Indian Diet Plan For Weight Gain

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Indian diet plan for weight gain (3000 calories)

Food Item Amount Calories
(gms )
Early Morning
 Milk  (Add 2 tsp skimmed milk powder )  1 glass  250  8
+Egg whites or Banana 2 or 2 110 or 80 8 or 1
+ Soaked Almonds 10 gm (6-7 pcs) 50 3
2 350 6
Vegetable stuffed paratha, Curd
1 cup 100 6
Or  Masala dosa, Sambar, Chutney 2 , 2 cups,1 spoon 200+100+50 3 + 6
Or  mung dal chilla (pan cake ) with paneer
2  250 8
Or Omlette,Toasted bread 2 eggs 6 bread slices 160+300 8 +4
Mid morning
Groundnut chikki / Dry Fruit chikki 3-4 pcs 150 8
Roasted Soyabean / Almonds handful 150 7
Lassi 1 glass 150 6
Sprout salad 1 cup 100 6
Or chicken soup 1 bowl 100 6
2  (medium with
Chapati 200 3
Veg (potato/ cauliflower/ cabbage/ ladyfinger
2 cups 150 1
/ bottlegourd/ ridgegourd/ brinjal etc)
Dal / legumes (soyabean / moth/ mung etc) 1 cup 150 5
Rice / biryani / pulav (veg / non veg) 1 cup 150 2
Tea / Coffee 1 cup 100 1
Cookies 4 100 2
Mid evening
Groundnut chikki / DryFruit chikki 3-4 pcs 150 8
Roasted Soyabean / Almonds hand full 150 7
Dinner same as lunch 750 18
Late night
 Milk  (Add 2 tsp skimmed milk powder )  1 glass  250  8
 Banana  2  80  1
+ Soaked Almonds 10 gm (6-7 pcs) 50 3
 TOTAL – 3210 95
9 Chia Seeds Benefits + Side Effects

Chia seeds have become one

of the most popular superfoods in the health community. They are easy to digest when prepared
properly, and are a very versatile ingredient that adds easily to recipes.

The chia seed is nutrient dense and packs a punch of energy boosting power. Not only that, but
recent research has found that the chia seed benefits are even greater than we realized. Now they
have even been linked to healing diabetes.

Originally grown in Mexico, the seeds were highly valued for their medicinal properties and
nutritional value. In fact, they were even used as currency!

Aztec warriors ate chia seeds to give them high energy and endurance.  They said just 1 spoonful
of chia could sustain them for 24 hours.  Chia means “strength” in the Mayan language, and they
were known as “runners food” because runners and warriors would use them as fuel while
running long distances or during battle.
Chia Seed Nutrition Profile

The reason Chia seeds are so beneficial is due to them being rich in fiber, omega-3 fats, protein,
vitamins and minerals such as (1):

 Dietary fiber (11g – 42% recommended daily value)

 Protein (4.4g – 9% RDV)
 Omega-3 fatty acids (4915 mg)
 Omega-6 fatty acids (1620 mg)
 Calcium (77 mg – 18% RDV)
 Copper (0.1 mg – 3% RDV)
 Phosphorus (265 mg – 27% RDV)
 Potassium (44.8 mg – 1% RDV)
 Zinc (1.0 mg – 7% RDV)

Chia also contains essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid, mucin, strontium,
Vitamins A, B, E, and D, and minerals including sulphur, iron, iodine,  magnesium, manganese,
niacin, thiamine, and they are a rich source of anti-oxidants.

Top 9 Chia Seeds Benefits

Being rich in so many key nutrients, research has uncovered that regularly eating chia seed can
improve your health in numerous ways. Some of the top chia seed benefits are:

1. Skin & Aging

This past July, researchers from Mexico uncovered that chia seeds had a total natural phenolic
(antioxidants) concentration nearly two times higher than previously reported, and the
antioxidant activity was shown to stop up to 70% of free radical activity. (2)

Essentially proving that chia seeds are one of nature’s riches antioxidants. Antioxidants speed up
the skin’s repair systems, and prevent further damage. Taking chia seeds can prevent premature
skin aging due to inflammation free radical damage.

