Anglais Go Kiwis

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a Watch the video or listen to the recording “All Blacks” and fill in the blanks.

We are the ______All_______ _____Blacks_____________ ______Nation___________ .

We come from ___near___________________ and ______far_________________. We’re
___out___________and ____________/___________________ . We’re
__small__________________, we’re ________________________.
To ___us_________, it’s __small_______ __in________ _____just_______ _a_
It’s _____to________ _____we_____ _______are_________ and ___what_________
____we______ ______do____________. This is All Blacks footie (= rugby).

What kind of document do you think this is?

Maybe its an advertissement or the beginning of a documentary.

What is the message shared in the video?

The All Blacks are a great nation and they are united. Maybe they want grow the nation and
have more supporters.

Document B p 89:
Read the document and pick out 4 elements showing how important this event is:
Winter Games ski

New Zealand’s Southern Alps (Wanaka) International snow-sport athletes

Document C p 89:

Watch the video “Made in New Zealand” and explain what Zorbing is and what makes it a
unique experience. Use the toolbox “WORDS”.
Zorbing is the activity of rolling down a hill inside a giant plastic ball. It looks like fun, see
this video zorbing in New Zealand, where the sport seems to have originated.

I think with the reaction of people this activity is an unforgettable experience, they feel many
thing at the same time. This activity is iconic I want to try this because I’m adventurous and
it’s very attractive after seeing the video.
Do some research and find out why New Zealanders are nicknamed ‘Kiwis’.
The name 'kiwi' comes from the curious little flightless bird that is unique to New Zealand.
In the early 1900s, cartoonists started to use images of the kiwi bird to represent New
Zealand as a country. During the First World War, New Zealand soldiers were referred to as
'kiwis', and the nickname stuck.

II. Traditions, alive and kicking pages 90 and 91

1) Kiwi Sheepshearers.
Watch the video and do the activities:
What is sheepshearing?
Is a sport, in New Zealand is a serious business. They shear sheep the fastest to win a prize

Watch again from 00.22 to 00.43 and fill in the blanks with superlatives:
Paul Avery is one of the world’s ______finest_________ ever sheepshearers.
“The Golden Shear” is one of __________most prestigious______________ sporting events in
They will decide who is _____the best______shearer around.

Watch again from 00.44 to 1.15 and fill in the blanks with elements showing that
sheepshearing is highly popular in NZ and can be seen as a real sport.
The spectator numbers were SO great THAT the local army was called in TO control crowds the
event was hit from the off.
Seats had to be booked 12 months in advance .
Before long, sheepshearing entered the world of professionalism .
Major businesses wanted to promote and
sponsor this new physical and unorthodox (= unconventional) sport.
Prize money has increased and many shearers adopted professional attitudes with training
programs and fitness regimes .

Watch from 1.15 to the end focusing on numbers:

Match the numbers and their meaning:
1 16 a Breaks a shearer can take
2 1986 b Hours usually spent shearing per day
3 12 c Money earned by a shearer per day
4 9 hours d Number of sheep shorn in one day (shear-shore-shorn)
5 12 hours e Number of trophies won by David Fagan
6 2 x 30 minutes f Number of victories David Fagan won in a row
7 90 bucks/Australian dollars
g Record number of sheep shorn in one day by Etsel Ford
8 200
h The typical working day for a shearer
9 1993
i Year when David Fagan first won a trophy
10 664
j Year when Etsel Ford set his record

1f 2i 3e 4b 5h 6a 7c 8d 9j 10 g

Would you call sheepshearing a sport? Why or why not? Use the toolbox ‘Words’
I think sheepshearing is a sport because there is a tournament with competitor and at the end
there is a prize like the others sports for example basket-ball.
Also is very physical, the competitors of the tournaments have training and fitness regimes.
There are teams and I call sheepshearing a sport for all that.

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