حضرت عمر فاروق رضی اللہ عنہ کا علمی ذوق

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Yau . | (eee er ere Seas aad a6 Melee WZ nA UAL eal o ASEAN es + * het US a | et 12 i Pech p POR Lats tani Landa PL oS ae PGA Pole MoM ie GE EIU Scoice Eire es wwe UUM ch Gieie 1324 ABU LIL Sah SPC eit e Ly a de Robs Af Kieu beg or Wa UV Ut ale? So EOI ha Ut lhe PAPEL Mss eon, ebb Tih dein Aa? ae MINS ee i Lent fe PIE EU he te nL wit = YI JIL pial alll juod cle 13) Ure nL he i whl balay al slo Ga tleere VAY Pa Wi SAF Me UB te L Vekhe cord Pauly Sire Ul Se S baa aIee wou Ete LUE EOP ether tbe alent fe PA athe Yih ke diakol dre tse Yte dC TY unl Sabin (bid re WL Gooey MoU odsank Th baa ebay SIL wf. etre ete Slo oT Hedin ie i Berr yr ie) Une SRLAL IAW AL obit fe ple wb (ZUZ6 UF ENCE) glad Yl yo pdsic Leyid Glawell gle ULiwall ob LL Srl See Veco IF te nile PPLE Est wrist Jird Irs eht pe Jas Cres A etele — Ay at Stee LL Us| Soden tt ste 2, Wh 2 Lv iit fe PP Se Sonu ee UF Ure viiibt Ay pels eb CGI L ordi fe PM weet PU Pendant Ailifie Pc Oy Wa pace ili Cetra SA Lol weg dh ecw LS eels, Seti AY. BL re lehesile KURA Al done Jidrs SSete tse ¢-Le Lgor tuPv£ lA Mite etolufuiida U (eAsiK MeL te OS tok Eni faye Pe thesis AL Medial Me esol stiel Hiledas tarot (Le Wk ented TKN Ree se pb KGL a saind, Ahilihe PP 286K 03 UPLB Ie tel Kodo Afetee Wy Uw Ve slant fe? (GUUS rhe) Begobia C6 Se LA Sordi fa X? ie YL Ml thee WRU A Seco IL Ry aacl Se Fey BL SiS in eite BUTE Vier rele 6 UiwL A bleh Ag eh SUB ER Pr Br F alee A bizdxty wr bor Ln Pi oii Ne eile A Whe id dint fe PS (ese reryr Gime) 2 Pla ris ca) 5D leas gam gS pole sdle Zr eln 6a G ed LS poe tL LA Jerk olin fe? glee SK Bae Fe MST fin bOI Thee Mul DES inde LOA Un ele Cite mel Ao eu Luv gotidn dL Gawd tens ute le Soleus _tn ME Se By (ere Burien hd) bine Prsbic SAL Wer Ate Sb cit fePa Pb ithe WAV ier Lite sian fo eee Weel fe PL Syn Ps MeL WEIL Ye VIL Tn Pb Lodo SunYgife te beth AG rrK Wbke pundit (erg Aur ieieah@ yy Be sie OF os Bets Lori Suir wie aPay 4s ws GAY wale AHL rt L lan hl eek Lpoiblen kth LE AGHE yy PIG Gwe UF ele MF GNE pL THE he PH Bb Lgl yet Ae Soler we WIL hie toilets (ag roafraetl She whl) 2 RIL BB ep pK MER ULE Newer Ptet fiid of CFE nL SPSL HL BOSE eth By LF phe aay AE NE GLI pe SE Peis mI or wlan AG Me Oba Se Uo AML tL (ag As rere pr yA why Pee” TI tye sie OVW ALL lit Ae Per Cte bhi fe? LS loth eh wind Meter Co Ra Alea yl WL sda feof plete turiie sod Cte? ae (ue but, yr tlethe ele Usile bok fost FAL NL AY 2 Kaden NG uve WEL odin fe Puce Soule 6A (erg Blur CHE) bho UL Sole Bes Apia atu T Abus alls yy ahd pte ole madlo SK bate oo Sore SAU LU GA ber Sol La hy a Jute Wi PU biter SI me AF UI SE AL Libr ftir bebe Pe te Jel Geist ol tele He AM, Bi Pecl’ NEEM HON Ve oct te Landing An xml tAbnndiieb SAN ele LS Yi Lhe Us sZt (Mea SL etn 2 (excALver sr bimy dee) -Ebrrzitsel ies 0 bi eGore Sasi Sivek Ker wit wee brew itera Ee Siig Hulgne pe LSet ey Mee It oe | ony df Bhi SPILT SO Ae GL Few L TI mB KP Lie eur Gerl IL