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Jhea Velasco

2nd Year BEED


1.Floating Ice Experiment: LOGICAL LEARNING/VISUAL
i. Pour water into a plastic
bottle and then place it in the
freezer. Compare the volume of
the liquid and solid water after
ii. Make a pitcher of ice water.
Draw a line where the water
level is before the ice melts.
iii. Allow the ice to melt into
the water and make a second
line where the water level is
now. Compare the two.
i. A balloon and a LEARNING
basketball—have your students
test which one is easier to move
with the least force (try to help
them exert as close to the same
force as possible on each)
Ii. An empty folder and a
Any other objects of roughly
the same size that are available
3.States of matter i. The student will observe and VISUAL AND KINESTHIC
predict whether the ice will be LEARNING
solid after heating the sun and
how did the gas will exist in the
ice cube
4.Acidity/alkalinity i. Determines the acidity or VISUAL LEARNER/LOGICAL
alkalinity of common LEARNING
substances (e.g. water, lemon
juice, vinegar, soft drinks, milk
of magnesia, cleaners)
5.Temperature i. They can go around and make AUDITORY AND KINESTHIC
a list which is supposed to be LEARNING
on the cold side and hot side
and write it in a bond paper
6.Dinosaur Fact and Fiction They will be watching a short VISUAL AND AUDITORY
video clip LEARNING
i. They need to determine
different type of dinosaur
ii. Labeled their names

7.Mixtures Set up three glasses of water. VISUAL LEARNING

Add pebbles of sand to the first

glass. Stir the water. Ask
students whether this is a
mixture or a solution. (Answer:
It is a mixture because the sand
and the water stay separate.
The sand does not disappear in
the water.)
Add a teaspoon of salt to the
second glass. Stir the water
until the salt disappears. Ask
students if this is a mixture or a
solution. (Answer: It is a
solution because the salt
dissolves, or disappears, in the
Ask students if two liquids will
form a mixture or a solution.
Then add some vegetable oil to
the third glass and stir. Ask
students if the glass contains a
mixture or a solution. (Answer:
The oil and water form a
mixture because they do not
mix. The oil does not disappear
or dissolve.)
8. VOLUME Line up five or six containers of KINESTHIC LEARNING/
different sizes and shapes and AUDITORY LEARNING
have students figure out how
they compare in volume. This
can be done with water on a
warm day, or with dry
ingredients indoors. Have
groups of students share the
strategies they used.
9. CHEMICAL CHANGE i. Determine whether it is KINESTHIC/AUDITORY
physical and chemical change LEARNING
ii. Given the situation
Ii. They will determine the
animal by puzzle and find the
missing letter

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