global Politics and Economics because of my best job experience and internship and my final year project. | want to develop my knowledge in me to study my chosen course. | hope that | will gain more experience in dealing with situations, peoples, systems and demands which will be a great help in my future career. | share May knowledge and skills may teachers and colleagues. Reasons to study in twain | decided to apply for the Bachelor's program in twain as the culture and the beautiful lifestyle of this country appeals to me strongly. To mention the high education level and demanding programs as well as great job opportunities and provisional approach to modem technologies. | think that the chosen program will help me to gain both knowledge and| experiences to star professional carier in management field as well as promise me to fulfill my interest. In conclusion Thank you all | hope that you will accept my request and that we will work together to improve the integration and cooperation between the two countries. Thank you very much for the second and third time DECLARATION: I hereby declare that: The information I have provided in this document is true and accurate, I understand that any false information will disqualify me from the program, even if t is already in progress. / ‘am not suffering from any serious disease and am not hindered by any illness or disability. Lam neither an ROC national, nor an overseas compatriot of the ROC, (/1am not currently undertaking studies in Taiwan at the same educational level as the scholarship type for which Iam applying. V1 am not applying for this scholarship as an exchange student through an agreement signed between an educational institution in Taiwan and an educational institution outside of Taiwan. VA consent to the information provided in this application form being made available to ROC government agencies for scholarship-related matters onee I become a Taiwan Scholarship Applicant's recipient. nature YP Date Aes 2S) 2077) Day 8 /Month Ai / Year

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