Pei Ae Mitre teed LSD fev Li fn Pe ite LAG opalain ya 6 BUY P6OSIL ht fe PQId gaalaia gai GF cgalsia gad slNAGG eg tubie PULEL OL APU BU? Sus AL TIS (2 Pais ces Eze le tdi fos) KUL A flea Wife Meena Ut Mie Pe Ui te theli (Ue dil OS iad CPL Kee od Mtl Miiigne at (Au rra/r the eb) ere et af aie et Uris fe Lut An Xe woke 593 SG p25 di bows he ne proltye ee fond nla lei ALY? UP RY lee la GEL a oe ch Ge LI UT el WIL ee CATE re boalt fur teil 2 Bot iedsit fe Pl Lob (Liban fe PB LAS tie (NI GAL ete KP Ok 6 ple Un borin Le le Lid Apt tel WEE LI GAIL IN pA CASA haf AIL A apie ec ws rob ere ay? (FASEB ore iy Au) Ojallp ales! pasts § gt Aes etal! pee ll allt pus well diginy {ple pMuully splint , See PAL ih whi til ribs Plo d berlarcitA SAGE LW ULI PIS Ei wi het a or SL nf iy th Borg peu SAP BAe RAS SB lh SE bk boy Sev eb IA ELS BS oc i ndiatpescine- eur Lot higdsarpede SU Losi oieanbrP It LASS te Bye vt tegetul Et He dwinte Ter Se ciel ABML Lesh Ao boinh Se pil, Ali Std IIB ie ech Ablet eyed neil en txeld ies dL ne ete bitin te -e MOBI Ut bf SeluienL/Cbt Whe kre? CeO SnsG wb Life Ute Seghten ASE hy Lil bo ur < Jab bLe Wt telus tir toes So Us Sensi Pine SS Se cis ey eu l Aare El St fetye els Sto P Ie ter Brew he wipe sLxn2 x Cte —~*” burs. ~ut wiIty se See egies ae seat bea Ut EF Wisse lot bec so Sizushe) Ags whey AF eS te ecbte aFITA kueg I Ut ite bur oF labs (iW Ne) VY pee ES 9 995 alll ye Sele aa oid SA Shi be WET whe hi Fic VY GI lt Abdel he Pipe I tt Sect SHES BP 6 SIR KSA PL etre eb tre OU < UrieGh, ly ZL Swirl ee 8 Bic Us le Mb Me APTI re sse Lt I SED levy CeiPL yin bb breil SF bo Udall Abe UF GIL Miele Pt te acl fiend SoS BI Papier tab hiedan ke? IL UF dole Wukbl Abul! He biaP bie) WA tle WL MA Gps ie if Li ne Ss7 € (aba th ed Ale leltetlel VE SI SAI Se I dedea barr KIA il Mediates gO FRL OEE BME uy e idiot MOL te Hier tied Las IOIBL Sobaes aI be oT at dae pide SPS PU eT Bre Oe HE eo CL Grud, 2 (BAF Pee se RLM A) ee hI GM NIE UB et pes Ish Ei BEI LEI IPH wb p ee IP SG otinll -e IF oEeuds tel grdF we te nl geke she poner yr MIP CEL ol nb be rsiute? LC tind Sfu GFE Hoe Le (422 Pte ek eis wat’) ALE bre L pitied ee INU bre Gad gf ILE« CU@__ a a se Le, pam oll poe SI allt ius bitin Lee yb WILLA T HS 2, Lo ie! 6 Slee TiAl? 31> oboe seh el US Koo Ci et pred tell pL ors yi bi Lege Bas IO APH Bie PE LEAS? We RarecYyb Le disney Pot Ato Le slet winds de WAIL Ut otal yr Tiare eI iL bien shat ye ler stot US sun rb LGA eli n 2 Po KU Pile SH Ot wel h Sink GO 6 Pt TW PIO N62 ub Mab tre Ponds le WAP toll Ziel oh of Boul ML stim ole BUS tIe Pit e Mr deui AS Bones a2 MURA IHL Ta Lt pO Vober Jel bib wef diem te Pec dsl —| he Se rtiy sty bx bok-s95 ve ( Lee obra le enh Lh Nie SUE Aue Ck Se Ite le 24 Leh bss Ub Gab tire Pet Pat A buble te nL eT Shi tlle PIU bbe Wot berber lal Shs PEPE Sloth ere Su liannrly tlre Pec ES bry S Se bliin = SA Suis oles widiex pe Pec dl Boulde al tid GS kdl brn 5 Set pz boinc it ike deuK TL bbvatien le bab Ute? SN GAS Gre Bie ST FL Wert Cet ve Wh