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The benefits of combing hair with Horn Comb

Horn COMBS are generally made out of Sheep, Ox or Water Buffalo horn.

The animals are not hunted for their horns; they are a common domestic animal in Asia, where
nothing is wasted.

Ancient China doctor Li Shi Zhen (1518-1593) in his famous book

named《BenCaoGangMu》mentioned that ox and sheep horn products contain natural protein,
and as such can stop headaches, baldness and alopecia.

Today’s Horn COMBS have become more and more popular, as the benefits of using horn
COMBS has been recognized by more and more people in the world.

Horn COMBS do not give off static electricity like plastic combs as they are made out of a
natural substance that is the same as hair - keratin.

It is the gentlest type of COMB that grooms and conditions your HAIR while detangling your
HAIR and cleaning it out of any dirt or grime and leaving it feeling revitalized and fresh.

It unplugs and treats follicles and also spreads your natural oils. This conditioning action leaves
the HAIR naturally glossy, moisturized. It helps stop HAIR breakage and split ends.

The horn COMBS can discourage flaking and relieve an itchy scalp. Horn COMBS are good for
exfoliating dandruff, debris and dead cells.

Horn COMBS are great for scalp stimulation, and helps the circulation of the blood, transmitting
nutrition to your hair and causing the muscles and joints to relax. Thus in a way it can relieve
stress and headaches by massaging your head.
Horn COMBS at Horn Comb Shop are 100% organic, natural. They are handmade and smoothed
by hand. ------ It is a handcrafted product. They even look good just sitting around on a dressing
table or in your makeup bag and also make a wonderful GIFTS for others.

How to recoginize real ox horn comb and

fake ones
How to recoginize real ox horn comb and fake ox horn comb???
1, Real ox horn comb heavy feeling, while the fake one doesnot
2, Real ox horn with ox smell after burning while fake one doesnot
3, Real ox horn with translucent polish, while fake one doesnot
4, Real ox horn with texture while the fake one doesnot

Benefits of using ox horn comb:

1) No electrostatic reaction by using ox horn comb.
2) Ox horn comb has a unique pharmacological characteristic.
3) Good for stimulating scalp and hairs, to keep your good health.
4) Cleansing skin scalp, unplugs and treats follicles and hairs.
5) Helps prevent and improve thin areas and remedies hair loss, adds shine.
6) Exfoliating dandruff, debris and dead cells.
7) Reduce hair loss to some degree by Long-term using.
8) It can help relieve fatigue and keep your spirit in good condition.
9) Topical massage remedy for headaches maintains circulation depositing of rare nutrients
protein and minerals by rubbing.
10)Great for the stimulation and general combing of long hair and all lengths of hair.

How to take care of your ox horn comb?

it will last a lifetime if properly used and cared for.

However there are some dos and don'ts that you should be
familiar with to preserve the integrity and beauty of this comb.

DO: Hand-wash in cold water using a mild soap and allow to air-dry;
Limit exposure to sun. Or Dry clean the comb as needed with cotton balls.
Can use some handcream to care it when you are not using it.
DON'T wash in dishwasher or soak.
Don't make it long time dip into water!
Don't put it into warm water!
8 natural remedies for better eyesight that
actually work!
Vision problems are quickly becoming a common disease in this day and age.
Learn how to care for them naturally!

Vision problems are quickly becoming a common disease in this day and age. With an
exponential increase in the number of hours we spend in front of a screen, the phenomenon
comes as no surprise. Even children are spending more time in front of computer or TV straining
their eyes for no reason. Before knowing how you can improve your eyesight naturally, here’s
what you need to know –

Why do your eyes get strained?

When we look at an image, the eyes focus on it and the light rays enter the eyes through the iris;
this is then focused on the cornea or lens of the eye. The image formed is then transmitted to the
brain, which tells us what we are seeing. All this activity needs the coordination of both the
structures of the eyes and their muscles.

