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locus rtp ® NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY S"™ Agency Cote APPLICATION FORM FOR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS ‘lice as appropriate pstnames MONA vadgermes — MOBAMED Seman /Fantyname: _ABYAN, Genderse77m10. deteotonth: 44 FER 1999 eines IE 2 SAC Oe En (rt a SIN viettsune: — STINGLE Passport Number: P0044 ATS 4 rts F28263 4302990 Email: Mohabshi @ genail » com + Soma (Mabie) » English and Arabic. Spoken tanguage areetessnggertint 100 veo tgp Applicant's Permanent Home Address mandatory): Do youhave any disbity? Uyesplease speci [Alnames stand otver! must be file in exacty a they appear In your passpor.) tuame Surname: SAYA ADEN TACHA Motherstel: __ 252634938845 Mother's Occupation; __Shop_Manegey Mothers Education _Gachelor's _Aegres « tea Fathers Name /Sumame: MOHAMED ARYAN Fathers: + 252634433 535 Father’ Occupation; Gussinexs man fetigrstdection Bachelor's Degree [rrnn > gessGinHREGERIGEGEGUGEGHGIREGHBESECHBERIEREEEE Family Address: (shamed Mi, Guras , Tooter, Sonmabie Names Ayan Mahone b. Names Aedslaki Ahmed 42s 202 4A TORE ADS 263 ATA OB AD Relationship elation i Byou? Sister Beetie Cousin malls axpn rt Bomicom Emails ably sul Borel) MohanedAts » Gurae, Tegdher » Samaia ate: Qaras Tglhir, Adda: Haagen » Maral Sormnbe Somali Facebook Recount: ‘Students slood Type: O = ‘a Degrees Pease lst completed programs. art Win mos recent qUaaton. Youve Ne eceved YOU aWar ate When you expecto 050.) Name tinsuiuion __}_ county otscngol_|_earsatended__ MAN - SHAFTE ‘Someta ois — 30st Seeendary Coote as. ». English Language Qualifications «Professional Qualifications / Certificates (Pease tach ces ay Flint decent xamination Nome _|_vearefeaam | mess Professional Body | Type of Membership/Cetcate | Amar Date ‘Se ng) other Jb bear Sagel Tek Cannpany ‘Sales person Bory ~ 2ozt ® NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FORM FOR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS. Fall(Sepremben) Year of try: 2021 ult €aucateon Teaching [ire Teacingt [-clastoom feachina [Ecmpeter education nstrcional Technology Computer Educattn & atuctionalTecnlagy” Engh ngage Fach Hearing Impated £duaton Teaching Pre-School Teaching” [sychotoszel Counseling and Guidance feychologialCouneeling an Guisanes* [ Relgous History anc tthics Eaveaton Teaching” [-Spedil Eddcaon [speci edaton= caing Pega fore ently Diadantged* Technolgy Seiga earings A Ftuntsh Canguage teachings foc [hechnetie Fikes Flnteer Beagre tndape Rhtectre ‘aly 9 Art and Senco Engi Language attest Fhitremate F Molec Slay and Genes, Wels eiigy and Senet Efertiy. FR nanan Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering [cil erate ‘in Ensneerage CEewicnmental engineering | Fey of Commnton [mating and Sroseasing sina [stints (CHRourm ond Hotel Mangement, [tours ond Hotel Manapernert® Semmens cee Bigemaese Eicerr " Heese uss eet Aeterna pteensesne SR Braver eoereccae enue ‘enone ener eee. oe Tourism and Hotel Management i lonhtey erasaiean at al Noniy arete peer spre fener” eerie So eee summer) zore [2oat ne an Advertsing Public Relations and Advertsing® Sadia Television and Cinema" sual Communication and Design™ Faculty of Dentistry CSbentsry entity Faculty of Economic & Administrative Sclences Banking and Accounting Banking and Finance Sanking andFinance* usin: admonition Business Adinistation” computer information system, ‘Computer nformation Sytem” (feonomics Economics “Beropean Union Relations Exropean Union Relations® aman Resources Management len Resources Management insurance end Actor Sconces” Knowledge Management” Management information Systems [Management Information Systems a Publi Administration Public Administation® Faculty of Engi “tcl nteligence Engineering ‘Automotive Engineering 1 Aitomotive Engineering? | Bie Enaineering $F Blomedical Engineering 1) Computer Engineering 5] Computer Engineering? 