Goh L TF be ob Stat PE " bits EPe ME Se le Ope tLe CTT Liles Zo bsrh Sis Ur EL tie Vb ak TPS Wie We L Unie Gere Soden tu Sito TAL cal erect habe ot re de SIL eS PU Lie tut teukig sults SOA Rita sot Plthet? rat Ve SRS OF) Ad Et TU ION Cbg ce ek Cite be UA 3 62 GOES yal’ te wit Lo Gr te VAL close b USA tire PULL real UE se lass ~All) wf oe ithe 2 petted bitbe gh le pid Lyerly SIRF OH lM tL Na” te IL HL He deine ef BI Bedi OA UP eT Mf SAT Ao Ue bop ry AG wr L 1 be teir LOT Set be, Ptdiabpent Le we viele sl Las Sues Z 61, HF ile CS ety Leven Hobs woe sp SeL OT nA donne CEL Bike Abii aloantn ee Polls Ue BTL of Up A Crk ir UG Awe AL Sedinh_T gud Soden hele ob bediibe ta Ket to£ bude ore te tobe Dig alh AL FS it iL 2 WIG bo Nitoe ¢ _Get Sls Li ue co asl whe eP STE et Fl eed Bet L au (Mi el eo WSL Lap al ete L Tt of pee Ss SIL ots IF Ok KET AL fresh byZ yer FAL oT Ue By d ee ABU Mic he Few oS ON uF bat Ch wt y By Lasley BEATS, Geis 6 dg Er wl SuiLede Ur build as terol pS LbnetGetehel stot Ba Se wetted (Pr ibiaal) ec NorK TL Astealt taae 6194 4 Le Ble poe eth bite Sut itt tc6 Llibiiien tc lee > Up! —oite le Ce 6 Git SA nite eT I LP Lael’ Fe 6 LF eo HPI le By or Al 61 pte ll cys ll alll aay pos! agus y ight pduulls tLuatls UE pe Pt hb Urn le deat Oub fe Pe A el (sie NUE ls Directs eS cd ere lls r les ohne feb Ue eh $T TOI Pe th SUE el tet g tte GAs 21 tir Pies PGi PEGA NINE AN LE ectidule lire = Fate SUG SUE lh he Se Te et dual lez te Lnble fo tdi nboind fe Pp sun sviale eo ket LK edit MO EYE obit fe? se byl Pre 2b lib YL ELA odin Be Pp Lm Ye Be eGo bbl Gut) Ut srecslel or SPicedinke Ge We Ye iret Wier (ee We See elicie) Up CeclntesbolOarere tt AuTi Mot she Hi Ke Bis leach af yf ALvle ordain ee here t etal Sten Aird oli fe hot af Labi Akal Pe Ue o (ore pre Weel gro tay TP bulty)) UC seaIS Peuyd he Fouls wor f Poe Pe Wi G Pe eel eigen forte pb SRS AL Ui Put gL Pesca FCs Sie Mest tL oh th ~ Silage Bold DIM Mobic olin Bui fe PL t UY L osoitieet ae? (Auroyr wie) Set BURL UI FeLi bho seuee Y Cr SiN) fe PUL Me Ch tt There Me aie? (Aus revi gshiz, 7) bor See Oy he ele teE ecto Rec Lel MEL plein fe? be STU U AUPE NA i baie eel Sette Urge Hobby tend tates ALA Br fH etre atikieut Fb Sg Ie bn Co ctre tee Sh ediak Ng AUS Tue SA AUS Te SF ie LL blstien Peep lulaol AA oda gw = oS yk Ten Ll tie HY YE Win PIM ee P-GP FvL eu Ge NEY he PI ERTL PA YL Wd fe Pg Ure te Nein fe Pe WOANL ole Ge tee Ue K ER HL (Gi Ee be wor wwigty 2 4 F pS flue Gadi 59! obec Jiuarons ‘end Ener’, a wing Je zs) £ Lxzbsf “FL Bs Hr Sean A oY Se LBA AGL ire yied Cnt Yr BE Wd Whe PSG tI be nin Se ee th La dit fe Pe gA Su i) SPE A Li Fed LL Sey (2g ls rea ie,2) A SEF Shir ia TIL Srp ib esr h cin LL Er Salt ble Ue 6S Ty etic fl Lrdintegs the Pots et Leelee Wr Teay bai Rep Sate aed SG rhsini fe PYLE KELL ale pto bee UE Unite ote S Ure Wl HAL wie Lodi to Se rin fe PES LMS BUM IL Ae te Nr L lint sn PE aad ig dL te Uirte WEL ee MH leh Abe BO Pa be Sle ee Sec eS t Me be nl fig (eras unre tt ctl) Hate AL yale