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Exercise 4

Complete B's responses with the words in the box plus the correct prefix.

attractive / behave / scooked / criminalised / historic / moral / nourished / populated / replaceable / social
1 A: That house is so ugly.
B: Yes, it is rather unattractive .
2 A: We'll never find another leader like Sami.
B: Yes, he's absolutely 
3 A: That child is completely out of control.
B: I know. His parents do nothing when he 
4 A: Lola hates talking to people.
B: I know. She's very  .
5 A: What that banker did was very unethical.
B: I agree. I thought it was completely  .
6 A: The city has far too many people.
B: Yes, I'd heard it was 
7 A: Many will starve because of the disaster.
B: Over thirty percent of the children there are already 
8 A: The meat tasted almost raw.
B: Yes, I thought it was a bit  .
9 A: It's not illegal any more.
B: Yes, I heard it had been 
10 A: These paintings were done before recorded time.
B: So you're saying they're  ?

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