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Online Review Quiz

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Question 1
Historical fiction is a sub-genre of literature in which a made-up event or character is embedded in
the real events.
Response: True
Question 2
Match the following items with the given choices.
Response: myth => prose fiction
Response: biography => prose non-fiction
Response: coined the term Weltliteratur => Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 3/12/2021 Online Review Quiz - G-
LITT001 BSA32 2nd Sem SY2020-2021 - DLSU-D College/GS
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Response: things that make up literature => elements
Response: sonnet => non-prose
Question 3
The term World Literature was coined by German writer, _____.
Response: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Question 4
_____ is the term coined by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to describe pieces of literature which
circulated beyondtheir countries of origin.
Response: Weltliteratur
Question 5
The technical definition of literature discussed in class involves the perspective of both the reader
and the writer.
Response: True
Question 6
Literature helps the reader release whatever pent-up emotions they have. This process is also
Response: catharsis
Question 7
poetry = prose fiction: biography = _____________
Response: non-prose non-fiction
Question 8
Select all three literary sub-genres that fall under the prose fiction
Response: novel
Response: short story
Response: parables
Question 9
Cosmopolitan characteristics is the same as __________________. 3/12/2021 Online Review Quiz - G-LITT001
BSA32 2nd Sem SY2020-2021 - DLSU-D College/GS
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Response: universality
Question 10
Choose the one which does not belong to the group.
Response: epic

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