CEL lee Mui aphiZyea wren whiten Lui FP OTT Ite FG Ie dL 1 GTi Sout e S98 SoD ft tf sfolngl Se dee eA IL Ue Venue Crt Pie see tL int YeviIL Lume Hi tule WE Bee Uriel toy Use Eb aah Use pe BAS I Le IY Tl YL te eh ly Libis Pe P (WIZE ge ee ted Vout Vide Woy Peg re AML Punter Be TAY UTIL TU siLske py Lydian re Pe Oe ibe Ger Pete girl Use be PI Me LY TUBAL AL dein fre p-tLi SED Gp Soe2 Lx Wat fe Psa atibAl et edie oHIL AL (irr G&IG tr) 2 bbustlie bt eecie Mpabtle OE A Ate Mote Le TPA EL Me diz tet ell yebri de Whe Wien Feu te dia fe Pd sl of Lome gull el Hedeuk Ag Lo iT ehuy£ Stk Sune hve When HUE HAS rle tee tye WILT WN Si dint fete Chale Londen he X 2b eui te tor teh Te Sofi s A” dimlie pote acto Sele yeiles tops L nay Roitet Biers Kh bbe AG P-L Uy £ ZAP SAL 36 LEN Behet?? fe PYG all Sills St eer A trie Lsipiee te eile ond LSA LA Ue dit (eae te le bi eS set he Ew IIL dent fe Xz Loe, BoA bd enb AGE LL LU prleg te Afb uti ie (Su waa ili) pall Gayl gligs gaday Lt bef ft! STL NE hy L se PNT LI GAGIEI Lolo LVL Mert Leg WL bedi he PLL LOIS MA cielo a Wd feY big aR pT bibA torre te esse Nile sla P resell Ace BW AL TR Un LF ob Fos (ice dian A Nr BS NB Ul? ed PL oe i KU UPI Ge SL PCE We Zi abn No ely Pe (Qe bere’ iu) Se bed Ale Sibis Cig Sebo ea Ut alfre sed Urdakr bel AL oi ML lg ie LIL eT IL oe IL Ute AG SA Lak Op es IL wl Ef P bed ib dinl Al Gat pe IU ly al Url a ecw 2 Lb bo Se thy iA Wie beret OE Lb GWE Freud Wyte VL Bore list fe Pre Lori SiG ten Ai EP BoA Ute ag asl I fehyF ice bode ecu seid Keser AGboAow for Sh odo bd eI WS eet Geta std sditit feY wb AIS KF WAKE Pele eh Se CEL (ihe slalzh reprtuibe7/) tas Kel Uwe le reli AL abiant fe PS coat gl gba de Ue tenbefl (IGE IE repr flay Tapes) 1 LWA: WAP SUL Te te Cote PAN BU hed fe? tus bueet aE: Leis cult PA gee 1 Zels SUH Lp et SEU FIL Ne St Uri Mee sy AL La (See Mo iI Fite SPP A Se ch nly WS ee A Poel? 22) Vw, eda b atelier fue Fer 3 ibe eel StF Inciifenstlia Aarik In Svrlic via ose To SUIFl UONL 1 a PAM UR PCL Serle SH cueiay bu Gt Wen 23 AHL TY eA clef VAAL TL aio SRA I HE Ute TUL eI UppeeL Liypsse Pili forse te WO WAL GE EL CTE et IE 8 Ut tt TAL Jie PF Mile NL lait AL PZ (p Pew eorex? Hie Fus rie Ut tile Ikb JL eLinhsky Kise Brie AGS. bee srem Md) cre bine tele pre Right Cee wi? SPL spilled et Jor ee te tecbn ea) pee 9 yd (pS ple EAP ol ge SPL ASB bre bh Diss A Muy LT Put Lisudiolinipe Pte te eae Wei yoie XY Ce lb L AWS TL obit Hee) Pa tyes MAL co Widit fee ut FE IS ol ee 1 Oe Sule (GAGES tay He) Eb Ar te ly (QM Lacon yr bie) nb e mydfh fe edu nb pL ote Sronky a pba SL EAS ISWAL dint fe Plog lh LHS Vibert Lier Lode ig Lr uty Snel er ag he biliary tee eL Unt WL oul BAL Ry Lda fe Png pe vl drew KEY iefiS re Ceintout -< thbrbi Jule She Airnliol Sole gayle bint Sete Mie EEA L be afr lei Sole Toi Wee Laine Ae B28 SL Moles Yilte Pr Mie Boi fe Pe yi tedu tit (GE LES aye Sie) eb ute nine Motte 23 abe PybnL Mat VAAL leit fe Pla eG es BLE we hed BS Me WS idee

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