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BSEE-2C AUGUST 28, 2020

As a student of Bicol University, its four pillars have always been part of my life since I
entered the university. The four pillars not only served as a guide through my early days in the
university, but it also gave me a sense of pride knowing that engraving the teachings of the
pillars would help me greatly in becoming a great person in the future.
Scholarship, as I’ve been a scholar of the university and attaining the DOST SEI-merit
scholarship I’ve been always thankful as being one. This pillar, for me, shows the great help and
hope given to me by the society. It help me to think that the things in this world are not to be
taken for granted. It helped me realize the importance of hard work and dedication in a person’s
life. Without working hard for something, things would not end up things we wanted. It’s like
tasting the fruit of success different from those people who work hard for it.
Leadership, as the current situation of our country is getting out of hand lately due to the
recent pandemic and political battle of two political parties, I’ve been thinking lately the
helpfulness of this pillar not only to myself but also to my fellow Buenos. A great leader is what
we really need right now. I know what I’m saying is like I’m from the opposition but it’s just
what I really observe from the current events happening in our country right now. From my
experience in the university, I can say that the university is a platform in producing good leaders
that would be a great help in the future of our country. As a student, it gives me the sense of
confidence on how to tackle every problem I encounter. Knowing that I’m in an institution that
annually produces good leaders and helpful citizens of the country, I feel much more confident
on taking on difficulties and perceiving more ways on solving hindrances, like what a good
leader should be.
Character, for me has should be the core of a person together with morals and attitude.
Honing our character is very important but also hard. I know it also depends on our working
environment and the people around us. But in this, the university helped me greatly. It provide
me the teachers that would guide me and also the environment suited for honing the right
character. The teachings of the university always contain the importance of a good character in
my life in order for me to survive in the society in the future. It gives me the chance in being the
best of myself, worthy of being a good citizen of the country.
Service, together with the other pillars, help me to realize how great it would be if of all
the people in the public service would do their job properly and effectively. A great service
would not only help the people doing it but also the whole society. This pillar serves as a great
model. With the help of the whole university, it shows how nice the result of good service
towards the people. Everyone is happy. It also made me realize the need of dedication in
providing good service to others. But amidst the hardships required in providing service to others
and to the nation, I think the success and helpfulness of it is a great satisfaction for oneself.
Having this pillars guide a person is what we need in this kind of situation where turmoil
is just around the corner. It serve as a great light to follow to prevent the youths from leading

astray from the right path. Having these as part of everyone’s life is what we really need right
now and in the future.

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