2. Digestive Health

Chia is super-high in fiber, providing nearly 11 grams per ounce. One serving can provide the
recommended fiber intake for the day, according to the American Dietetic Association. 

Fiber is essential for your body’s ability to balance insulin levels.  According to the National
Institute of Health, seeds like flax and chia can be a natural blood sugar balancer due to it’s high
fiber content and healthy fats.

Being high in dietary fiber, chia helps promote bowel regularity and healthy stool. The rich fiber
content in chia seeds also helps people feel more full quicker because it absorbs a considerable
amount of water and immediately expands in the stomach when eaten. (3) This may explain why
clinical studies have proven that chia curbs hunger and suppresses appetite, which can also lead
to weight loss. (4)

Also when consumed, chia seeds create a gelatin-like substance in the stomach.  This gel-
forming action is due to the soluble fiber in chia seeds and it can work as a prebiotic supporting
the growth of probiotics in the gut.

3. Heart Health

Chia seeds’ ability to reverse inflammation, regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure make
it extremely beneficial to consume for heart health. (5) Also, by reversing oxidative stress,
someone is less likely to develop atherosclerosis when they’re regularly consuming chia seeds.

In a nutshell, according to an article published in the journal Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials:

“The available human and non-human studies show possible effectiveness for allergies, angina,
athletic performance enhancement, cancer, coronary heart disease (CHD), heart attack,
hormonal/endocrine disorders, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, stroke, and vasodilatation. Some
evidence also suggests possible anticoagulant, antioxidant, and antiviral effects of
Salvia  hispanics.”
And Chia seeds are high in linoleic, a fatty acid which helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins
A, D, E and K.  For such a tiny seed, chia is quite high in healthy fats boasting more Omega-3
fatty acids than salmon. Omega-3’s work to protect the heart by lowering blood pressure, bad
cholesterol, and inflammation. Inflammation can put strain on blood vessels and cause heart
disease. So by eating chia seeds you can boost and protect your heart!

4. Help Treat Diabetes

Because chia seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid and fiber, researchers from the University of
Litoral in Argentina set out to determine how chia seeds can help prevent metabolic
disorders like dyslipidemia (excessive fat in the blood) and insulin resistance – which are two
factors in the development of diabetes. Published in the British Journal of Nutrition, I find this
article extremely fascinating because
these scientists conducted two studies at the same time and uncovered some profound data. (6)

 The first test evaluated how healthy Wistar rats responded to 3 weeks of a sucrose-rich
diet (SRD) in which chia seeds made up theprimary dietary source of fats.
 The second test took healthy rats and fed them a SRD for 3 months so that they
developed dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. Then, they fed these newly diseased rats
SRD + chia seeds for an additional 2 months.

The results were astounding:

 During the first examination, eating chia seeds completely prevented the onset of
dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. In fact, the blood levels in these rats didn’t change at
all in spite of having 65% of their diet comprised of sugar for 3 weeks!
 During the second examination, after the dyslipidemic and diabetic rats were fed chia
seeds + SRD for two months, they completely recovered from their conditions. The
researchers also discovered that the dietary addition of chia seeds also reduced visceral
adipose tissue, a “belly fat” tissue that effects the metabolism of the body and is a
component of obesity!

In a nutshell, chia seeds was proven to halt diabetes and reverse it!

5. Boost Your Energy & Metabolism

A recent study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning concluded that consuming

chia seeds enhanced exercise performance for workouts that lasted 90 minutes the same way a
sugar-laden sports drink would, but without all the sugar.

In the study, half of the athletes drank 100 percent Gatorade, while the others consumed half
Gatorade and half chia drink.  Their runners time were matched and the half-chia group
consumed far less sugar.

 By adding a serving of chia seeds a day you can help boost your metabolism and burn
belly fat as well! Studies show that the addition of chia seeds to your diet also reduces
visceral adipose tissue, a “belly fat” tissue that effects the metabolism of the body and is
a component of obesity!

6. Stronger Bones

Just one ounce of chia seeds has 18% of the recommended daily amount of calcium.

Calcium is fundamental in bone health and helps maintain bone strength and mass. Chia also
contains boron which is another essential nutrient for bone health.

Boron helps metabolize calcium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus for healthy growth of

bones and muscles. 