When we look at objects like a computer or phone screen the eyes and the muscles around the
eyes are worked excessively as they are trying to adjust to the light that is emitted from the
screen. This constant adjustment to quickly changing images or text is what causes the structures
within the eye to get strained. Here are 4 easy tips to prevent eye strain and computer vision

According to leading eye surgeon Dr Rohit Shetty of Narayana Netralaya, ‘The human eye was
not made to look at images we see on the television or phone. The adjustment it has to make is
one of the greatest reasons for their deterioration.’ In order to rectify this damage Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar says, ‘It is necessary to improve the circulation to our eyes and the optic nerves to keep
them healthy, as they are constantly at work.’

Here’s what you can do to improve eyesight naturally

While visual errors are mitigated by a large number of factors one of the leading causes is strain
and fatigue of the eye. To help you help your eyes recover, here are some ayurvedic tips
according that will keep the damage to your eyes in check.

#1 Stimulate your eye muscles

It basically involves stimulating your eye muscles. This technique is simple, but must be done
every morning. On waking up, wash your face with water (preferably cool or a little cold water).
Then fill your mouth with water, close your eyes and splash cold water onto your eyes. It
stimulates the muscles of the eyes, due to the pressure exerted by the water filled in your mouth.
The splash of cold water on your face helps enliven the nerve endings and rejuvenates the skin.
Here are 5 common vision problems your child could suffer from.

#2 Wash your eyes

Ayurvedic practitioners say that one must avoid splashing water directly into the eyes; instead
you can use a tridoishic eyewash.  To make this eyewash, soak triphla churna in water over
night. In the morning strain the liquid and wash your eyes with it twice a day. This eyewash
helps relax and relieve stress in the eyes.

#3 Massage over worked eyes

This is a great exercise for people who work for long hours in front of computers. Hold your
eyebrows between your thumb and index finger, in such a way that the thumb is above the
eyebrow and index finger below. Now, gently press and straighten your eyebrows, exerting
gentle pressure on all the points. Then, take your thumb and gently roll it around your eye ball,
i.e: along your eye socket. Do this exercise every three to four hours to improve the circulation
around your eyes.  This exercise improves circulation around the eyes helping them bounce back
from the fatigue of constantly looking at a computer screen. (Read: Computer vision syndrome)

#4 Exercise to improve eyesight

This exercise is done to stimulate the muscles around your eye balls (that are present within the
eye socket). Rotate your eyeballs, first to the right and left, then upwards and downwards. Do
this in the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction for about three to four repetitions.

#5 Give your eyes some much needed rest

This technique has been practiced in ayurveda for a number of years. Later picked up by
optometrist Dr Bates, it was named palming. To do this, rub the palms of both your hands for 30
seconds – till you feel warm between the two palms – then place them gently over the eyes. Hold
this position for about one minute or till the heat decreases. Slowly open your eyes. Beware not
to look directly at bright light after this; allow your eyes to gradually acclimatize to the change in
the environment. Read about 10 tips to choose the right glasses for your eyes.

#6 Bat those eyelids

Blinking is the eyes natural way to renew the moisture in the eyes and give it some much needed
relief. To help your eyes relax, make it a habit to blink after every five to six seconds.

# 7 Get some shut eye

Sound sleep is very essential. It not only allows your body to heal and rest, it also gives your
eyes much needed relief from bright lights and strain. Sleeping also is a time your body repairs
itself, so getting enough time to nap helps the renewal process in the body, especially in the eyes.
Experts say that meditating for about ten minutes before you go to bed is the best way to ensure
sound sleep. (Read: Yoga to beat insomnia)

#8 Diet for healthy, stress free eyes

Apart from all the exercises you perform your diet is an essential aid to the repair and renewal
process. Here are some diet tips you should follow for healthy eyes:

Dry fruits and nuts: Almonds, raisins and figs are elixirs for the eyes. To help them cope with
the demands of your day-to-day activities with this home remedy. Soak six to ten almonds,
fifteen raisins and two anjeers overnight in some water. Eat them on an empty stomach in the
morning. The high amount of fiber and vitamins in these fruits helps speed up the digestive
processes and helps the body get rid of toxins, thereby helping in resolving eye related problems.
Here’s what you need to know about dry fruits & their health benefits.

Carrot and Amla: Another good home remedy for eye related disorders is to have one cup of
carrot and amla juice, on an empty stomach in the morning. Carrot and amla have a lot of
vitamin A and are store houses of antioxidants that help beat the ill effects of oxidative stress in
the body.

