Chapter 2-Personality: It Is Important To Know Your Personality. Negotiation Is Interaction, and It Is Difficult To

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Chapter 2—Personality

It is important to know your personality. Negotiation is interaction, and it is difficult to

separate the people from the interaction. We rarely pay attention to our behavior and
mannerisms or other factors affecting interaction. We must become aware of these things
to know how we are heard and perceived.

1. Explain and define the term Personality.

A. Personality is the dynamic, developing system of an individual’s
distinctive emotional, cognitive (rational), and spiritual attributes.
B. The human development perspective on personality is, perhaps, the
broadest and the most optimistic. It holds that people can effect intentional
2. List the factors of personality that Affect Your Negotiation Approach and
Temperament (nature).

A. Emotional Stability describes your behavior under stress.

B. Conscientiousness describes your organization and perseverance.
C. Locus of Control describes the degree to which you take blame or
responsibility for things that happen to you.
D. Self-monitoring is the ability (or willingness) to change or adapt to people
and circumstances.
E. Competitiveness is characteristic most associated with Types A
Individuals with type A show tendencies like time urgency, speed and

3. Needs for Achievement, Power, and Affiliation.

4. .Explain the phrase a person with high Machiavellianism

Machiavellianism gives importance to holding on to power over ethical

considerations to meet that end. Machiavelli argues that power is always
celebrated and is an end in itself, that means are unimportant. Once
achieved, power justifies all means.

Machiavellianism is used to measure the extent of ones motivation for

personal gain
High level of Machiavellianism is related to manipulative and deceptive.

5 What are the theories of personality originated from Carl Jung

Jung has analyzed four dimensions of Personality
1. Our source of energy
2. Our Manner of taking Information
3. Our style of processing information
4. Our style of structuring or interacting with outside world

6 Define the term Extroversion and Introversion?

Extroversion and Introversion refer to our personal source of energy. They should
be distinguished from external behaviors

1. Sensing and Intuiting describe an individual’s preference for the way

in which he or she takes in information.
2. Thinking and Feeling describe one’s preference for style of thinking or
making decisions.
3. Judging and Perceiving describe one’s preference for organizing and
interacting with the external world.
B. Learning Style is related to the Jungian preferences of sensing and
intuiting in that learning style includes the manner of taking in information
and the manner of processing information
1. Accommodators learn primarily by doing. A Jungian sensing
preference is consistent with an accommodator learning preference.
2. Divergers, like accommodators, take in information with their senses
and then seek meaning. They learn by reflecting and understanding
rather than by doing. Divergers hold multiple perspectives.
3. Convergers take in information conceptually but then apply it
concretely. A Jungian intuiting preference is consistent with a
converger learning preference. Convergers learn by doing, like
accommodators, but convergers think about it first.
4. Assimilators take in information conceptually and learn by reflection
and integration. A Jungian intuiting preference is consistent with an
assimilator learning preference.
C. Right-Brain/Left-Brain Dominance.
1. The right side of the brain controls nonlinguistic hearing and sound,
spatial processing, emotions, conceptual and analogous thoughts, as
well as creativity.
2. The left side of the brain controls details, speech, language, logic, and
D. Creativity is the ability to see what others do not see

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