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Commissioning a Sub-Harmonic Protection IED Using Advanced

Testing Tools
R. Midence, A. Oliveira, N. Perera - ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd
E. Carvalheira, K. Donaldson - OMICRON electronics

Abstract on the engineering behind the selection of

settings for sub-harmonic protection IEDs
Applicability of protection devices
and on the process of testing and
capable of detection Sub-Synchronous
commissioning such IEDs, hence the need
Resonance (SSR) conditions has become
to educate the Protection & Control
more common in during recent years. The
advent of such protection devices has
created the new challenge of testing and The paper describes the use of an
commissioning these devices. advanced relay testing system which
Commissioning sub-harmonic protection includes software capable of creating the
devices require following a process that scripts that will be used to test all the relay
differs from the traditional testing and features and validation of settings. Prior to
commissioning process of microprocessor the creation of test scripts, the process
devices. This paper presents the experiences requires the review of power system
of the authors during the commissioning of simulation cases that were used to determine
Sub-harmonic Protection Relays and the relay settings in order to create test cases
describes the process using an advanced that will confirm that the relay responds as
relay test system (OMICRON CMC 356, the expected. The process requires testing for:
Test Universe modules Ramping and
• Sub-harmonic frequency ranges –
PQ Signal Generator as well as an OCC
making sure the relay does not
template) and the recommended process to
misoperate for frequencies outside the
be followed prior to the site visit and then
desire frequency range
during the actual commissioning of the relay.
• Sub-harmonic magnitudes – making
The paper will review the following sure the relay does not misoperate for
topics: sub-harmonics with magnitudes below
• The characteristics of a Sub-Harmonic the set thresholds
Protection Relay • Testing all the associated features such
• The engineering process for the as operation per duration, total
determination of settings subharmonic distortion, 2nd and 5th
• The determination of test cases to make harmonic blocking, etc.
sure all the features of the relay are • Protection features at the
properly tested fundamental frequency
• The use of an advanced relay testing Keywords: Sub-synchronous resonance
system for the preparation of testing (SSR), sub-synchronous interactions,
plans to be used during the relay testing transmission lines, series capacitors, sub-
harmonics, advanced relay testing systems
• The process followed at site to
commission the relay by using advanced Introduction
relay testing software and equipment. During recent years a few papers have
During the commissioning process of been presented discussing the different type
sub-harmonic protection relays the authors of sub-synchronous Interactions between
discovered that there is very little elements of the power system particularly
understanding on SSR and SSCI phenomena, those involving large steam generators,
wind farms, HVDC and series compensated farms. Some measures that may be
transmission lines. considered include installing additional
protection systems to detect SSR and take
Sub-synchronous Interactions (SSI)
corrective action and also installing
are a family of physical interactions whi
additional protection systems to avoid SSR
ch involve exchange of energy between
based on system topology.
a generator and a transmission system at
AC frequencies below the system nomin The recommendations by NERC lead
al frequency. They include SSR, SSTI, a protection relay vendors to develop a Sub-
nd SSCI. Several types of sub-synchronous harmonic Protection Relay capable of
interactions are possible, including Sub- detecting sub-synchronous interactions to
Synchronous Resonance (SSR), Sub- take corrective or even preventive actions.
Synchronous Torsional Interactions (SSTI), K. Narendra et al., provide in [3] a
and Sub-Synchronous Control Interactions detailed description of a microprocessor
(SSCI). SSR and SSTI in particular are well based relay designed specifically to detect
document and well understood and and protect against sub-synchronous
explained with some detail by Andrew L. interactions. [4][5][6] provide details on the
Isaacs, Garth D. Irwin, and Amit K. Jindal application of a sub-harmonic protection
in [1]. relay, the engineering process to calculate
The IEEE published a guide for sub- settings, and also propose a process to
synchronous resonance [2] reviewing the validate the performance of the relay.
most basic aspects of SSR and device This paper focuses on the process for
dependent sub-synchronous oscillations and site acceptance testing of a sub-harmonic
cites pertinent references that support the protection relay for both the sub-harmonic
reviews. detection features as well as for the
NERC published a Lesson Learned - fundamental frequency protection features.
Sub-Synchronous Interaction between Sub-Harmonic Protection Settings
Series-Compensated Transmission Lines Description
and Generation in July 26, 2011. The
Lessons Learned where indicating that [6] A sub-harmonic protection relay
recent events of sub-synchronous protects against sub-harmonic oscillations
oscillations between wind turbines and a by measuring the voltages and currents
series capacitor in the transmission network magnitudes of sub-harmonics with
resulted in significant damage to the wind frequencies in the range of 5-45Hz for 50Hz
turbines. A normally cleared fault on a 345 systems or 5-55Hz for 60Hz systems. The
kV transmission line resulted in a post- relay is composed of four sets of currents
contingency system configuration in which and two sets of 3-phase voltage inputs. Each
two wind farms were radially connected to a input can be set to detect individual
series compensated 345 kV transmission frequencies from 5-45Hz for 50Hz systems
line. This configuration produced sub- or 5-55Hz for 60Hz systems, with two
synchronous control instability (SSCI) levels of detection. The device also has the
between the wind turbines and the series ability to sum quantities from any two of the
compensated transmission line, resulting in current inputs, a useful feature that allows
severe over-voltages, current distortion, the monitoring of currents in lines that are
tripping of additional transmission facilities, associated to two breakers, applying the
and damage to the wind farm control level detectors to these summated quantities.
circuits. The document concludes that Each current or voltage detectors have
appropriate transmission system design the following sub-harmonic detection
enhancements need to be considered when settings:
studying integration of large scale wind
• Frequency Range selectable between 5 • Operations / Minute Setting
and 45 Hz for 50Hz systems or 5 and • 2nd Harmonic Blocking – only for
55Hz for 60Hz systems current detectors
• Sub-harmonic level pick up value • 5th Harmonic Blocking – only for
o Nominal Ratio current detectors
o Fundamental Ratio The setting format is shown in Figures
• Time delay 1 and 2 below.
• Total Sub-harmonic Distortion

