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1. Executive Summary:........................................................................................................................
2.1 Present Situation of Business............................................................................................................
2.3 Company’s Profile..........................................................................................................................
Vision and Mission Statement.............................................................................................................
Industry profile....................................................................................................................................
3. Products and Services:.....................................................................................................................
4. Marketing Analysis:.......................................................................................................................
Marketing plan:...............................................................................................................................
Economic and other market facts:.......................................................................................................
Barriers to entry:.................................................................................................................................
Overcoming Barriers:.........................................................................................................................6

1. Executive Summary:
Gilgit Baltistan is a place full of God gifted natural resources. Majority of the population
living here relies on the livestock, agriculture and dairy Products but as it is observed globally
that population is moving towards the urbanization from rural. From past few years there
notable trend of urbanization due to different reasons is being observed in Gilgit Baltistan as
well, many people living in rural areas are moving closer to the urban areas mostly
population is living in rental houses. In this situation due to which there is enormous increase
in demand for Catering Services. Customers in Gilgit Baltistan rely on the packed products
brought from the other provinces of the Pakistan to full fill their needs. As we have analysed
that there is feasible local production of raw material which is key element for Catering
Service but still there is no such facility available where it can be processed into Food Items.
Keeping this scenario in view we have planned to initiate a small company by the name of
“SK & Sons Catering Services”, which will deal in catering service in Gilgit Baltistan. This
report has provided a detailed business plan for expansion of business, its strategic and
operational activities, the area of operation, system of supply and distribution etc.

The first part of this report has explained the introduction, present situation of business,
industry’s profile, and the company’s profile. Next is the Vision and Mission statements
followed by the Macro, Micro, and the internal analysis of the business.

The second part has discussed in detail the important segment like product description, how
the company segments and targeting consumers, and how the company establishes its
marketing mix. The distribution channel is further discussed by which the company is
delivering services to the customers.

2. General Company Description:

2.1 Present Situation of Business
Catering services at this stage has limited scope and small no of customers due to limited
marketing The services supplied by other companies has high prices and shorter shelf life.

2.3 Company’s Profile

Company Name SK & Sons Catering Services

Head Office Gilgit City

Manufacturing Plant Gilgit City

Distribution units Gilgit

Catering services market is a market of higher opportunities in GB. The Catering Services is
the first company to utilize the pure and natural resources of the area. The company is
collecting raw material from all the seven districts of GB to provide natural and pure food
items to its customers. Keeping in view the importance of pure and hygienic resources of GB,
the company aims to provide these raw materials in the form of food items to all of the
consumers in GB. The rapid market trend towards healthy diets is another reason for
establishing Catering Services in GB.
Vision and Mission Statement

“When people will think of unique, Up to dated and quick services, natural, pure, and
hygienic food items; the food items of SK & Sons Catering Services will be the only choice”.

“Our mission is to provide unique services with safe and healthy food items to customer ”.

Company Goals and Objectives:

Our basic goal is to maximize benefits out of locally available resources.

To provide locally processed fresh and healthy food items with longer shelf life and like
homemade dishes

Industry profile
If we look at the catering service in GB there are no quality services in business. Most of the
market has been occupied by low profile catering services and they don’t have any grip over
market. Some of the dealing in catering service in market of GB is as follow:

Sultan Food & Catering

Grilled House Catering

Bismillah Catering

Hunza Catering

Locally very few people are involved in this sector in a very informal way. Almost 40% of market is
captured by us at this time.

3. Products and Services:

We are providing services at the door step as this is main element of our business that we
have identified as our potential customers
Initially we are providing following services

Official parties


Launch boxes



Birth Days

4. Marketing Analysis:
The most on important matter for a business (new entrant or old) is to analyse its
surrounding. It is essential to look over what is going on in and around the business
environment. In market analysis external and internal environment is critically
analysed. The strengths, weakness, opportunity, and threats are identified to see where
the organization stands and how the organization can achieve competitive advantage
by effective utilization of its resources.

