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Today I’m going to talk about tourist accommodation. Firstly, I’ll start with what information is
presented in the chart. Next, what would be my preferred accommodation type if I went to New
Zealand. Finally I’ll tell you what are the advantages of camping holidays.

Accommodation is one of the basic needs for any tourism activity. Travelers and tourists need
lodging (nakvynė) for rest, while they are on a trip.

In the chart we can see tourist accommodation in New Zealand statistical data in 2008. The tourists
were asked about what type of accommodation they pick when traveling. The most of respondents
answer was: motels (they are located on highways and expressways), caravans, camps and hotels.
And the others said host families and youth jiųt hostels.

I think situation in New Zealand compared to the situation in Lithuania is pretty different. For
example, the most of the tourists prefer hotels, but in the summer they choose caravans and camps.

If I went to New Zealand I would prefer caravans and camps, because I really like nature and I feel
very calm and relaxed in nature.

Advantages of camping holidays are that you will experience many adventures and get to know
another environment. Campers can encounter with nature and inconveniences such as mosquitoes,
bad weather or living without the most important amenities.

Advantages of staying with a host family are that you meet new people and if you’re living abroad,
you can learn a new language, understand more about other cultures. It is interesting to
communicate with others and you can also find new friends. And disadvantages are that it can be
dangerous, because you don’t know what kind of people live there. And if the residents of a house
don’t like you it can be pretty unpleasant.

In conclusion I think accommodation is very important when you are traveling. You should think
about it before your trip so you don’t have any difficulties with that.


Today I’m going to talk about city life. Firstly I’ll start with what information is presented in the chart.
Next, how do the attitudes of the Scottish cities dwellers gyventojai compare to the attitudes of the
inhabitants of Lithuanian towns. Finally, I’ll tell you what aspects of urban life would be a problem.

Living in the city can HAVE advantages and disadvantages. Also, cities provide the best comforts and
entertainment. Here one can move in a luxurious car, can eat in fashionable restaurants, can do
shopping in luxurious supermarkets, can watch films in theatres and cinema halls and can relax in
parks. Cities are full of life and vitality. vaitality Pilni gyvenimo ir gyvybingumo Young people like this life very
much. Cities provide more jobs for people because all kinds of big institutions, organizations, and
industries are located in the city area. A huge number of people come to the city in search paieška of

In the chart we can see negative aspects of city life in Scotland in 2006. The answer of respondents
was: young people hanging about, vandalism and graffiti, car parking problems, litter and rubbish,
drug abuse and dealing, too much traffic. Living in the city can be Expensive because Living in the city
comes at a premium for some people that means living in congested kondžested perpildytos places. It
can also be pretty Crowded sausakimša – There is a lot of cars on the city roads causing lots of traffic
problems, The rush skubėti the noise triukšmas the traffic, from sunrise till sunset city living is loud and
crowded and finding a spot could be pretty difficult.

I think that the answers of women and men are very similar. Compare to the attitudes of the Scottish
city dwellers with to the attitudes of the inhabitants of Lithuanian towns also are very similar. I think
that in the Lithuania there’s more young people hanging about and probably more vandalism
happening as well.

Young people often litter and rubbish this aspect of urban life would be a problem to me, because
trash is highly polluting. But, despite all the downsides, living in the city can be pretty advantageous.
There are more jobs and exciting things which is why many people choose to live in the city.

In conclusion, I think that city life can be advantageous and disadvantageous but everyone should
decide which life fits their needs the best.


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