Figure 1 - Current Detector Settings

Figure 2 - Voltage Detector Settings

The following sections provide a Frequency range

description of protection features shown in The Frequency Range is the range of
Figures 1 and 2. frequencies of the sub-harmonics that the
relay will monitor. The boundaries of the
frequency range are defined by Minimum associated to the Nominal and Fundamental
Frequency and Maximum Frequency as ratio settings.
shown in Figure 1 and 2. Any sub-harmonic [3]The nominal sub-harmonic
with a frequency outside the frequency function compares the pickup level setting
range will not be considered for the with the ratio of sub-harmonic magnitude
application of settings, except for TSHD. over the relay’s nominal current or voltage
[3] The basic principle used in inputs. Similarly, the fundamental sub-
detecting the sub-harmonic is to compare harmonic detector compares the pickup
the magnitude of each sub-harmonic level setting with the ratio of sub-harmonic
between the minimum and maximum magnitude over the fundamental quantity.
frequencies of the user defined frequency The relay will declare a pickup when the
range, and then compare it with the user nominal or fundamental ratio of any sub-
defined magnitude threshold level. harmonic within the frequency range
exceeds the pickup level setting. [3]Figure 3
For the purpose of testing the relay, it
provides a graphical interpretation.
is necessary to demonstrate that the relay
discriminates between sub-harmonic During testing it is necessary to
frequencies within and outside the demonstrate that the relay is able to
frequency range. accurately calculate the Nominal and
Fundamental ratio magnitudes and that it
Sub-harmonic level pickup value
picks up at the corresponding setting within
The sub-harmonic level pickup can be the specified accuracy.

