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MADRONIO BSEE-2C April 18, 2021


As discussed in the past lessons, human acts are determined as actions of an

agent that are based in three essential attributes, namely knowledge, consent, and
freedom. The first one knowledge is where the agent knows the reason and the
consequences of his/her action. The second one is consent in where the agent
decided to do an action with his own will. The last one is freedom in where the
agent is not under the influence of external force or was not forced to do so. While
the acts of man are actions done without the three essential attributes. These are
involuntarily actions, without the free will and knowledge of the agent. These are
done under ignorance, fear, passion (mental responses, sudden and accident), habit
(constant practices), and violence (under pressure or external force, moral and
physical influence). Besides habit that might result in an indirect responsibility, all
acts of man are not the concern of moral accountability. It is to say that human acts
or actions that are done with the three essential attributes are subjected to moral
judgement and moral accountability.
It is also known that accountability concerns the praise and blame of an
action, whereas an action is morally judged and the agent would be morally
accountable for it. An example of a human act that is morally accountable for is a
person killing someone with his/her own will, freedom, and despite knowing that it is
morally bad killing someone. He/she can be blamed for it and morally accountable.
Another morally accountable example that can be praised are those who are helping
those in need, for example Angel Locsin. Says that she is doing her charitable actions
as her moral obligation, we can say that she is morally accountable for her actions
and deserve our praise. As for acts of man, an example of this is accidentally killing
someone because of an accident or a sudden turn of events where the agent was
forced to do something against his/her own will that resulted in the harm of others.
The agent can’t be accountable for his/her action morally, but he/she can be legally
accountable and be blamed for it.

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