7. Build Muscle & Lose Weight

Chia seeds also rank among the top plant based sources of protein.  This is another reason this
super seed is great to consume for those trying to put on lean muscle, burn fat, and balance blood
sugar levels.

Chia seeds pack a powerful antioxidant punch to help replace some of those nutrients lost when
exercising. They’re high in essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese,
copper, zinc, iron and niacin.

One of the characteristics that make chia so unique is that it can absorb up to 10X its own weight
in water.  Because of this, chia seeds can prolong hydration and improve nutrient absorption of
electrolytes.  This also slows digestion and keeps you feeling fuller longer reducing sugar

And because chia seeds are also high in zinc, they help your body increase leptin. Leptin is a key
hormone that regulates your bodies appetite, how your body spends energy and regulates how
your energy levels! It also improves stamina and endurance, making chia a great source of
nutrition if you are looking to get in shape.

8. Fight Breast and Cervical Cancer

Chia seeds are rich in alpha lineic acid (or ALA) which is an Omega-3 fatty acid. Recently in
2013, the Journal of Molecular Biochemistry found that ALA limited the growth of cancer cells
in both breast and cervical cancers.

They also found that it caused cell death of the cancer cells without harming the normal healthy
cells.  While more research still needs to be done to find out the deeper implications of ALA on
other types of cancer, this is a great discovery for women struggling with these increasingly
common types of cancer. (7)

9. Dental Health
With chia seeds being packed with calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin A and zinc, it’s no wonder that
they are a top food to help your teeth! Calcium is the building block of your teeth and necessary
for tooth health.

Zinc prevents tarter by keeping plaque from mineralizing onto your teeth and has an antibacterial
effect that keeps bad breath germs away. Vitamin A and phosphorus are also important for strong
teeth and a healthy mouth.

Chia Seeds Side Effects

There are very few side effects associated with chia seeds. There has been some conflicting
research about the effect of chia seeds on prostate cancer. A study done with ALA and prostate
cancer (8) showed that this fatty acid could increase the risk of prostate cancer, but this study
was later shown to have some bias.

And according to a recent study in 2010, ALA not only did not increase prostate cancer risk, but
actually decreased the risk in participants. (9) 

Occasionally some people may experience stomach discomfort when consuming chia seeds
especially in large amounts due to the high fiber content. As with any food, eat in moderation
and always drink plenty of water unless soaking your seeds.

How to Eat Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have a mild nutty taste and can easily be added to most dishes as a garnish, yet
chewing small seeds like flax or chia generally doesn’t make the omega-3’s and other nutrients
readily available for digestion and assimilation. The best way to access their vitamins and
minerals is to either grind or soak them.
Raw vs. Soaking:

There seems to be much debate as to whether you need to soak chia seeds before eating. It won’t
hurt to eat them straight, but if you soak them, then you “sprout” them and it releases the
“enzyme inhibitors” that are used to protect the seed.

One, this makes it much easier to digest, and two, your body can then access the dense nutrients
inside the seeds. In my opinion, you always want to get the most nutrition out of any food
that you eat, so I prefer soaking them before adding them to my recipe or smoothie, if possible.
Either way, they are still an excellent source of nutrition!

How to Soak: 

To soak chia seeds, simply mix them in a 1:10 ratio chia to water. That’s about 1.5 tablespoons
chia seeds in one cup of water. It does not have to be exact, but you do want it to gel all the
way and not be too watery. Then let them sit for about 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Since chia seeds can hold up to 12 times its weight in water, they are wonderful to prevent
dehydration. However, if you choose not to soak them, then they can also absorb water from you
during digestion.  So make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body


Another option is to grind chia seeds in a coffee grinder or Vitamix to break down the hard
outer shell before eating them. When pulverized, chia seed flour can be used in most gluten-free
recipes like pancakes, muffins, breads and even pastas. When grinding omega-3 rich seeds,
however, it is important to store them in a sealed, glass container in your refrigerator or freezer.


Unlike flaxseeds, you do not have to grind chia seeds to access their nutrition. You can eat them
whole and still get their “energy-packed” punch! You can even just eat a spoonful straight – but
beware – they do tend to stick in your teeth!

There are so many reasons to eat chia seeds and there’s no better time to start then now!

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