Exam in Practical Research 1 - 1 - Google Forms

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4/4/2021 Exam in Practical Research 1 - 1

Exam in Practical Research 1 - 1

Modules 1 - 5

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2. FULL NAME ( Family name , Given Name) *

Exam 1 (Modules

3. At the onset of the pandemic, pharmaceutical companies worked round the clock to come up with a vaccine to fight the virus. It went to different levels of test before recently they came up with a mass production of it. * 1 point
Identify the importance of research based on the presented scenario.

Mark only one oval.

Research provides a scientific basis for any practice or methodology in any field or discipline.

Research is undertaken for the continuous development and further productivity in any field.

Research impacts decision-making

Research aims to advance the personal and professional qualifications of a practitioner.

4. Research is _____ process of investigation that uses standardized approach to answer question or solving problem. *

Mark only one oval.

one way

two way


5. Now we are at the middle of a pandemic, the Department of Health implemented health protocols to the public such as observance of physical distancing, wearing of mask and face shield, frequent hand washing. * 1 point
Identify the importance of research based on the presented scenario.

Mark only one oval.

Research provides a scientific basis for any practice or methodology in any field or discipline.

Research is undertaken for the continuous development and further productivity in any field.

Research impacts decision-making

Research aims to advance the personal and professional qualifications of a practitioner.

6. Research entails an investigation of new facts leading to the discovery of new ideas, methods and improvements * 1 point

Mark only one oval.



7. A group of student researchers conducted their research about premarital sex among high school students. Some interviewee divulges information to neighbors. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.


Non ethical

8. During the interview , students transcribes the answers of the interviewee yet it does not coincide the desired output of the group so they altered the answer to be on their favor. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.


Non ethical

9. The new students followed conducted their interview and made anecdotes on their respondents living condition. * 1 point
Select the characteristic that best fits the problem

Mark only one oval.








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4/4/2021 Exam in Practical Research 1 - 1
10. After obtaining the data for their research , the students are now interpreting the responses using a set of criteria. * 1 point
Select the characteristic that best fits the problem

Mark only one oval.








11. Student researchers are browsing online and read about Environmental Effects of Micro-plastics. They noted the previous studies and findings as well as acquire deeper understanding on the topic. * 1 point
Identify the stage/step in the research process of the given scenario

Mark only one oval.

Define the Problem

Review Literature

Formulate Hypothesis

Design Research

Collect Data

Analyze Data

Interpret and Report Data

12. Student researchers went to the river banks and estuaries then interviewed families. They recorded and jot down during the interview. * 1 point
Identify the stage/step in the research process of the given scenario

Mark only one oval.

Define the Problem

Review Literature

Formulate Hypothesis

Design Research

Collect Data

Analyze Data

Interpret and Report Data

13. The student researchers brainstorms and identified community problems and issues. The group find Micro-plastics as the most interesting topic to study. * 1 point
Identify the stage/step in the research process of the given scenario

Mark only one oval.

Define the Problem

Review Literature

Formulate Hypothesis

Design Research

Collect Data

Analyze Data

Interpret and Report Data

14. Which of the following topics does not belong to the group for qualitative research? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Perceptions of Students on Distance Learning

Preferences of Consumers during Pandemic

Lived experiences of teaching in Junior High school in times of Pandemic

Impacts of global warming on a business

15. Tick the box that describes qualitative research. * 4 points

10 possible answer

Check all that apply.

Shared interpretation
Theory Emergent
complex and broad
content analysis
open-ended questions
Data provided as a narrative
Soft Science
Tests theory
concise and narrow
Hard Science
Highly structured methods
closed-ended questions
Statistical analysis
test relationships

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