Copper-rich foods: The benefits of copper as a micronutrient are innumerable, but one of its
greatest benefits is that it is a very potent antibacterial agent. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend
drinking one liter of water, stored overnight in a copper vessel, lends innumerable healing
properties to the eyes and other vital organs. Read about 10 benefits of drinking water from a
copper vessel.

Vitamin A-rich foods: Include foods rich in vitamin A into your daily diet. Foods like carrots,
green leafy vegetables, amla, oranges, anjeer or fig and almonds are packed with this essential

Non-vegetarian foods: Lastly, avoid non-vegetarian, spicy and preservative laden foods. They
lead to the build-up of toxins, which the body finds extremely difficult to flush out.  These toxins
build up and lead to various diseases including vision related problems.
Exercise for Weak Eyesight with Natural Herbs
  Exercise & Fitness, Eye Care, Marigold, Medicinal Flowers   2 Comments

Eyesight Weakness is a ordinary difficulty of the day. Even tender aged school going children
may also be seen using spectacles due to weak eyes. Heat and Weakness of brain is a main cause
of weak eyesight. Long over and closely watching on TV. Continuous reading in a powerful
light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food
are also responsible for weak eyesight.

In maturity, extreme be anxious and consumption of alcohol also produce weakness of eyes. For
averting weakness of eyes caused due to suppressed Common Cold or surplus heat in brain
practice of Jala Neti is highly beneficial. Many cases of weak eyesight especially in children and
young persons have responded well to Magnetotherapy. Palming and Jala Neti etc. gives
considerable advantage. Pure honey if obtainable may be used as part of the diet and also as eye

Causes of Weak Eyesight

Heat and Weakness of brain is a major reason of weak eyesight. The morbid matter eliminating
by means of Common Cold if suppressed by wrong treatment, also adversely effects the eyes.
Beside this, longover and closely watching of TV, continuous reading in a powerful light,
digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and deficiency of vitamin A in food are
also responsible for weak eyesight. In maturity, excessive be anxious and consumption of
alcohol also produce weakness of eyes.

Useful Herbs for Eye Care

Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) Aniseed is especially beneficial in the treatment of cataract. The
powder of its seeds is taken in a tablespoon quantity every morning and evening.
Babul (Acacia arabica) Babul can treat conjunctivitis. A paste of the babul leaves must be
applied on the eyes before going to sleep at night. It will lessen the itchiness, wateriness and the
redness of the sore eyes.

Carrot (Daucus carota) Carrot is so beneficial in eye care that its virtues are taught to school
students also. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which is the precursor of vitamin A in the body.
Vitamin A is responsible for strengthening the eyes and protecting them from night blindness.

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) A decoction prepared from coriander can be used as an

eyewash for people with conjunctivitis. There will be immediate reduction in the burning,
redness and swelling of the eyes.

Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) The Indian gooseberry, known as amalaki, is

exceptional in treating ocular problems. It can bring relief in both conjunctivitis and glaucoma.
Its juice is taken with honey for better effects.

Indian Sorrel (Oxalis corniculata) The Indian Sorrel has exceptional properties in the treatment
of several eye problems. A few drops of the juice of its leaves must be put in the eyes everyday
to keep them free from strain. They can also be a good prevention for cataract.

Marigold (Calendula officinalis) Marigold is taken as a cold infusion for washing eyes that are
stressed. This brings a cooling effect to the eyes. It is also effective in cases of conjunctivitis.

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) The raw juice of parsley is effective for eye care. It can relieve
the eyes of problems such as corneal ulcers, cataracts, weak eyes, conjunctivitis, opthalmia and
sluggishness of the pupils.

Find powerful herbal remedies Cataract and Glaucoma


‘Palming.’ To rest and relax your eyes, sit comfortably in front of a table, resting your elbows on
a stack of cushions high enough to bring your palms easily to your eyes without stooping
forward or looking up. Close your eyes and cover them with your cupped palms to exclude light,
avoiding pressure on the sockets. Breathe slowly and evenly, relaxing and imagining deep
blackness. Begin by doing this for 10 minutes, two or three times a day.