5) leet and Eecronic Engineering {Becta and Electronic Enginesrng* Food Engineering 5) Food Engineerng® Industral Engineering 5 Infomation systems Engineering 5 Information ystems Enginenring® English Prep'Schoo! Language of instruction ie only in Turkish wh br es “Public Rela Turkish Prep-schoct ed with [Mechanical Engineering ClMechanca Engineering? ‘Cetrleum and Natural Gas Engineering software Engineering Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Tragic Desgn| Plastic Ars Faculty of Heath Sciences “audiology audogy Cichié Developments [JEmergency and Otastr Management® Clserentolony” |Health wanagement Snider Mutton ond Ditties “Nuttion and Dietetic Tioeeupationa Therapye occupational Health and safety* Social Wore social Werks ‘Pi Speech and Language Therapy" phsiotherapy and Rehabilittion Physiotherapy and Rehabitation’ Faculty oftaw nteratonal Law Drama Writing? Faculty of Theology Theclog Studlest Faculty of Veterinary [eterinary Medicine ‘eterna Medicine’ Faculty of Open and Distance Education Business Adminstration linemational tations ‘]larketing Management ‘Cianking and Finance Ceonomles 5] Matera Slencer and Nanotechnology Engineering Physical Education and Sports Pryscal Educatlonand Sports Teaching® Ci castronomny* astrone hatreaton cen oe Hae cee pcre cea tees terint HS STO RD TT ae Pitan Ene festa cine arta a aie eae Fete at veterinary Heath Yechiont Chesca ec forte ct A Meg Bcmenton Sc Macha eee CMa eee EM 1D sports TainerEducaton® 1D Sports Management” iMouth and Dental Suppert Personnel iets nd Berea ieee ea ans tea eae Seinen Hosenmsteonie Beran Shee romano ene Hiencleriser =e orate ee eee PE SIO tr REC Tea Hegde pen Sa remota yen ea Seba: es Eee ne thas Sant alae a ®D NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FORM FOR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS 3, Who is expected to pay your fees? ck appropriate) Zi set Rea 11 Government or Governmental. Geteeuchtpy oh your sna Scholarship (please speciy) Contact details ofthe sponsor company Name:__Sagal Tek Company Company Contact Person:_Mchanied Alege _Wasnnn Teltcmai:_+952054433536 ters please pec) company Address: Burne , Toye » Sotmlig So, relent a assport Number, P0084 9354 Uys, please state the purpose of vss Dae otbmping 1h Tul 2028 Today eatin yes pease gv detain Do you hold dual cizenships? it yes ploase give details) oer yes place give dete) Tis section must be filed by agent if this application is made via an agency. ‘Agency Code (Given by the Unversity. Country [Name of the Company: Tel Emalt: Name of the Contact Person: Address ur lrgerm pln you bl any create plese sao) Pease Speaty what persona quaites nee and experience you hae, extn you reasons a wang to sty he course how youre forthe couse and opin Tam secally achive poner uit griendly naire ya gpd cemmunication or indead ute is bled wR onary pred £ faa heen view Se the cally 09 Uge thes apprecch peaple wait patie ind ond altitude ad alway pam t be help gal wi heme eqgerts md true defication «Gender fat, Eo alony fed very juypta ond gertinade a meet ant eat peaple elenging a dieter- ext backgrounds and cullurt + Tom so gvategil ger the oppertuniticn tak nave given to Me, and TL do ack vegret the chores T hove made in may (ie through those opportunities « T lhaue Gued very unig aud special Life y (earned veut wumoer og Tenens a lang fe way » Lom congidert in saying that Tam well- adapted and prepared) bs succeed and acheive ok tte next Chapter of my Whee T have choosen to study hunnan resources management , loccanie svany orgemisnbrons Claien Had fair emples om te at valuable auth, ad for ‘he ‘conten , egpeckve wanaqeantat off WuMan racweh G expeatil or ery Oompa: Human verources eles in structuring teams | 1E loudde Ae orgenigunme cattires aad Yelgs peaple with engagement and development, ond T went be part og thas ®D NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FORM FOR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS a. Type of Accommodation Prefered: "| Urivesty Dorms Private ‘Would you lke to benefit from the meal package? [7 Yesi'vespeasecreoseoneepton) 7H ‘Annual Tutti Fee Three Meals 2 Day flectrcy, Water ance leaning charges are included. “Formers aternatv options plane vist: Mtp/day.neuedtvp-cotetplondstes161/201905 Meat East Unter - Economie Pachages Fer 201206052018-729¢| “hereby appiy to Near East Unversity. | am aware ofthe standards for academic performance and personal conduct outlined inthe General Catalog, Wile enrelied ava student, wil respect and abige by Near East Universit/s academic and socal expectavons.| certify that te Information on Ws frm [correct and compiste- understand that any mieprecertation maybe the cause for refusing or revoking admission. sinatra BL pate: 24) FEB , 2004 The following shouldbe submited tothe Incernational Students Office together with your application (or SendtoInfo@newedut) *1- Original copy ofthe Diploma 2.2 Passport sted photograph 3- Photocopy ofthe passport “ACA reference letter from the school you last attended '5-Copy of English Language qualification

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