RTTP Speech Assignment - Spring 2021

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RTTP Speech Assignment

By 5 pm on the day before giving a formal speech, post on Slack page for the game (under
#speeches) a filled out checklist, using the points below.

You speech should be 3-5 minutes long.

Giving a speech during a Reacting game is an exercise to help you improve your public
speaking. Your grade for the speech will be based on the pre-speech plan and your delivery. You
are allowed to play a pre-recorded speech during the game. You are not allowed to read your
speech, whether you are recording it or not. You can refer to a brief list of notes or your check-
list, while giving the speech, but please do not read your speech, as it makes it very hard to
connect with the audience. There is no expectation of a perfect delivery, please do the best you
can! It is absolutely fine to pause to collect your thoughts. A hesitant speech that shows that a
speaker is genuinely attempting to improve their skills is much better than something you read
that may seem to you to sound more polished. Practicing your speech a few times will help you
feel more confident. Please review the rubric for this assignment for inspiration and reminders of
what to aim for.

Your checklist should include the following.

a) your (student’s) name and character name (you need not include this in the actual speech)
b) the main objective of the speech, which you will summarize in your introduction
c) 3-5 main points
d) evidence from primary sources with name of document and page numbers included
e) evidence from the secondary sources with name of document and page numbers included
(You do not need to give references and certainly not the page numbers in your oral speech,
but please include them in the checklist you are submitting)
f) conclusion
g) a list of sources consulted while planning the speech

You should also prepare how you are going to respond to anticipated questions and objections to
your speech.

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