‘Swinging.’ Relax and keep the eyes mobile. Stand up and focus on a distant point, swaying
gently from side to side. Repeat 100 times daily, blinking as you sway. Blinking cleans and
lubricates the eyes, which is especially important if you spend a lot of time in front of a

‘Colour day.’ You may be asked to have a ‘colour day.’ Choose a colour and look out for it
throughout the day. When you see it, be aware of the colour rather than the form. For example, if
it’s a red truck, experience the shade of red, not the truck.
‘Sunning’ Try to do this once a day. It requires a sunny day, or a good desk lamp with an
incandescent bulb. The exercise is simple. Close your eyes. Look directly at the sun through your
closed eyes. While facing the sun, slowly rotate your head from side to side as far as you can.

This gets the sunlight on the peripheral vision, and it helps bring more blood circulation to your
neck. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes. It’s amazing, even on a cold day, how warm the sun feels on
your eyes.

Aloe Vera Gel Recipe: How to Make It?

  Aloe Vera   No comments

Get tips to how to make your own Aloe Vera gel from the plant and how to use this natural
healer, Aloe Vera. Most of people use the Aloe Vera by cutting the leaf straight from an aloe
Vera plant and squeezing or rubbing the liquid onto their skin. Although this method is effective,
it wastes most of the valuable inner gel of the leaf. So learn how to make your own aloe Vera gel
and how to it store in bottle.

Aloe Gel from the leaf of the Aloe Vera herb, is nature’s own moisturizing balm, which can be
used for devise a healing, moisturizing shower gel that refreshing your skin, leaving it feel soft
and pampered. Read on to learn how. Aloe Vera Gel is believed to be so rich in properties that it
gives a healing effect. It is best treatment for body burns, sunburns, and minor cuts and scratches.

To make your own Aloe Vera Gel

To make your aloe Vera Gel at home you will need a few simple ingredients. An actual aloe
plant (or a big steam off of one), 500mg of Vitamin C, and 400IU of Vitamin E. (You can buy
the Vitamin E is capsules and drain those.) You will also need a container to store your gel in
after you have made it.

Aloe Vera gel is made from its leaf. When you are choosing the leaf, make sure that you choose
a leaf that grows toward the bottom of the plant. While cutting it try to cut it at an angle close to
plant’s base. Make sure that you choose a mature plant.

Alright, you need to slice off a aloe leaf (it should be a bigger piece) and try to carefully peel off
the outer skin. You can use a spoon to scoop out the gel. Now, you need to take your 500mg of
Vitamin C powder (if it’s in pill form – you can crush it). You need one tablet per every 1/4 of
aloe gel.

After that, get your 400IU of Vitamin E. (If it’s capsule form – poke a tiny hole with a needle)
drain the contents into the mixture. Make sure that you do the same for the Vitamin E as the C,
add more for every 1/4 cup of aloe juice.

Blend the whole mixture and you can store the mix in glass jars. Prefer dark colored glass as it
prevents light from getting in. Store it in the refrigerator and the home made Aloe Vera gel will
last as long as eight months.

Fibromyalgia Herbal Remedies to Help You Sleep

  Fibromyalgia   No comments
Do you have trouble going to sleep at night or waking up throughout the night because of
fibromyalgia pain? There are 3 herbal teas that are recommended to help ease and relax your
muscles and aid you in a good night’s sleep.

o Chamomile is has been used for thousands of years to help relax and calm the body. Its use
dates back to the Egyptians, Greeks and Anglo-Saxons. Chamomile is a great tonic for digestive
problems which afflicts those with fibromyalgia. Chamomile is rich in magnesium which also
helps relax muscles. Most of us, about 83% of the population, are deficient in magnesium.

o Valerian root has been used around the world as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and to
calm the nerves. It helps relieve restlessness, nervousness, insomnia and reduces anxiety. It
comes from the name valere which means ‘to be in health’. It is safer than prescription drugs to
relax your muscles. It has one drawback though, it smells like dirty socks or a locker room! So
mix it with hops and chamomile tea and honey. This herb is very high in calcium and

o Passion Flower is also rich in magnesium and other nutrients essential for the health of your
nerves and muscles. Passion flower reduces restlessness, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. It
also relieves muscle spasms, pain and is used for high blood pressure. Mix Passion flower with
spearmint for a delicious tea.