As GB is our target market so some of the facts regarding our customers in GB like
demographic, geographic and personal are as follow.

Gilgit Baltistan due to its hard terrain is difficult to access easily, the climatic
conditions, like severe cold in winters and hot summers in some areas make it a
unique landscape only road connecting it to the rest of the country KKH often gets
blocked due to floods, landslides, earthquakes and other natural calamities and
supplies coming from other parts of the country get blocked.

5. Marketing plan:
Economic and other market facts:
Our market comprises of all districts of Gilgit Baltistan but most of our market
comprises of the urban population of Gilgit Baltistan.
Through effective marketing we had captured almost 40-50% of market share
due to the good quality and lower price of our services
There is reasonable demand for the catering services, demand exists in almost
all districts of Gilgit Baltistan demand is comparatively higher for catering
As trend of urbanization is prevailing globally so here in Gilgit Baltistan in
recent years large portion of rural population has migrated towards cities due
to different reasons like education, job opportunities and in search of better
living. So there is an increasing trend in demand for catering services.
There is enormous potential for the growth of the business in future and we
can expand our business not only in G.B but also in other cities of Pakistan.

Barriers to expand:
Capital requirement are relatively higher as we have to setup processing
equipment and all machinery to be installed in our business, office equipment,
2 vehicles having specialized refrigerating chambers for supplying in different
Another hurdle or barrier is lack of availability of well trained staff to operate
the machinery and equipment to be installed in the Kitchen
There are some concerns regarding the rapid acceptance of our services by the
local customers.

Overcoming Barriers:
We are planning to acquire on credit, currently negotiating with different credit agencies,
investors and Banks to reach a final deal the major challenge in the accomplishment of the
deal is the payback period of loan.

We are also facing shortage in staff which is going to operate the equipment in the kitchen we
do have some experienced workers in the particular field so we can benefit from them and
can train our rest of the staff under their supervision. We are also searching for the trained
people from GB who are working with the competitors, if found any we will try to poach
them through different offers.

As far as the acceptance is concerned it will take some time we have to be patient and
streamline our efforts towards the communication of the features and the benefits of our
products with the customers, only through communication we can overcome this barrier.

Local customers and visitors

All Existing and new entrants

Through our services we are going to target those people who are health
conscious and want fresh and healthy food items. We will target households which
consume a large quantity of packed food in daily meals.


We are running advertisement campaign in all local media including
newspapers, radio, local TV and cable networks. Banners, bill boards at
different public locations will be a basic part of our promotional campaign.
We will also visit different schools, colleges, offices and banks in order to
provide information about the benefits of our services.

Promotional Budget:
Out of our capital we had allocated almost 200,000 for the promotional propose detail
is as follow:

Bill boards 30,000

Adds in local media 100,000

Promotional Visiting activities 70,000

Current services in the market have higher prices due to increased transportation cost
and involvement of long supply chain. Our analysis we are offering lower prices as
compared to our competitors. Following is a comparison of our services against the

Services competitor’s price Our Product’s price


Birth Days

Official Parties



Launch Boxes

The existing capacity of the business is providing services in GB only.

The expansion of the business will increase the capacity to cover remote areas too to
generate more revenue

Management and Organization:

Management of the business are running by the board of directors. This executive
board is handlling the strategic concerns of the business. Board of directors consist
the pioneers of the business named as following:

Mr. Sadam Karim Owner (CEO)

Ms. Gul Zadi Owner (CFO) (Chief marketing officer)

Professional and Advisory Support:

Following professionals and advisors have been contacted to seek their advice and assistance
in respective fields:
Attorney to overlook legal affairs
Food inspection Specialist for his advice in proper preservation and quality control measure
of the food items.
Electronics and Mechanical Expert for his advice in purchase in machinery and other
Schedule of Expansion:
Projected income Statement:

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