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42872004 ‘mid exam Env Sci (2nd) mid exam Env Sci (2nd) Totalpoints 14/23 @ enter your roll # only(nothing else) 6539 VY Astudy based on complete enumeration is known as * ” © census survey © sample survey O pilot survey © none above Y Statistics deals with * Ww © Qualitative data © none above © Quantitative data ©@ Both (a) and (b) hitpssdocs. google. comiformsidalFAIpQLSHIZILXtymWARLZ!_20_pIBY!_mSpV_HIS9OsSo}XTNBsAqdAVviewscore”viewscore=AEOZAGOMEKG7MS. 42872004 mid exam Env Sci (2nd) Y Statistics results are * Ww not true universally true true on average Oo@0°0 absolutely correct Charts and graphs are presentation of numerical facts bymeanof* = 1/1 O symblos @ allabove © area and other graphical forms © points and lines Purpose served by charts and graphs are * a ©@ allabove © to avoid tabulation CO simple presentation of data © to avoid textual form hitpsidocs google. comiformsda/FAlpQLSHNZILX1ymWARz!_2e.piBY!_mpV_H1b90sSojxTNés4qdAWviewscore? viewscore=AEQZAGDMESKG7MS... 2/8 42872004 mid exam Env Sci (2nd) x In bar diagram, the base line is * on any of the above vertical false base line @ooo0o horizontal x K Ina histrogram, height of the bars are proportional to* " mid values of the classes frequency of the respective classes v either (a) or (b) OoO0@0 neither (a) nor(b) x Which of the following statement is not correct * on there are bar diagrams which are known as broken bar diagram multiple bar diagram is also exist the bar in the column chart touch each other @ooo0 the bars in histogram teach each other x hitpsidocs google. comiformside/FAlpQLSHIZILX1ymWARz!_2e_piBY!_mdpV_H1b90sSojxTNesqdAWviewscore? viewscore=AEQZAGDMESKG7MS... 3/8 42872004 mid exam Env Sci (2nd) Y_ Which of the following is the measure of central value * ww standard deviation quartile deviation median Oo@0°0 K mean deviation X_ geometric mean is the measure of * on O location © position x O dispersion © both (a) and (b) VY Geometric mean of two numbers 1/16 and 4/25 is * wn O W100 @© m0 v O 10 © 100 hitpsidocs google. comiformside/FAIpQLSHIZILX1ymWARz! 2 piBY!_mpV_H1b90sSojXTNés4qdAWviewscore? viewscore=AEQZAGDMESKG7MS... 4/8 42872004 mid exam Env Sci (2nd) Y_ The average of 7 numbers 7,9,12,x,5,4,11 is 9. the missing number xis* — 1/1 @ 15 oO oO" Os If the two observations are 5 and -5, their geometric mean is * " © none above Os Oo Os The median of the variate values 11,7,6,9,12,15,19 is * w Or @u Oo: O16 hitpsidocs google. comiformside/FAlpQLSHIZILX1ymWARz!_2e.piBY!_mpV_H1b90sSojxTNéstqdAWviewscore? viewscore=AEQZAGDMESKG7MS... SI8 42872004 mid exam Env Sci (2nd) X_ To find the median it is necessary to arrange the data in* on ©@ ascending order x © ascending and descending order © any of the above © decending order Shoe size of the most of the people in Pakistan is No 8, which measure of 1/1 central value does it represent * © second quartile O eighth decites O mean @ mode v X_ The mean of the squares of first natural numbers is * on O# O @©4 x O 2 hitpsidocs google. comiformside/FAlpQLSHNZILX1ymWARz!_2e.piBY!_mdpV_H1b90sSojxTNés4qdAWviewscore? viewscore=AEQZAGDMESKG7MS... 6/8 42872004 mid exam Env Sci (2nd) X_ Sum of the squared deviation about mean is * ot © zr x O maximum O minimum © one Ifthe sum of N observation is 630 and their mean is 42, then the value of 1/1 Nis* @ 15 v O 2 O 30 On v ifn=4, and x bar = 62 then what will be the value of sum x * w © 230 © 250 © 2 v © 330 hitpsidocs google. comiformsda/FAlpQLSHJZILX1ymWARz!_2e.piBY!_mpV_H1b90sSojXTNés4qdAWviewscore? viewscore=AEQZAGDMESKG7MS... 7/8 42872004 mid exam Env Sci (2nd) X_ Why measure of central tendency is important? write down the types of /3 frequency curve and explain i Central tendency is very useful in statistics. It lets us know what is normal or ‘average for a set of data. It also condenses the data set down to one representative value, which is useful when you are working with large amounts of data These are the following types of frequency curves following four types: The Symmetrical Distributions. A frequency distribution or curve is said to be symmetrical if values equidistant from a central maximum have the same frequencies, the curve can be folded along the central maximum in such a way that the two halves of the curve coincide. Moderately Skewed or Asymmetrical Distributions A frequency distribution or curve is said skewed when it departs from symmetry. Here the frequencies X tend to pile up one end or the order end of the distribution or curve. This is the most common pattern encountered in practice. The Extremely Skewed o J-shaped distributions. Here the frequencies on up to a maximum at one end of the range, having the shape of the letter J or its reverse. Most of the distributions in economic or medical statistics belong to extremely skewed distributions The U-shaped Distributions. In such frequency distributions or curves the maximum frequencies occur at both ends of the range and a minimum towards the centre, shaped more or less like the letter U. A distribution of this type is rare .. This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. -Tacms of Service - Privacy Policy. hitpsidocs google. comiformside/FAlpQLSHZILX1ymWARz! 2 piBY!_mdpV_H1b90sSojxTNés4qdAWviewscore? viewscore=AEQZAGDMESKG7MS...

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