Fibromyalgia can be relieved with simple herbal remedies. Most of our diseases and ailments are
a result of nutritional deficiencies that become chronic over our lifetimes. We can try to reduce
these symptoms by living a more natural lifestyle, eating healthy foods and reducing or
eliminating processed foods and sugar from our diet.

Herbs for Depression – Herbal Remedies Natural Antidepressants


Depression can be stated as the sad state of mind that arises from regular worries, stress, tension
and anxieties from different spheres of life. Though these are the basic causes, but other causes
like pregnancy, failure in examination, serious disease or some accidental events in the family
may lead to depression in some persons.

Consequences of depression can not be overlooked as the depressed person loses all interest in
his life that may lead to some suicidal attempts and become totally an insane or schizophrenic

People suffering from depression cut off all the interaction with the outside world even with the
nearest ones. Lacks of appetite or high appetite, low self esteem, sleeplessness, weakness, fatigue
are the symptoms that follow depression.

Herbal remedies for depression

Antidepressants are the most commonly prescribed drugs to treat persons suffering from
depression. But these drugs are not without side effects which sometimes lead to secondary level
of medication. Herbs offered by Mother Nature are very effective in treating depression as they
cure the roots of depression rather than the symptoms. Side effects are also observed in herbal
treatments but not that of significant value. Still it is better to consult practitioners before going
for herbal treatments.

1. St John’s wort, also known as Hypericum perforatum is a well known herb to treat depression
and anxiety. It is inexpensive and is easily available and also acts as good sedative lessening the
sleeplessness caused by depression.

2. Basil is a common growing Asian herb with lots of medicinal properties and that also helps in
stress reduction and lifts the mood.

3. Passion flower acts as a tranquilizer and calms down the nerves by reducing anxiety and
insomnia. This herb acts gently and can be given the preference compared to the other herbs.

4. Gingko biloba helps in reducing the depression especially in the elders, whose blood
circulation in the brain is reduced. It acts as a good anti depressant and an anti oxidant by
increasing the blood flow in the brain and at the same time increasing the memory.

5. Borage leaf juice is another natural anti depressant that effectively treats depression. Being
rich in Potassium it stimulates the glandular system and reduces the feeling of sadness,
melancholy and pensiveness.

6. Lemon balm due to its soothing qualities is used to treat depression like mental disorders. It
calms down the shattered nerves and helps in overcoming depression.

7. Rosemary, if used in sleeping pillows and baths has an excellent effect in alleviating
depression as it rejuvenates and infuses a feel good factor in the depressive person.
Apart from minimum side effects the herbal treatments are also very cost effective. Some herbal
treatments may demand much more time but weighing the pros and cons the patience pays off at
the end.

The Author:

Read information about Holy Basil Benefits in stress reduction and lifting mood. Also find about
Ashwagandha Benefits to reduce stress and anxiety. Know about Aloe Vera Benefits, Cream

How Too Much Sitting Can Hurt Your Health

  Wellness   No comments

There are some recent studies which might be bad news for people who like to sit around a great
deal. Unfortunately for many people life appears to be designed for being seated: working at
your desk, watching entertainment, eating in addition to quite a few activities that could be
regarded as sedentary. Perhaps the Romans had been onto something when they ate while in the
laying position. Nonetheless all this sitting, particularly without ever standing up will be
detrimental not just for us physically but for our mental health.

In actual fact, transferring periodically from your chair and simply moving or lightly stretching
can be a bigger factor for health wellness and longevity than vigorous regular exercises. Some of
our largest muscle groups are found in the core area, if in case these skeletal muscle fibers don’t
stretch spanning a long period of time while we had been sitting, they need less energy. As a
result surplus glucose will accumulate in the blood, which can then result in diabetic issues and
All of this has been acknowledged for a while now. Is what is becoming more revealing is just
the amount of impact sitting has on our state of mind. Studies have told us that increased exercise
can reduce existing symptoms of depressive disorders. A British research study stated in a
national health and wellness project that allocating free time on the computer or watching
television has a direct link with frequently feeling down.

