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Learning Objectives

 Learners will be familiarized what the Philippine Flag looks like.

 Learn how colors and symbols give meaning to a work of art
 Learn some Tagalog words (Language commonly used in the Philippines)

Guiding Ideas
1. What do the colors mean
2. What do the 8 rays of the sun symbolize?
3. How about the 3 Stars?
4. Know some Tagalog words
1. Mabuhay?
2. Puso
3. Dagat
4. Bundok
5. Langit

Student Activities
 Research about the the Philippines by searching the names that symbolizes the 8
rays of the sun.
 Interpretation of Music and Words.

Performance Expectations
Learners should know a little bit of history of the Philippines
Learners will be familiar with the National Anthem and know some of Tagalog words

A Classroom of Flags
Materials and preparation
 United States Flag

 Our Flag by Carl Memling

 Paper

 Pencils

 Markers
 Scissors

 Magazines (optional)

 Glue/glue sticks (optional)

 Patriotic music (optional)

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and describe key symbolic
elements found on the American Flag.

 (10 minutes)

 Call students together around the American flag, and lead them in saying the Pledge of
 Ask your class some questions to gauge what they know about the American flag. Great
examples include: How many stripes are on the flag? Why? How many stars are on the flag? Why? Why
do we pledge our allegiance to the flag?
 After students have shared what they know, read Our Flag by Carl Memling aloud to the class.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling

 (5 minutes)

 After finishing the book, ask students to think about what they just learned. Great discussion
questions include: Why are there 13 stripes on the flag? Why are there 50 stars on the flag? Do the
colors red, white, and blue have a meaning, too?
 After some discussion, explain that there are 13 stripes on the flag because there were 13
original colonies in early America. Tell your class that there are 50 stars on the flag because there are 50
states in the country, and explain that the colors of the flag represent different American values.
 Encourage students to think about how every part of the flag has a meaning.
 Ask your students: Can you think of other any symbols, like a flag, that people use in their daily
lives? (If students are stuck, possible ideas include the color green as a sign for go and red as a signal to
stop. The sun as symbol for light or warmth. The moon being used for sleep or darkness.)

Guided Practice
 (5 minutes)

 Inform students that today, they will be making their own United States flags. Just like the
current U.S. flag, their flags will be symbols that represent America.
 Explain that students should include pictures and words that remind them of the things they
know and like about their America. For example, if a student really likes camping in the woods, they
could include a picture of trees and tents on the flag.
 Spend some time as a whole class talking about things people enjoy doing and seeing in
America. Guide students to also think about historic American locations like the White House, Statute of
Liberty, etc.
 Using a blank white piece of paper, show students how they can place pictures they draw
themselves, images from magazines, words, and symbols like stars, circles, and dots to create a new
American flag.
 Give all of the students a blank sheet of paper for their flag. Ask if students have any questions
or concerns before sending them off to work on their own flags.

Independent working time

 (10 minutes)

 As students are working on their flags, circulate the room to answer questions and help students
to think through the symbols on their flag.
 To set the mood, play patriotic American music softly in the background for inspiration. As an
added bonus, playing soft music usually cuts down on student side conversations!

 Enrichment: Challenge advanced students to work with an adult to provide a written description
to go with their flag. A fill-in-the-blank template can be used to help students describe their flags.

 Support: Work with students who are struggling on the concept of a symbol. Begin by defining
symbol, and listing some common symbols for the U.S.A. Follow that up with a group discussion about
potential symbols for each person. Then, help students connect the symbols they chose for themselves
with common American symbols. This exercise will help students better understand what a symbol is,
and how to choose appropriate symbols for the flag each person creates.

 (5 minutes)

 Students can be assessed based on their participation in class discussions and the descriptions of
their flags.
 Question each student about the symbols they chose to represent America on their flag. Every
person should have a reason for choosing the imagery that he or she did. Also, ask your class about what
the stripes and stars on the actual United States flag symbolize.
 As an additional form of assessment, students can be assigned to create another flag for
homework. This time, students may choose to make a personal/family flag or create a flag that is
representative of a place that is special to them. Students should be encouraged to practice writing or
dictating about why they chose the images, colors, and symbols that they did for this flag.
Review and closing
 (10 minutes)

 Call students together.

 Give students time to share their flags with the class. Students should explain why they included
the images, colors, and symbols that they did.
 After students have shared, hang the flags around the classroom or another visible part of the
 Encourage students to keep their eyes open for American flags and to report back to the class
when they see one.

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