Figure 3 - Sub-harmonic levels for Nominal and Fundamental Ratio for a 60Hz system

Total sub-harmonic distortion [3] Note that, as shown in the above

equation, all the sub-harmonic magnitudes
[3] The Total Sub-Harmonic
from 5-45 Hz for 50Hz systems or 5-55Hz
Distortion (TSHD) detector calculates the
for 60Hz systems will be taken into
distortion level as follows:
consideration for the TSHD evaluation, with
TSHD(%) respect to 60 Hz fundamental voltage,
2 2 2 2
�𝑓𝑓 + 𝑓𝑓6𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 + 𝑓𝑓7𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 + ⋯ + 𝑓𝑓55𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 current, or virtual derived channel. The
= 5𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 3 (1) same definition is applicable for a 50 Hz
Testing this function will verify that detectors as described above. Periodic
the relay properly calculates the TSHD and occurrence of this event, even though for a
that it picks up at the set value within the shorter duration than the configured time,
specified accuracy. can have a negative impact in the power
system network and its components,
Operations per minute
particularly in large thermal generators or
[3] This function has the purpose of wind turbine generators. To capture such
counting sub-harmonic oscillations above events, a special operations/minutes detector
threshold set limit with a duration shorter is designed, which functions as shown in
than the configured time delay, that may Figure 4.
take place unnoticed by the conventional

Figure 4 - Operations per minute principle

[3] In the above example, an event 2nd and 5th harmonic blocking
with 30 operations per minute is depicted Since the relay will be exposed to
(not to scale). The time Tact corresponds to transients including transformer or feeder
the actual duration of the sub-harmonic pickup inrush, or over-fluxing the primary
signal which is asserted. This event is not winding of the transformer, by harmonic
captured by the conventional detectors blocking, the relay measures the 2nd and 5th
mentioned in the previous section, as the harmonic content of the current wave and
pickup delay Tdelay has not been exceeded so blocks the relay operation thereby
the event is not noticeable. The 30 eliminating false tripping (inrush current
operations (assertion above set limit) will be may be rich in 2nd harmonic component and
internally counted and monitored. If the set 5th harmonic for over-fluxing).
operations per minute count exceed the
calculated count, then this special detector Testing these features confirm that the
will issue a trip or an alarm as per the relay properly extracts the 2nd and 5th
configuration. In this way, periodic harmonic from the current wave, which also
disturbances with durations shorter than the may contain sub-harmonics, and properly
configured limit can be captured. blocks tripping outputs when the 2nd and 5th
harmonic content exceeds the threshold
Testing this feature confirms that setting.
the relay accurately measures the time
duration of each event, that the relay Testing the Relay Functions
properly identifies the number of incidents Test setup
with shorter duration than Tdelay, and that it
accurately counts the number of short Figure 5 shows the equipment setup
duration incidents. for testing.
Personal Relay Test Sub-harmonic
Computer Set Relay

Figure 5 - Equipment Setup for Testing

The relay test system should be able to to 100 mA.