Another study from Australia revealed that those who spent 6 hours or maybe more seated at
work had been more prone to score higher with psychological distress assessments. Those who
sat lower than three hours regardless of the work activity or how active they had been aside of
the job scored better. Your brain isn’t different from the rest of the body, meaning in order to
function effectively it must get good oxygen supply, adequate blood circulation plus optimum
glucose metabolism.

The foundation of a lot of these mental situations could go farther than simply physiological. It
could actually have much to do with what we generally do during the time we are in this
sedentary place. Rather than reaching out to other people or seeking other mentally stimulating
activities, we are by and large staring at a computer monitor or perhaps a television. We also
tend at this time to do a lot of multi-tasking, like text messaging, social media along with
emailing; there are studies that reveal that multitasking actually can be quite stressful.

Naturally there are many easy ways to counter this, but they require a little willpower. Getting up
and more than those stretching every few minutes helps, but try to break up your day in front of
the computer and get outside and have a walk. Anything else that will stimulate your sensory
faculties is going to help, plus whatever you can do to get the blood flowing is vital.

We have in fact learned quite a lot from space medicine and also the effects that lack of gravity
has to our body in space. We understand the human body deteriorates at a faster pace when in
antigravity situations, and we also are aware that sitting for prolonged periods of time will
replicate that low gravity atmosphere. The key is to disengage ourselves from those low gravity
situations whenever possible.

Enhance Brain Function and Learning with Traditional
Chinese Medicine
By: Lori Kelsey, RN-BSN DOM Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)

In Chinese medicine, a healthy mind involves harmony between the Sea of Marrow (brain) and
the Shen (spirit). You can enhance brain-spirit harmony with certain nutrients, herbs, and
acupressure. A TCM practitioner can further treat the organ systems, meridians, and acupuncture
points that benefit specific patterns of disharmony associated with memory, retention, recall,
learning, growth, development, aging, trama and stress.

The Spleen, Kidney, and Heart organ systems influence intellect. Certain meridians, and
acupuncture points further influence the brain directly. For example, the Du meridian enters the
brain to influence all neurological activity by nourishing, stimulating, or calming the brain and
spirit. Special points on the neck harmonize the flow of Qi between the mind and body; or the
two brain hemispheres. Ear and scalp points that correspond to glands and sensory areas in the
brain regulate information processing, and response to external stimuli.

The Spleen organ system influences short-term memory, analytical thinking and concentration
and is damaged by worry and poor nutrition.  The Kidney organ system influences short-term
memory and retention, and is damaged by fear and aging.  The Heart organ system influences
long-term memory and recall and is damaged by emotional and chemical over-stimulation.  

To enhance general learning Chinese medicine focuses on improving the flow of Qi to the brain,
regulation of information processing and response to external stimuli.  Nourishing the Kidney
organ system, and the constitution is also required when children fail to meet growth and
development milestones like learning to walk, talk, and socialize. There is clinical evidence that
the ear and scalp points, along with the Du meridian, benefit attention problems associated with
ADD/ADHD, and autism.   Less commonly seen is impaired learning and attention in adults due
to a febrile episode in childhood. This requires clearing the Heart channel of residual heat in
order to reset circulation of Qi and blood in the brain.

A healthy mind need not decline with age. Primary prevention of age-related cognitive issues
involves safeguarding the Kidney yin, yang, and jing (adrenals, hormone balance, and genetic
endowments) throughout the life span with a healthy diet, lifestyle, and avoidance of toxins;
spiritual harmony in the environment and relationships; using the healing arts (acupuncture,
herbs, and Qi gong); and balanced activity and rest.

When the brain has been damaged by trauma (e.g. stroke), acupuncture is best combined with
occupational and physical therapies to retrain the brain-body connection. Recent studies show
that electro-acupuncture may benefit certain types of dementia.

