June Newsletter Dok

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t Irma Stern rekordprys:

West says: “Ek was verlede week by die nuwe Strauss & Kie veilinghuis in Johannesburg. Ek stem saam
met Mnr Stephan Welz, kuns bly nogsteeds n beleggings opsie waarmee n belegger tred moet hou. n
Mens moet net dood eenvoudig skilderye deel maak van jou beleggingsportifilie. Dit is waarom ons die
afgelope twee jaar Nuusbriewe saamstel. Let wel dat die skilderye wat verkoop was van Irma Stern, een
van Irma Stern se stillewe’s was. Nou wie’t gese dat stillewe skilderye minder waarde het as landskappe
of figuur tonele? Kyk gerus na Wessel Marais, Adriaan Boshoff, Danie Smith, Corne Weideman, Magaret
Gradwell, Gregoire Boonzaier, Conrad Theys, Alexander Rose-Ines, Terence McCaw, Walter Battis,
Claerhout, Pieter van der Westhuizen, Marie Vemeulen Breedt, Vernise Snowball, Munro en Elma
Marais se stillewe skilderye. Jy weet nooit, jy koop dalk nou so n skildery vir n goeie prys en verkoop
hom ook dalk vir R7.57miljoen oor n rukkie...Kyk gerus na die foto’s van Stillewe skilderye nou
beskikbaar op www.johnwestart.co.za en John West Art Galleries op Facebook.”

Artikel 2:

Source: www.saada.co.za/newsletters/april%202009.htm

West Says: “I have only extracted a view lines from an interview of Johans Borman of the South African
Antiques Dealers Association. You will find this very insightful. I was given this article by a friend and art
collector, Anton. He has been investing in art since he read this article last year. Don’t be a reader only
but become an investor!”

Is “Investment Art” an aspect of the South African Art market?

Extract 1.

“He says the investment value is determined by factors like the emotional impact it(the painting) has on
the potential buyer, the intellectual stimulation it provides, its inherent quality and condition, how
fashionable it is and to what degree the price matches the buyer’s perception of its current value and its
potential for appreciation.”

Extract 2.

“The uniqueness of any work is important, but obviously all works are unique, and he feels that they
must have consistency in terms of technical quality, style and subject matter. Again he makes the point
that works must be sold regularly to demonstrate their current market values.”

Extract 3.

“Borman concludes by saying that good works by established artists are worth buying for a number of
reasons: Firstly they give continuous pleasure and enjoyment, and they are an excellent and stable store
of wealth. Secondly, they have the potential for an exceptional growth in value when buying the right
piece at the right time. Thirdly, they allow you to leave a legacy that says much more about an individual
than a bank balance. Finally, there is no Capital Gains Tax applicable when works which were bought
privately as collectables are sold- an important point.”

West says: “I hope that you have enjoyed this month’s Newsletter. Investment Art is great fun. Have a
great month during the soccer World Cup and hope to write to you next month again. Cheers.”

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