generate different content of sub-harmonic Figure 6 shows a screenshot of the test
signals, superimposed to the fundamental module configured for this test. The whole
frequency, in order to test the functionality test sequence was performed by applying
of the relay and validate the relay settings. nominal voltage and a load current of 2.5 A
Testing the boundaries and pickup values on each phase at nominal frequency (see {1}
in Figure 6). Five ramp segments were
For the settings of the Sub-Harmonic
created for simulating the following
Detectors, voltage and current, a sub-
conditions we want to test:
harmonic frequency range can be set by
choosing a ‘Minimum Frequency’ and a • Ramp 1: this state was introduced to
‘Maximum. The settings of minimum and verify that the relay will not misoperate
maximum frequency are used by the for sub-harmonic frequencies lower than
‘Nominal Ratio’, ‘Fundamental Ratio’ and the minimum frequency range. A
the elements associated to them. Thresholds constant current at a sub-harmonic
can be set individually for each element in frequency of 4 Hz and magnitude higher
two different ways: (a) ‘Nominal Ratio’, the than the pickup value is superimposed to
elements’ threshold are defined by the ratio the signal (see {2}). It can be verified in
of the sub-harmonic component magnitude the time signal view (see {3}) that there
and the nominal quantity magnitude; (b) is no trip from the relay.
‘Fundamental Ratio’, the elements’ • Ramp 2: verify the relay trips when
threshold is defined by the ratio of the sub- sufficient content of sub-harmonic is
harmonic component magnitude and the measured for sub-harmonics within the
fundamental component magnitude for range. The current magnitude at 5 Hz is
voltage and current. ramped up until the relay trips. Each
For ‘Nominal Ratio’ and step of the ramp has a duration of 5
“Fundamental Ratio’ elements to pick up, seconds which is higher than the
two conditions must be met: the magnitude element trip delay time. The assessment
of the sub-harmonic components result in window (see {4}) shows the relay trips
ratios greater than the elements’ settings’ at a measured pickup value of 102 mA.
threshold, respectively, and the frequency of • Ramp 3: same as ramp 1, but this time
the sub-harmonic components falls within with a sub-harmonic of 46 Hz. No trip is
the frequency range settings. recorded since the frequency range
criteria is not met.
Testing the boundaries of the • Ramp 4: same as ramp 2, but this time
frequency range and pickup threshold values for a sub-harmonic of 45 Hz. The
is performed by using a software tool which assessment window (see {4}) shows the
is capable of ramping voltage and current relay trips when the current magnitude
magnitudes at specific sub-harmonic reaches 102 mA.
frequencies. For the test described below, • Ramp 5: apply signals only at nominal
the frequency range was set to 5 Hz and frequency. Relay resets.
45 Hz and the current pickup threshold set The same procedure can be repeated
to test the frequency boundaries and pickup case they are enabled.
values for the voltage detector elements, in

Figure 6 - Test configuration for frequency boundaries and pickup values

Testing the Total Sub-Harmonic Distortion For performing this test, nominal
(TSHD) element voltage and 1 A current at nominal
For the ‘Total Sub-Harmonic frequency were applied. Sub-harmonic
Distortion (TSHD)’, the elements’ threshold frequencies of 5, 25 and 45 Hz were added
are defined by the ratio of the summation of to the current signals. Two signals were
all magnitudes of the quantities within either simulated with sub-harmonic contents of:
5Hz-45Hz, for 50Hz systems, or 5Hz-55Hz, • THD of 6.93 % to prove trip for values
for 60Hz systems, and the fundamental higher than the set threshold (Figure 7).
quantity magnitude. For the ‘TSHD’ • THD of 4.92 % to prove the relay does
elements to pick up, the summation of all not misoperate for values below the set
sub-harmonic magnitudes of the quantities threshold.
must be greater than the TSHD elements’
thresholds (set to 5 % during this test).
Figure 7 - Current Waveform used to test Total Sub-harmonic Distortion (TSHD) Trip

Testing for operations/duration magnitude of a sub-harmonic frequency of

25 Hz higher than the pickup value but with
For the settings of the
a duration of only 3 sec, which is shorter
‘Operations/Duration’ elements, voltage and
than the set pickup delay of 4 sec.
current, a number of occurrences in a certain
duration (defined in minutes) can be set. An The test tool allows the repetition of
occurrence is an event where either the the same signal by defining the parameter
‘Nominal Ratio’, ‘Fundamental Ratio’ or “No. of loops” as shown in Figure 8. The
‘TSHD’ element picks up but it does not last element was set for 25 operations per 2
longer than the ‘Pickup Delay’ to prompt the minutes, therefore the signal was configured
S-PRO to trip. The ‘Operations/Duration’ for 25 repetitions. As each repetition has the
element is only available once one of the duration of 4 sec (1 sec of pre-incident plus
Sub-Harmonic elements associated to it is 3 sec of incident time), the overall test time
already enabled. is of approximately 1 minute and 40 seconds.
At the end of the 25th repetition a trip of the
For the ‘Operations/Duration’
relay could be observed. Figure 9 shows the
elements to pick up, the number of
report of the test with proof that the
occurrences in a minute must be greater than
operation of the element was sensed by the
their threshold.
test set after the end of the 25th operation
Figure 8 shows the configuration for and within the 2 minutes interval.
this test. A signal was customized with the
Figure 8 - Waveform used to test Operations per Minute