According to the circadian cycle of Qi, a good time to nourish the mind is at noon, and a midday
nap is beneficial. Midday is considered to be "Heart Time." This is because the Heart organ
system grounds the spirit in the mind; during sleep the brain detoxifies, and adrenal glands
recharge. The inability to rest and recover from excessive stimuli (Heart), fear (Kidney), and
worry (Spleen) with sound sleep, often results in stress-related problems that impact mood,
learning, focusing, and reacting. Some of the more serious problems associated with stress and
trauma include traumatic-stress disorders, impaired focus, decision-making or problem-solving
ability, and aggressive, impulsive or compulsive behavior.

Nutrients for Brain Health

Glutamic acid is a precursor to GABA--the main calming neurotransmitter in our bodies.

Almonds, wheat bran, and mackerel are high in glutamic acid. Taurine, a calming
neurotransmitter that is depleted by stress, is found in salmon, mackerel and halibut. Glycine
enhances memory and cognition. It is a non-essential amino acid found in high-protein foods
such as fish, dairy, and gelatin from animal bones. Lipoic acid is an antioxidant that improves
memory and cognition, and prevents neuro-degeneration. It is found in organ meats, collard
greens, and chard. Oats contain silica, which strengthens the nerves to benefit neurasthenia, a
state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. The silica from oats can be found in
sprouted oats, oat tincture, oat straw tea, oat milk, oat bran, and oatmeal.

Herbs for Memory and Cognition

Lemon balm is a sleep aide shown to improve memory, and cognition. Rosemary stimulates
memory, and is a strong antioxidant against normal aging of the brain. Skullcap detoxifies the
brain and strengthens the nerves. Oolong Tea, Jujube, and Salvia are three Chinese herbs that
detoxify the brain, Heart and Kidney meridians; nourish Qi, blood, Spleen, and spirit; and
improve microcirculation.  

Acupressure to Stimulate the Brain

Yin Tang:  Apply pressure to this acupuncture point that is in between the eyebrows--a
significant point to calm and clear the mind. Some believe it corresponds to the pineal gland,
which links the nervous system and hormone system for mental and spiritual harmony.

Scalp Massage: This can benefit the meridians that encompass the brain. With the tips of the
fingers spread wide apart, vigorously stroke the scalp between mid-line and the ears from front to
back (as if combing the hair).

Yuan Source Points: These points on and near the ankles and wrists tonify all the Chinese organ
systems. Manually massage the hands and feet, brush them while bathing; or rotate the wrists
and ankles.

Shoulder Rolls: These free the flow of Qi and blood between the mind and body. Shrug the
shoulders then very slowly press them backward and downwards, then forward and downwards.
Gently inhale or exhale into tense and tired areas.

Qi Gong Breathing: This can strengthen the diaphragm, and also massages the Liver to regulate
the smooth flow of Qi, blood (and oxygen) to the mind.   To view a demonstration of a special
exercise that helps bring energy and oxygen to the mind, see Lung Exercises: Jumping Lungs on

Call an acupuncturist in your area today to see how acupuncture and Chinese medicine
can help you enhance your focus, memory and learning!
The Nine Wealth Features Of TheFace

The Chinese believe in lucky and unlucky faces and a great deal is made of the mountains
and rivers of the face, which indicate
wealth and fortune. Generally the central
axis of the face is deemed to be a crucial
indicator of a person’s lot in life, and when this appears to balance both sides of the face,
the powerful trinity of luck is said to be properly aligned for prosperity.

The first wealth spot

The first wealth spot, the forehead (which also represents the luck from heaven and is the
foremost mountain of the face) is round, high, curved and protruding. Such a forehead indicates
power, wealth and great authority. A perfect forehead is rare, but as long as this protrudes and
looks prominent and wide, good fortune is indicated. A good forehead augments all the other
luck features since this also signifies the place of the heavenly celestial dragon. This is a yang
spot in the face and means a great deal in terms of one’s luck potential. Look after your forehead
and keep it clear of blemishes, spots and unsightly pimples. Use artificial aids to ensure a smooth
forehead. Moles on the forehead are acceptable unless they are placed dead in the centre, in
which case they should really be removed. Black moles here are deemed to be most inauspicious.