Figure 9 - Report of test Operations per Minute with Recording of Binary Event

Testing the Operating Time and their magnitudes are enough to prompt
For verifying the pickup delay time of S-PRO Sub-Harmonic Detectors to pick up.
The delay time of the relay can be observed
the relay, a signal is created with
from the time signal oscillography view by
fundamental component and a sub-harmonic
tracking the binary event, as shown in
component of 25 Hz. The fundamental and
sub-harmonic current components are fixed Figure 10.
Figure 10 - Test of the Pickup Delay Time

Testing for 2nd harmonic blocking must be greater than their respective
For the settings of the ‘2nd and 5th
Harmonic Blocking’ elements, current only, This test is performed the same way as
the elements’ thresholds are individually in Figure 10 for the operating time, but now
defined by the ratio of either the second by also adding a second harmonic
harmonic component magnitude or fifth component to the signal as shown in Figure
harmonic component magnitude and the 11. The magnitude of the 2nd harmonic is
nominal current magnitude of 5A or 1A. set greater than the ‘2nd Harmonic Blocking’
For the ‘2nd Harmonic Blocking’ and element threshold, blocking the operation of
the Sub-Harmonic elements.
‘5th Harmonic Blocking’ elements to block
the Sub-Harmonic Detectors, the ratio of the The ‘5th Harmonic Blocking’
component magnitude of 2nd harmonic elements can be tested in the same fashion
and/or 5th harmonic and nominal current as the ‘2nd Harmonic Blocking’ ones.
Figure 11 - Waveform for the 2nd Harmonic Blocking Test

Conclusion • Sub-harmonic level pick up value

The intention of this paper is to o Nominal Ratio
describe the test procedure for the
o Fundamental Ratio
commissioning of a sub-harmonic
protection relay by means of an advanced • Time delay
relay test system capable of generating the
• Total Sub-harmonic Distortion
waveforms needed for the simulation of
suitable test cases. • Operations / Minute Setting
A full description of the testing • 2nd Harmonic Blocking
process is provided as well as examples
• 5th Harmonic Blocking
showing typical waveforms used for testing
each feature. 1. REFERENCES
It is important to remark that sub- [1] “Sub-Synchronous Control
harmonic protection relays cannot be tested Interactions between Type 3 Wind
following a simple current and voltage Turbines and Series Compensated AC
injection, because each test requires a Transmission Systems”, Andrew L.
specific combination of fundamental signal Isaacs, Member, IEEE, Garth D. Irwin,
as well as sub-harmonic content. Member, IEEE and Amit K. Jindal,
Member, IEEE
The paper demonstrates the process to
test current or voltage detectors for the [2] “Reader’s Guide to Sub-Synchronous
following sub-harmonic detection settings: Resonance” and IEEE Committee
Report by Sub-Synchronous
• Frequency Range selectable between 5
Resonance Working Group of the
and 55 Hz
System Dynamic Performance
Subcommittee, Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol. 7, No. 1, February 1992
[3] “A Microprocessor-Based Sub-
Harmonic Protection Technique for
Wind Farms”, Krish Narendra, Dave
Fedirchuk, Adi Mulawarman, Pratap
Mysore, IEEE EPEC Conference 2011
[4] “New Microprocessor Based Relay to
Monitor and Protect Power Systems
against Sub-Harmonics”, K. Narendra,
D. Fedirchuk, R. Midence, N. Zhang,
A. Mulawarman, P. Mysore, V. Sood.,
IEEE EPEC Conference 2011
[5] “Performance Evaluation of a Sub-
Harmonic Protection Relay Using
Practical Waveforms” N. Perera, K.
Narendra, D. Fedirchuk, R. Midence,
V. Sood, IEEE EPEC Conference
[6] “Sub-harmonic protection application
for interconnections of series
compensated lines and wind farms”,
René Midence, Joe Perez, P.E., Adi
Mulawarman, Western Protection
Relay Conference 2012, Pullman,

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