The second wealth spot

The trinity of luck is expressed in terms of tien, ti and ren – heaven, earth and mankind, with
man in the centre, located at the middle space above the nose and between the eyes. This is the
man spot also referred to as the ‘life palace’. Here the space should be clear, bright and luminous
if it is to represent a life of good fortune. There should be no hair, colourings, spots or moles in
this area since these collectively or by themselves signify obstacles to one’s luck. When this
space is clear and luminous it symbolises a life of affluence and influence.

The third wealth spot

The third wealth spot of the face is the nose. This is deemed a yin spot and it signifies one of the
rivers of the face. In the Chinese classic texts on face reading, the nose signifies the river Jie,
which brings wealth. The rounder and fleshier the nose looks, the better is the wealth luck
indicated. Nostrils should not be too small nor too large. The nose must look balanced and
smooth. Spots – white or black – are seen as obstacles, and moles at the tip of the nose are
regarded as a major sign of misfortune. The Chinese always regard a big nose with some
indulgence, no matter how out of place they look in the overall face. This is because the nose is
the repository of money fortune and it indicates wealth from many different sources.

The fourth wealth spot

Directly below the nose is the tip of the lips and if you are deemed to possess the mighty gift of
the gab – tremendous prosperity luck from speaking – you will see here what is termed the
phoenix pearl. It looks rounded and is protruding, and usually those who have it will probably
have had it from childhood. Like the cleft chin or the dimple, the pearl is deemed also to be a
beauty spot. It brings good fortune in both men and women. The pearl is considered the fourth
wealth feature on the face.

The fifth wealth spot

Directly below the pearl is the mouth, which is considered the second river on the face. It is
known as the river Huai. The mouth is deemed auspicious when it is soft and succulent.
Irrespective of its size, the mouth must never appear dry, since this indicates loss of luck. As
long as the mouth is always moist, it indicates money luck. The mouth is the fifth wealth spot on
the face. Moles around the mouth, as long as they are not black, are deemed to enhance the good
luck of the mouth and indicate that the person will never lack for good.

The sixth wealth spot

The sixth wealth spot is the second mountain on the face – the chin. This is also the place of
earth in the trinity of tien ti ren and is sometimes viewed as the jawline. To be auspicious, the
chin should be protruding and prominent. A receding jawline is one sign of misfortune in old
age, or it can even be a sign of premature death. A prominent chin indicates a strong base
mountain, and this is also suggestive of longevity.

The seventh wealth spot

The seventh wealth spot on the face is the eyes. The eyes are said to indicate great good fortune
when they shine and are slightly moist. It does not matter what shape, size or colouring the eyes
are – what is most significant is their vitality. When eyes are bright and are well protected by
arched eyebrows, life is healthy and prosperous. Eyebrows should never be overly plucked or
shaved. When a face lacks eyebrows the person simply cannot climb up the ladder of success.
When one eye is smaller than the other, it is a good idea to use artificial aids like eye-liners to
correct the imbalance.

The eighth wealth spot

The eighth wealth spot on the face is the cheekbones. In terms of age luck one enters into the
center section of the face, which indicates the mature years, at the age of 21. When the
cheekbones stand out prominently and appear bright and shiny, it is one of the surest signs that
serious wealth luck is about to manifest. Cheekbones should always have flesh and never look
bony since this would indicate excessive yang. For cheekbones to appear balanced they must
look good enough to pinch!

The ninth wealth feature

The final indicator is the ears. When your ears are well formed and proportionate, they indicate
great good fortune and wisdom. They are said to represent the flow of the Yellow River.
Remember that face reading is based also on manifestations of yin and yang and clues can also
be gleaned by superimposing Chinese trigrams – shapes that make up the hexagrams of the I
Ching – on the face. These trigrams, which are made by combining yin and yang lines, are
another way of looking at the kind of luck intrinsic to the different parts of the face.

Of the nine wealth features only one is placed in the youth section of the face and two in the old
age section. This suggests that our destiny manifests mostly during the time of life between
youth and old age – this is named the age of maturity. Thus while face reading gives you a good
idea of luck potential, it is essential to note that the bridge between heaven and earth is mankind.
It is mankind luck that has the most impact on our destiny as it unfolds. The face over time can
undergo change. Mountains can flatten and rivers can run dry. It is vital to stay ever watchful, as
much over our physical bodies as over the luck that we are constantly creating for ourselves.

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